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Release notes

  • Bug
    • SM-607 - Files dropped into the install directory sometimes result in a "file in use by another process" error
    • SM-1111 - Endpoint operation information lost when routing through camel
    • SM-1136 - PreDestroy being called for each exchange when it's not configured that way.
    • SM-1157 - maven-jbi-plugin creates wrong classpath entries in jbi.xml for SE
    • SM-1158 - Cxf BC provider should handle soap message correctly when soap message has empty soap header
    • SM-1159 - Cxf bc provider should check MessageExchange status before send out the message to avoid "Out not supported" exception.
    • SM-1161 - jbi-service-unit causes infinite loop when dependency graph is not cycle-free
    • SM-1163 - CXF SE missing type attribute in jbi outbound message
    • SM-1170 - Geronimo deployer and plugin build failures
    • SM-1171 - BeanEndpoint can receive messages before it has fully started, causing exceptions
    • SM-1172 - namespace prefix missing from jbi mesage to soap message
    • SM-1175 - spring-jmx is dependent on spring-aop and needs included in the servicemix/lib directory
    • SM-1184 - Data loss due to random exceptions in a saxon service unit
    • SM-1186 - NormalizedMessageImpl.getAttachment() returns DataHandler when it should return null
    • SM-1189 - Race condintion in Auto Deployer
    • SM-1191 - Couldn't deploy >1 separate servicemix-camel service-units
    • SM-1193 - Cxf Se endpoint should support the interfaceName is null in the incoming exchange
    • SM-1196 - XmlSchema version upgrade required for CXF components
    • SM-1197 - Archetype itests failing
    • SM-1198 - servicemix-jms unit tests are hanging
    • SM-1199 - Current release of ServiceMix 3.2.1 (as per 2008/01/20) still required MyBootstrap class for a ServiceEngine
    • SM-1200 - Problems using document('') inside xslt, depending on the source type
    • SM-1201 - Move mock classes from servicemix-soap2 subproject to a better location
    • SM-1203 - Rollback does not work when using XA
    • SM-1209 - JmsConsumerEndpoint doesn't shut down the Spring AbstractMessageListenerContainer properly
    • SM-1210 - provide locationURI attribute for cxfbc:consumer endpoint so that customer can specify the address which will override the one in wsdl.
    • SM-1214 - Sitemesh TLD contains illegal short-name in web-console
    • SM-1216 - NoClassDefFoundError: org/aopalliance/intercept/MethodInvocation
    • SM-1217 - Deployment fails with ZipException
    • SM-1219 - camel pipeline does not copy over properties
    • SM-1220 - MTOM not returning attachments from NormalizedMessages
    • SM-1224 - Maven archetype plugin unable to locate servicemix-** archetypes
    • SM-1225 - cxf bc provider should support exchange without specifing the operationName if portType only have one operation
    • SM-1228 - MTomCheckInterceptor force attachment writing even if there are no attachments
    • SM-1232 - Mtom not working correctly with cxf-bc provider
    • SM-1240 - jbi:embeddedServicemix goal does not wait forever anymore
    • SM-1243 - servicemix-cxf-se proxy can not be used without the #context attribute
    • SM-1251 - CXF BC provider doesn't produce WS-Addressing Headers
    • SM-1252 - CXF BC provider doesn't detect automatically the SOAP version of the message to send
    • SM-1254 - Possible memory leak when the jms consumer can not send the response back to the broker
    • SM-1259 - Error in CxfBc WrapperOutInterceptor - uses the location in the iterator.
    • SM-1260 - CXFBC doesn't support multiple parts defined in wsdl.
    • SM-1262 - SMX 3.2 org.apache.servicemix.lwcontainer.LwContainerComponentTest fails if the maven repository location is non-default.
    • SM-1263 - LwContainerComponentTest fails on windows on the 3.2.2 branch
    • SM-1265 - Truncation of SM_STORE.ID field by eip component when using a jdbcStore
    • SM-1267 - maven-jbi-plugin refuses to include jbi-component jars into SE packages
    • SM-1268 - ServiceMix 3.2.2 servicemix-cxf-se /CxfSeSpringTest failing due to recent changes to the component.
    • SM-1272 - cocurrency problem in cxf bc provider
    • SM-1273 - Add repository entry for dependencies
    • SM-1274 - Deployables should build before archetypes
    • SM-1275 - SMX parent pom do not have maven-checkstyle-plugin version locked so picking up checkstyle 4.3 version gives some checkstyle errors.
    • SM-1276 - ServiceMix 3.2 deployables/serviceengines/servicemix-lwcontainer had test dependency on servicemix-quartz but SMX-quartz get build later than lwcontainer component.
