The plugin is configured with Brocade VDX Switch details (like IP Address, Username/Password) using APIs or GUI for Brocade VCS Service Provider. The APIs are listed in WebServices APIs section below.
Parameter Name | Description | Required |
hostname | Hostname of the Brocade Vcs Switch. | true |
username | Credentials to access the Brocade Vcs Switch | true |
password | Credentials to access the Brocade Vcs Switch | true |
physicalnetworkid | The Physical Network ID | true |
Parameter Name | Description |
addbrocadevcsdeviceresponse | Response object |
Parameter Name | Description | Required |
vcsdeviceid | device id of the Brocade Vcs Switch | true |
Parameter Name | Description |
deletebrocadevcsdeviceresponse | Response object |
Parameter Name | Description | Required |
vcsdeviceid | device id of the Brocade VCs Switch | false |
physicalnetworkid | The Physical Network ID | false |
Following tables are created for the plugin:
`id` bigint unsigned unsigned NOT NULL AUTO AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'id',
`uuid` `uuid` varchar(255) UNIQUE,
`physical_network_id` bigint unsigned unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT COMMENT 'id of the physical network in to which brocade vcs switch is added',
`provider_name` name` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT COMMENT 'Service Provider name corresponding to this brocade vcs switch',
`device_name` name` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT COMMENT 'name of the brocade vcs switch',
`host_id` bigint unsigned unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT COMMENT 'host id coresponding to the external brocade vcs switch',
2. brocade_network_vlan_map: For maintaining the mapping of the network and it’s vlanid.
`id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'id',
Figure 3 shows the sequence diagram for port profile creation, VM MAC address association to port profile and enabling monitoring of the switch. The NetworkOrchestrator invokes the BrocadeGuestNetworkGuru to implement the isolated network at the time of first VM creation. The BrocadeVdxGuestNetworkGuru finds the switches used for this network based on Zone and Pod of the network from the pod-switch properties file. It checks if the switch is already configured by doing does a lookup from the database table for network-switch mapping. If not available, it reads the switch details from the pre-configured properties file, configures a BrocadeVdxResource for this switch and adds it to the ResourceManager and to the database table for network-switch mapping. The ResourceManager calls the AgentManager to create an agent for this resource and enables the periodic pinging (monitoring) of the switch for its availabilityswitches based on the physical network used for this network. The BrocadeGuestNetworkGuru then creates an instance of CreatePortProfileCommand and sends it to AgentManager. The AgentManager uses the agent created for this host to call the BrocadeVdxResource to execute this command by using the BrocadeVdxApi. The BrocadeVdxApi interacts with the switch using REST API to create port profile for this network on the switch.
The NetworkOrchestrator invokes the BrocadeGuestNetworkGuru to reserve the resource for the VM at the time of VM creation. The BrocadeVdxGuestNetworkGuru does a lookup from the database table for network-switch mapping to find the switch switches based on the network where VM is createdphysical network used for this network. The BrocadeGuestNetworkGuru then creates an instance of AssociateMacToPortProfileCommand for the VM MAC address association with network’s port profile and sends it to AgentManager. The AgentManager uses the agent created for this host to call the BrocadeVdxResource to execute this command by using the BrocadeVdxApi. The BrocadeVdxApi interacts with the switch using REST API to associate the VM MAC address to port profile for this network on the switch.
Figure 4 shows
Figure 4 showsthe sequence diagram for port profile deletion, VM MAC address disassociation from port profile of the network
and disabling monitoring of the switch. The NetworkOrchestrator invokes the BrocadeGuestNetworkGuru to deallocate the resources for the VM at the time of destroying VM. The BrocadeVdxGuestNetworkGuru does a lookup from the database table for
network-switch mapping to find the switchswitches based on the
network where VM is deletedphysical network used for this network. The BrocadeGuestNetworkGuru then creates an instance of DisassociateMacFromPortProfileCommand for the VM MAC address disassociation from network’s port profile and sends it to AgentManager. The AgentManager uses the agent created for this host to call the BrocadeVdxResource to execute this command by using the BrocadeVdxApi. The BrocadeVdxApi interacts with the switch using REST API to disassociate the VM MAC address from port profile for this network on the switch.
The NetworkOrchestrator invokes the BrocadeGuestNetworkGuru to trash the resources at the time of deleting isolated network.
.The BrocadeVdxGuestNetworkGuru does a lookup from the database table for
network-switch mapping to find the switchswitches based on the physical network used for this network. The BrocadeGuestNetworkGuru then creates an instance of DeletePortProfileCommand and sends it to AgentManager. The AgentManager uses the agent created for this host to call the BrocadeVdxResource to execute this command by using the BrocadeVdxApi. The BrocadeVdxApi interacts with the switch using REST API to delete port profile for this network on the switch.
The BrocadeGuestNetworkGuru also deletes the network-switch mapping from network-switch mapping database table. If there are no isolated networks using this physical switch, the BrocadeGuestNetworkGuru deletes this resourceFigure 5 shows the sequence diagram for adding Brocade Switch and enabling monitoring of the Switch. The BrocadeVdxElement configures a BrocadeVdxResource for the switch and adds it to the ResourceManager. The ResourceManager calls the AgentManager to create an agent for this resource and enables the periodic pinging (monitoring) of the switch for its availability.
Figure 6 shows the sequence diagram for deleting Brocade Switch and disabling monitoring of the Switch. The BrocadeVdxElement deletes the resource for this switch from the ResourceManager. The ResourceManager calls the AgentManager to delete an agent for this resource and disable the periodic pinging (monitoring) of the switch for its availability.