Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Where to find the CloudStack code

Source The master source code repository code is hosted at:

You can send in diffs of your changes to the Cloudstack development mailing list, where your diffs will be reviewed and committed to the master branch that syncs up often with the external public git branch.

The master git branch is what Apache Cloudstack developers work with. To clone this branch, you will need to do -


There is a faster read-only mirror at









You may want to pull a specific sub-branch of cloudstack-oss. To do this, you will need to first pull the cloudstack-oss branch using the git clone command above, and then, do -

       git checkout <sub_branch_you_want_to_pull>

For example, 3.0.1 is the sub branch that was released to the Apache Software Foundation, so you would pull this branch using -

       git checkout vpc

If you ever need to clean up temp files not tracked by git that git may complain about when pulling sub branches or changing git branches, execute the command below (but please backup any of these files if you need them since this command will wipe out any files not tracked by git!) -

       git clean -d -fx ""

NOTE: If you issue the above clean command, your build/override/ directory would be removed, so you would need to re-create it. Refer to the section "How to build the cloudstack code" below to see how to create this directory and what to put into it.

Say you wish to make changes to your local sub-branch, it is always a good idea to checkout another branch from your newly created local sub-branch.

Let's summarize all the typical steps you will need to carry out, below -

Step 1) Go to the master -

        git checkout master

Step 2) Either make your changes on this branch (for a simple bugfix patch), or, create a new local branch from master -

$ git checkout -b my-feature
Switched to a new branch 'my-feature'

Step 3) Confirm that you are on your new my-feature branch -

$ git branch
* my-feature

Step 4) Make your changes to the new my-feature branch, and git commit your changes.

Step 5) Ready your patch for submission upstream

If you did this on the master branch:

    •  $ git format-patch origin   # this will provide a patch for each commit that is on your local copy of the branch that isn't upstream.    

If you did this on a topic branch

    • $ git format-patch origin master # this will provide a patch for each commit that's on your local branch that isn't on upstreams master

Step 6) Submit your patches for review. 

There are three different methods by which patches may be submitted upstream. 

  • Create a review request in ReviewBoard and upload your patches
  • Use git-send-email to the cloudstack-dev mailing list.
  • Create a bug in Jira and upload your patch to that bug

Other useful git commands

git stash

  - Lets you stash away the changes if you don't want to commit them yet but want to change your branch

git stash apply


There is a github read-only mirror on github at

We are using a variant of git-flow to manage branches. See our page on Git for more information.git stash drop

How to build the cloudstack code

Refer to this page for details on how to set up a build environment for cloudstack on Windows -


Refer to the Cloudstack Error Codes and Exception handling page for details on Cloudstack's exception processing.