    • SM-1278 - While using DefaultMessageListenerContainer transactions are not properly rolled back
    • SM-1280 - FTP poller stalls because the connection pool is empty
    • SM-1281 - Preserving or configuring content-type of http-header
    • SM-1283 - SMX 3.2 deployables should build serviceengines before bindingcomponents to avoid servicemix-cxf-bc test failure on clean repo.
    • SM-1286 - Saxon does not resolve xsl imports / includes relative to the location
    • SM-1287 - <drools:namespace-context /> element does not work anymore
    • SM-1288 - <http:consumer/> endpoints do not work when used with another web server than jetty
    • SM-1294 - Null MessageExchange parameter passed to sendError() method after HttpConsumerEndpoint timeout
    • SM-1301 - should use getDefaultBus api but not create bus explicitly
    • SM-1303 - generate endpoint description for cxf se endpoint so that we can see the wsdl from webconsole when deploy into tomcat
    • SM-1304 - Servicemix-cxf-bc provider fails to send a correct soap msg when useJBIWrapper=false
    • SM-1309 - SmxHttpExchange: Method intended to override HttpExchange not named correctly
    • SM-1312 - build broken for servicemix-wsn2005 module
    • SM-1318 - cxf bc provider should load transport according to endpoint from wsdl but not hardcoded
    • SM-1325 - README update for the servicemix-web sample
    • SM-1328 - cxf bc provider should support unqualified fault defined in the wsdl
    • SM-1331 - cxf-bc provider not handling soap headers correctly
    • SM-1334 - oneway invocation exception with cxfbc jms transport
    • SM-1340 - using servicemix-cxf-bc to proxy extenal web service,return the message which lost 'xsd' and 'xsi' namespace
    • SM-1343 - camel component lost the property which was set in the JBI endpoint
    • SM-1344 - NPE in servicemix-http ws-security when not configuring the keystore
    • SM-1349 - SimpleFlatFileMarshaler runs out of memory on big files
    • SM-1351 - Cxf Bc should transform import xsd to inline xsd for endpoint's definition
    • SM-1352 - content based router does not work anymore because of wrong evaluate mode
    • SM-1353 - Problem with CXF SE component after stop and restart
    • SM-1356 - cxf-bc tests failing due to CxfBcProvider schema import handling throws null pointer exception.
    • SM-1357 - EL in web console are not evaluated in WebSphere 6.1
    • SM-1365 - OSWorkflow tests using example file which includes wrong dtd version
    • SM-1368 - Bug with backslashes in SMX 3.2.2-SNAPSHOT under Windows
    • SM-1369 - all modules in servicemix build failed when generate checkstyle report since it expect a LICENSE file in current folder
    • SM-1373 - Camel component does not forward out message correctly when used in a pipeline
    • SM-1377 - servicemix-file endpoint error
    • SM-1382 - Camel cannot change JbiExchange's out message when JBI InOnly MessageExchange was initially received
    • SM-1393 - ServiceMix client does not send the DONE status when using the request() method
    • SM-1394 - CxfBcRMSequenceTest intermittent failures on windows.
    • SM-1397 - Explicitly specifying a MEP on a JBI endpoint should override the Camel Exchange's MEP
    • SM-1407 - Memory Leak in http consumer processor when a timeout occurs
    • SM-1419 - cxf bc provider should load cxf bus interceptor configuration as well
    • SM-1420 - Some servicemix pom refer to which is not online so needs to be changed to
    • SM-1425 - Property 'property' not found when xmlns="" is defined
    • SM-1426 - HTTP Provider does not return any JBI response (out/fault/error message) when get a "Connection refused:" from remote http endpoint
    • SM-1427 - Soap marshalers can not be overriden
    • SM-1430 - Incoming attachments not processed in CxfBcProviderMessageObserver.
    • SM-1431 - CXF (se proxy) routing issues with same servicenames
    • SM-1434 - servicemix-jms does not honor jms 1.02 when sending the out message as a consumer
    • SM-1443 - The servicemix-binding-component archetype test named MySpringComponentTest is missing a public constructor
    • SM-1458 - servicemix-ftp is unable to poll subdirectories on GuildFTP
    • SM-1464 - The 'rescheduleTimeouts' property of the SplitAggregator does not work
    • SM-1471 - cxf bc provider should handle response message with security soap header correctly
    • SM-1472 - servicemix-archetypes-itests tests failed
    • SM-1482 - ServiceMix doesn't start: no matching PropertyEditor found for String -> ObjectName
