Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


Code Block
package org.apache.wicket.components.embed;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.wicket.Response;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.ComponentTag;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.MarkupStream;
import org.apache.wicket.util.value.IValueMap;


public class ShockWaveComponent
    * @author Jan Kriesten
 * @author manuelbarzi
public class ShockWaveComponent extends ObjectContainer
  	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
  	private static final String CONTENTTYPE = "application/x-shockwave-flash";
  	private static final String CLSID = "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000";
  	private static final String CODEBASE = ",0,0,0";
  	// valid attributes
  	private static final List<String> attributeNames = Arrays.asList( new String[] {
      "data" } );
  	// valid parameters
  	private static final List<String> parameterNames = Arrays.asList( new String[] {
      "allowscriptaccess", "seamlesstabbing" } );
  	// combined options (to iterate over them)
  	private static final List<String> optionNames = new ArrayList<String>( attributeNames.size() + parameterNames.size() );
    		optionNames.addAll( attributeNames );
    		optionNames.addAll( parameterNames );
  	private Map<String, String> attributes;
  	private Map<String, String> parameters;
  	public ShockWaveComponent( String id )
    		super( id );
		attributes = new HashMap<String, String>();
    		parameters = new HashMap<String, String>();
  	public ShockWaveComponent( String id, String movie, String width, String height )
    		this( id );
		setValue( "movie", movie );
    		setValue( "width", width );
    		setValue( "height", height );
  	public void setValue( String name, String value )
    		// IE and other browsers handle movie/data differently. So movie is used
		// for IE, whereas
    		// data is used for all other browsers. The class uses movie parameter
		// to handle url and
    		// puts the values to the maps depending on the browser information
    		String parameter = name.toLowerCase();
    if( 		if ("data".equals( parameter ) )
      			parameter = "movie";
		if ("movie".equals( parameter ) && !getClientProperties().isBrowserInternetExplorer() )
      			attributes.put( "data", value );
		if (attributeNames.contains( parameter ) )
      			attributes.put( parameter, value );
    		else if ( parameterNames.contains( parameter ) )
      			parameters.put( parameter, value );
  	public String getValue( String name )
    		String parameter = name.toLowerCase();
    		String value = null;
		if ("data".equals( parameter ) )
      if( 			if (getClientProperties().isBrowserInternetExplorer() )
      				return null;
			parameter = "movie";
		if (attributeNames.contains( parameter ) )
			value      value = attributes.= attributes.get( parameter );
    		else if ( parameterNames.contains( parameter ) )
      			value = parameters.get( parameter );
		// special treatment of movie to resolve to the url
    if( 		if (value != null && parameter.equals( "movie" ) )
      			value = resolveResource( value );

		return value;

	public void onComponentTag( ComponentTag tag )
    		// get options from the markup
    		IValueMap valueMap = tag.getAttributes();
		// Iterate over valid options
    for( 		for (String s : optionNames )
      if( 			if (valueMap.containsKey( s ) )
        				// if option isn't set programmatically, set value from markup
        if( 				if (!attributes.containsKey( s ) && !parameters.containsKey( s ) )
          					setValue( s, valueMap.getString( s ) );
        				// remove attribute - they are added in super.onComponentTag()
				// to
        				// the right place as attribute or param
        				valueMap.remove( s );
    super.onComponentTag( tag );


	public void onComponentTagBody(MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag openTag) {

		super.onComponentTagBody(markupStream, openTag);

		Response response = getResponse();

		// add all object's parameters in embed tag too:
		addParameter(response, "type", CONTENTTYPE);
		for (String name : getParameterNames()) {
			String value = getValue(name);
			if (value != null) {
				name = "movie".equals(name) ? "src" : name;
				addParameter(response, name, value);
		for (String name : getAttributeNames()) {
			if ("width".equals(name) || "height".equals(name)) {
				String value = getValue(name);
				if (value != null) {
					addParameter(response, name, value);
		response.write(" />\n");


	private void addParameter(Response response, String name, String value) {
		response.write(" ");

	protected String getClsid( )
  		return CLSID;

	protected String getCodebase( )
  		return CODEBASE;

	protected String getContentType( )
  		return CONTENTTYPE;

	protected List<String> getAttributeNames( )
  		return attributeNames;

	protected List<String> getParameterNames( )
  		return parameterNames;

Now you can just use it and add it to a Panel:
