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Code Block
		StreamTableEnvironment tEnv        String schemaRegistryURL = ...;

		ConfluentSchemaRegistryCatalog        Map<String, String> kafkaProps = ...;
        SchemaRegistryCatalog catalog = new ConfluentSchemaRegistryCatalog(
        tEnv.registerCatalog("catalog1myCatalog", catalog);

		        // ---------- Consume stream from Kafka -------------------

		        // Assumes there is a topic named 'transactions'
        String query = "SELECT\n" +
			            "  id, amount\n" +
			            "FROM catalog1myCatalog.db1myDB.transactions1";

Design Proposal



Introduction to Confluent Schema Registry


What is a topic versus a schema versus a subject?

  • Subject: Schema Registry defines a scope in which schemas can evolve, and that scope is the subject. The name of the subject depends on the configured subject name strategy, which by default is set to derive subject name from topic name
  • Topic:A Kafka topic contains messages, and each message is a key-value pair. Either the message key or the message value, or both, can be serialized as Avro, JSON, or Protobuf
  • Schema name:Schema name, for Avro it is the record name, for Json, it is the title name

See terminology-review for details.

Subject Naming Strategy

There are 3 kinds of naming strategy for current 5.5.1 version:

  • TopicNameStrategy : <topic name>-key | <topic name>-value
  • RecordNameStrategy : <fully-qualified record name>-key |  <fully-qualified record name>-value
  • TopicRecordNameStrategy : <topic name>-<fully-qualified record name>-key | <topic name>-<fully-qualified record name>-value

The RecordNameStrategy allows different schemas(record type) within one Kafka topic,the schema compatibility check for same record name are among all the topics,while TopicRecordNameStrategy checks the compatibility of same record name schema within one Kafka topic.

See sr-schemas-subject-name-strategy for details.

The Restful API

See schemaregistry-api for details.


Schema Compatibility

From 5.5.0, Schema Registry allows different  compatibility level per-subject or globally, the Schema Registry service would force compatibility check when the schema evolves.

Schema & Format

Schema and Format Binding

From 5.5.0, user can get format for a schema through confluent SchemaRegistryClient#getLatestSchemaMetadata, i.e. Avro, Json or Protobuf.

Format Compatibility

The format also has its own compatibility rules, for example, for Avro:

Design Proposal

Note: We only support avro format for this FLIP !!!


The SchemaRegistryCatalog The ConfluentSchemaRegistryCatalog interacts with the Confluent Schema Registry Service directly through its RESTful API, java SDK client, e.g. the SchemaRegistryClient.

  • when open/initialize, it fetches all the topic list of current Kafka cluster and makes a cache in the memory.


  • when a specific catalog table info is requested from the SQL context, it fetches the Avro schema string and format type of the topic's latest subject schema, then generates a catalog table instance and put it into the local cache.
  • We dropped the idea to have table cache because the cache would introduce in-consistency with the latest SR state.

A catalog table instance with the following attributes was cached into the memorygenerated each time #getTable is invoked:

  • TableSchema: inferred from the Avro schema string
  • Confluent schema registry URL
  • The Avro schema string
  • The schema registry subject name (actually with format {topic-name}-value, used for write)
  • The Kafka topic name
  • Format named identifier "confluentavro-registry-avrosr", this helps to find formats for Confluent Schema Registry Se/De
  • Common properties for all the topics (as a parameter of the Catalog)

The graph below illustrates how this catalog works with the Confluent Schema Registry Service:



The SchemaRegistryCatalog.Builder can be used to configure the following options:

connectorOptionsfalse(null)Connector options for all the tables read from this catalog, the options are shared for all the tables, if you want to tweak or override per-table scope, use the dynamic table options or CREATE TABLE LIKE syntax.
schemaRegistryURLfalse(null)Schema Registry URL to connect to the registry service.
dbNametruekafkadatabase name
schemaRegsitryClienttrueCachedSchemaRegistryClient with default identityMapCapacity of 1000 Sets up the {@link SchemaRegistryClient} to connect to the registry service.
By default, the catalog holds a {@link CachedSchemaRegistryClient} with 1000
as {@code identityMapCapacity}.

This method is used for custom client configuration, i.e. the SSL configurations
or to change the default {@code identityMapCapacity}.

Basic Auth Security for Producers and Consumers


If you want to configure the client to enable SSL, use a custom SchemaRegistryClient when constructing the catalog.


