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DAS Java Menu

DAS Projects

This document proves a high-level overview of the Java DAS (Data Access Services) provides information on DAS Java subproject of the Apache Tuscany incubator project.

DAS Java Getting Started

To get started with Java DAS, follow the downloads link and pick up either a binary or source distribution. If you are working from a source distribution, you can follow the general instructions for building the whole of the Tuscany java projects, or you can follow the intructions within the DAS Java overview to build and explore just DAS java.

General DAS Documentation

Title Description
DAS White Paper: The Data Access Service How to access relational data in terms of Service Data Objects
JDJ DAS Article How to access relational data in terms of Service Data Objects

DAS Java Overview

Currently, the project's code base includes an implementation of a DAS RDB (relational database) with following key features :

DAS Java Project Structure

The DAS RDB project is divided into three parts:

das.rdb contains the DAS interfaces and the RDB (Relational Database) runtime implementation.

samples.das provides sample applications based on DAS.

distribution.das provides DAS binaries distribution with required dependencies.

distribution.das-samples provides DAS samples distribution as a ready-to-deploy war file.

DAS high level class diagram

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Build Environment Setup


Build Environment Setup

DAS is a subproject of the Tuscany Java project subtree. If you check out and build the whole Tuscany Java project, you will have also built the DAS subproject. If you want to work with the DAS project, without the rest of Tuscany, skip to the next section.

To build the whole Tuscany project follow these instructions.

DAS Java Build Environment Setup

If you want to work with the DAS project alone, without the rest of Tuscany, proceed with the following steps.

Show how this can be done

Build DAS subproject

Set up your environment using the instructions for building the whole of Tuscany, but only download and install Java 5, Maven and Svn

Make sure 'mvn' and 'svn' commands are in your PATH environment variable.

Check out the DAS open source projects from Apache.


md <local tuscany dir>
cd <local tuscany dir>
svn co Removed

Run "mvn" under <local tuscany dir>/java directory to install POM files from the root project to the local repositoryCommands:

cd <local tuscany dir>/java/das

If the mvn command completed successfully, you will see BUILD SUCCESSFUL in the output and tuscany-das-rdb-1.0-SNAPSHOP.jar is created under <local tuscany dir>/java/das/rdb/target directory.

(lightbulb) External resources are at times unavailable. It may be necessary to run "mvn" again at a later time.If you are taking time to reply to firewall prompts, this can cause some requests to
Use of Firewall can cause time out. Set up the firewall to permit the action without prompting.

Building Javadoc for DAS

In order to build DAS Javadocs, you will need to build the a specific maven profile called "javadoc"Commands:

cd <local tuscany dir>/java/das
mvn -P javadoc

Note: Javadoc will be become available at <local tuscany dir>/java/das/rdb/target/apidocs/index.html.

Dependency Jars for DAS.RDB

The DAS.RDB project has a dependency on SDO and requires the following SDO runtime jars to build

sdo-api-r2.0.1-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar - SDO 2.0 Interfaces
tuscany-sdo-impl-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar - SDO 2.0 implementation

The SDO.IMPL project have dependencies on the following EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework - runtime jars to build:

common-2.2.1.jar - some common framework utility and base classes
ecore-2.2.1.jar - the EMF core runtime implementation classes (the Ecore metamodel)
ecore-change-2.2.1.jar - the EMF change recorder and framework
ecore-xmi-2.2.1.jar - EMF's default XML (and XMI) serializer and loader
xsd-2.2.1.jar - the XML Schema model
log4j-1.2.12.jar - log4j logging framework

Running DAS Samples

DAS provide sample a CompanyWeb scenario where it exposes some of the DAS Features integrated in a J2EE webapp.
Follow the steps below to be able to run the samples in a J2EE webserver (in our case Apache Tomcat)

From the source repository

checkout DAS Sample from SVN repository:
md 'local tuscany dir'
cd 'local tuscany dir'
svn co Removed das

use maven to build the CompanyWeb war file:

cd das\samples

use maven to deploy the CompanyWeb war file to Tomcat

mvn tomcat:deploy

There are also some sample applications that use a mix of SCA, SDO and DAS. See "Running the Samples" on the Java project page for details.
Please check to make sure this is correct

From a DAS Sample distribution (starting with M2):

Download a das-sample distribution from Removed

Extract the companyweb war file Follow and follow regular deployment procedures to deploy the war file

Running Tuscany DAS Unit Tests

DAS is currently providing two sets of unit tests

JUnit tests for the core DAS code

HTMLUnit tests integrated with Tomcat for DAS CompanyWeb sample applicationBelow we are going to describe how you can exercise these two sets of tests, and we recommend you running them after contributing code/patches for DAS to validate that your new changes are not introducing

any regressionsPlease run unit tests as a good practice before submitting your contribution.

Running DAS tests as part of the build

-cd 'local tuscany dir'/java/das_
mvn test

Running org.apache.tuscany.das.rdb.test.suites.AllTestsDerby
Setting up for Derby run
Ending Derby run
Tests run: 137, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 33.468 sec

Results :

Tests run: 137, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO Total time: 57 seconds
INFO Finished at: Tue Oct 03 12:06:13 PDT 2006
INFO Final Memory: 5M/10M
INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Running DAS CompanyWeb tests in tomcat

Download tomcat distribution into your local filesystem : Removed

Create a in your root directory (e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\lresende in Win2K systems) with the following contents

tuscany.acceptance.tomcat.zipped='directory where tomcat was downloaded'

checkout DAS Sample from SVN repository:

md 'local tuscany dir'
cd 'local tuscany dir'
svn co Removed das

use maven run the DAS CompanyWeb tests in Tomcat:

cd das/samples/testing/tomcat

Running org.apache.tuscany.test.das.DasTestCase
Running:HomePage SUCCESS!!!
Running:AllCompanies SUCCESS!!!
Running:AllCompaniesDepartments SUCCESS!!!
Running:AddDepartmentToFirstCompany SUCCESS!!!
Running:ChangeCompanyDepartmentNames SUCCESS!!!
Running:DeleteCompanyOneDepartments SUCCESS!!!
Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 14.911 sec

Results :

Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO Reactor Summary:
INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO Tuscany Testing in Tomcat ............................. SUCCESS 0.251s
INFO Tuscany Testing DAS Sample - Companyweb ............... SUCCESS 17.791s
INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO Total time: 1 minute 18 seconds
INFO Finished at: Tue Oct 03 12:25:48 PDT 2006
INFO Final Memory: 7M/15M
INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Note: (lightbulb) Due to a current limitation, you must run mvn clean before you can run the tests a second time

DAS RDB Code Structure

Currently, the project's code base includes an implementation of a DAS RDB (relational database) and it is divided into three parts:

1. das.rdb contains the DAS interfaces and the RDB (Relational Database) runtime implementation.

2. samples.das provides sample applications based on DAS.

3. distribution.das provides DAS binaries distribution with required dependencies.

Please note that distribution.das-samples provides DAS samples distribution as a ready-to-deploy war file.

Following diagram shows the high level class diagram for RDB DAS.
Should the following be moved to architecture guide for RDB DAS?

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