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Current state: "Under DiscussionAccepted"
Discussion thread: here
Voting thread: here
Jira | ||||||
All metrics listed above are simply cumulative sums of the number of tasks/agents in each respective state. Thus, since as these are cumulative sums, it is expected that the counters, we expect that when a Trogdor cluster has finished all tasks, we'll have created-task-count = running-task-count = done-task-count when a Trogdor cluster has finished all tasks.
Proposed Changes
We propose adding a TrogdorMetrics class to Trogdor that exposes the aforementioned metrics. Since Trogdor agents and tasks share a common Platform class, a TrogdorContainer class will be created inside the Platform class to allow for the creation of a shared TrogdorMetrics instance between the Agent and Coordinator classes.