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Given the following scenario:


When your Workflow/PGE task is done, you can ingest the output files into the remote FileManager using org.apache.oodt.cas.filemgr.datatransfer.RemoteDataTransferFactory as the clientTransferer.



The idea here is to use NFS to mount the data archive onto a common root file path. Then all file paths will appear to be on the local file system.

  1. Edit /etc/exports to allow machineB to see the data archive on machineA (for more information, type "man exports")

    Code Block
    titlemachineA: /etc/exports
    /Users/me/filemgr/data/archive -network= -mask=
  2. Restart the NFS service on machineA

    No Format
    sudo nfsd restart
  3. Mount the remote file system on machineB (for more information, type "man mount")

    No Format
    sudo mkdir -p /net/machineA
    sudo mount -t nfs machineA:/Users/me/filemgr/data/archive /net/machineA
  4. Create a symbolic link on machineA

    No Format
    sudo ln -s /Users/me/filemgr/data/archive /net/machineA
  5. Edit product-types.xml to use the symbolic link

    Code Block
    titlemachineA: product-types.xml
    <type id="urn:MyProdTypeId" name="MyProdTypeName">
      <repository path="file:///net/machineA"/>
  6. The FileManager should now return file paths that are reachable by machineB.

Wiki MarkupIf your products were already previously ingested, you must update the {{\[FileLocation\]}} metadata element for your ingested products. There are several ways to update the catalog with the new NFS file location:

  • Re-ingest, making sure the repository path in product-types.xml uses the NFS mount.
  • Re-ingest, using a different Versioner, which gives the NFS mount as final file location.
  • MetadataBasedProductMover. Run the following locally on machineA:

    No Format
    java -Djava.ext.dirs=../lib \
        --fileManagerUrl http://localhost:9000 \
        --typeName MyProdTypeName \
        --pathSpec /net/machineA/[Filename]


Use fmprod

The idea here is to deploy a Product Server to allow anyone to download products with an HTTP request.

  1. Build fmprod (assumes you have OODT sources checked out)

    No Format
    cd webapp/fmprod
    mvn clean package
  2. Deploy fmprod (cas-product-VERSION.war)
  3. Download the product with an HTTP request (GET or POST)
    • To get a


      file product, use the "productID" query parameter.

      No Format
      curl 'http://webappMachine/fmprod/data?productID=< your product id >'
    • To get a hierarchical product: use additional 'refIndex' parameter or format parameter. Note 'refIndex=0' is the directory name.

      No Format
      curl 'http://webappMachine/fmprod/data?productID=< your product id >&refIndex=1'
      curl 'http://webappMachine/fmprod/data?productID=< your product id >&format=application/x-zip'
    • To get a dataset (products of a certain type) as a zip file, use the "typeID" query parameter.

      No Format
      curl 'http://webappMachine/fmprod/dataset?typeID=< your product type id >'
    • The filename is sent to to requesting client in the server header. It's possible to force wget and curl to use this information to name the file. To download a product and to figure out the product name from the server header information use one of the following commands:

      No Format
      curl --remote-name --remote-header-name http://webappMachine/fmprod/data?productID=< your product id >
      wget --content-disposition http://webappMachine/fmprod/data?productID=< your product id >
  4. The previous download step can be wrapped in a "FileStager" task. Subsequent tasks can now operate on the downloaded local file.