RegistryAvroFormatFactory ConfluentRegistryAvroRowFormatFactory is a factory for Confluent Schema Registry Avro Se/De formats. It has following attributes:

  • format.type = confluent-registry-avro: avro-sr: factory ID, required
  • format.schema-registry.url: schema registry URL, required
  • schema-string: avro schema string, required
  • format.schema-registry.subject: subject to write to, required only for sink table

Public Interfaces

Code Block
 * Catalog for
 * <a href="">Confluent Schema Registry</a>.
 * It allows to access all the topics of current Confluent Schema Registry Service
 * through SQL or TableAPI, there is no need to create any table explicitly.
 * <p>The code snippet below illustrates how to use this catalog:
 * <pre>
 *      String schemaRegistryURL = ...;
 * 		Map<String, String> kafkaProps = ...;
 * 		SchemaRegistryCatalog catalog = SchemaRegistryCatalog.builder()
 * 				.schemaRegistryURL(schemaRegistryURL)
 * 				.kafkaOptions(kafkaProps)
 * 				.catalogName("myCatalog")
 * 				.dbName("myDB")
 * 				.build();
 * 		tEnv.registerCatalog("myCatalog", catalog);
 * 		// ---------- Consume stream from Kafka -------------------
 * 		// Assumes there is a topic named 'transactions'
 * 		String query = "SELECT\n" +
 * 			"  id, amount\n" +
 * 			"FROM myCatalog.myDB.transactions";
 * </pre>
 * <p>We only support TopicNameStrategy for subject naming strategy,
 * for which all the records in one topic has the same schema, see
 * <a href="">How the Naming Strategies Work</a>
 * for details.
 * <p>You can specify some common options for these topics. All the tables from this catalog
 * would take the same options. If this is not your request, use dynamic table options setting up
 * within per-table scope.
 * <p>The behaviors:
 * <ul>
 *     <li>The catalog only supports reading messages with the latest enabled schema for any given
 *     Kafka topic at the time when the SQL query was compiled.</li>
 *     <li>No time-column and watermark support.</li>
 *     <li>The catalog is read-only. It does not support table creations
 *     or deletions or modifications.</li>
 *     <li>The catalog only supports Kafka message values prefixed with schema id,
 *     this is also the default behaviour for the SchemaRegistry Kafka producer format.</li>
 * </ul>
public class SchemaRegistryCatalog extends TableCatalog {}

Code Block
 * Table format


 factory for providing configured instances of Schema Registry Avro to RowData
 * {@link SerializationSchema} and {@link DeserializationSchema}.
public class RegistryAvroFormatFactory implements
		SerializationFormatFactory {

The Expected Behaviors

  • The catalog only supports reading messages with the latest enabled schema for any given Kafka topic at the time when the SQL query was compiled
  • No time-column and watermark support
  • The catalog is read-only. It does not support table creations or deletions or modifications
  • The catalog only supports Kafka message values prefixed with schema id, this is also the default behavior for the SchemaRegistry Kafka producer format

The Table Schema and Watermark Definition

Table that reads from the ConfluentSchemaRegistryCatalog only has fields of the value part of the Kafka record which is with Avro format, for example, an Avro schema string

Code Block
{"namespace": "io.confluent.examples.clients.basicavro",
 "type": "record",
 "name": "Payment",
 "fields": [
     {"name": "id", "type": "string"},
     {"name": "amount", "type": "double"}

would yield Table schema <id: STRING, amount: DOUBLE>, there is no fields that comes from the record key part and no water mark strategy definition.

The Watermark Definition

Base on the FLIP-110, user can use the LIKE clause to append a watermark definition to the table reading from the Catalog, for example:

Code Block
CREATE [TEMPORARY] TABLE derived_table (
LIKE base_table; -- base_table comes from the ConfluentSchemaRegistryCatalog

The Key Fields as Part of the Schema

Base on the FLIP-110 and FLIP-107, user can use the LIKE clause to append key columns to the table reading from the Catalog, for example:

Code Block
CREATE [TEMPORARY] TABLE derived_table (
  id BIGINT,
  name STRING,
) WITH (
  'key.fields' = 'id, name',
  'key.format.type' = 'csv'
LIKE base_table; -- base_table comes from the ConfluentSchemaRegistryCatalog


Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

This is a new feature so there is no compatibility problem.

Implementation Plan

  • Add a new Catalog named ConfluentSchemaRegistryCatalog

  • Add a format factory ConfluentRegistryAvroRowFormatFactory

  • Add two formats: ConfluentRegistryAvroRowDeserializationSchema and ConfluentRegistryAvroRowSerializationSchema

Test Plan

The Confluent Schema Registry is a service on Kafka cluster, we need a e2e test for both read and write of Kafka topics.
