Versions Compared


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Everything is a log : Hudi also has an append-only, cloud data storage friendly design, that lets Hudi manage data on across all the major cloud providers seamlessly, implementing principles from def~log-structured-storage systems. 


key-value data model : On the writer side, Hudi table is modeled as a key-value dataset, where each def~record has a unique def~record-key. Additionally, a record key may also include the def~partitionpath under which the record is partitioned and stored. This often helps in cutting down the search space during index lookups.

Table Layout

With an understanding of key technical motivations for the projects, let's now dive deeper into design of the system itself. At a high level,  components for writing Hudi tables are embedded into an Apache Spark job using one of the supported ways and it produces a set of files on def~backing-dfs-storage, that represents a Hudi def~table. Query engines like Apache Spark, Presto, Apache Hive can then query the table, with certain guarantees (that will discuss below).


  • upsert() support with fast, pluggable indexing
  • Incremental queries that scan only new data efficiently
  • Atomically publish data with rollback support, Savepoints for data recovery
  • Snapshot isolation between writer & queries using def~mvcc style design
  • Manages file sizes, layout using statistics
  • Self managed def~compaction of updates/deltas against existing records.
  • Timeline metadata to audit changes to data
  • GDPR, Data deletions, Compliance.


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Merge On Read Table


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Table Layout

Table Types 

The implementation specifics of the two def~table-types are detailed below.


Copy On Write Table




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Hudi writing is implemented as a Spark library, which makes it easy to integrate into existing data pipelines or ingestion libraries (which we will refer to as `Hudi clients`). Hudi Clients prepare an `RDD[HoodieRecord]` that contains the data to be upserted and Hudi upsert/insert is merely a Spark DAG, that can be broken into two big pieces.

  • Indexing : A big part of Hudi's efficiency comes from indexing the mapping from record keys to the file ids, to which they belong to. This index also helps the `HoodieWriteClient` separate upserted records into inserts and updates, so they can be treated differently. `HoodieReadClient` supports operations such as `filterExists` (used for de-duplication of table) and an efficient batch `read(keys)` api, that can read out the records corresponding to the keys using the index much quickly, than a typical scan via a query. The index is also atomically updated each commit, and is also rolled back when commits are rolled back.
  • Storage : The storage part of the DAG is responsible for taking an `RDD[HoodieRecord]`, that has been tagged as an insert or update via index lookup, and writing it out efficiently onto storage.

Data Files

Hudi organizes a datasets table into a directory folder structure under a `basepath` on def~table-basepath on DFS. Dataset is broken up into partitionsIf the table is partitioned by some columns, then there are additional def~table-partitions under the base path, which are folders containing data files for that partition, very similar to Hive tables. Each partition is uniquely identified by its `partitionpath`its def~partitionpath, which is relative to the basepath.
Within  Within each partition, files are organized into `file groups` def~file-groups, uniquely identified by a `file id`def~file-id. Each file group contains several `file slices`several def~file-slices, where each slice contains a base columnar def~base-file (`*.parquet`e.g: parquet) produced at a certain commit/compaction instant def~instant-time, along with set of log files (`*.log.*`) that def~log-files  that contain inserts/updates to the base file since the base file was producedlast written. Hudi adopts a MVCC design, where compaction action merges logs and base files to produce new file slices and cleaning action gets rid of unused/older file slices to reclaim space on DFS.Hudi provides efficient upserts, by mapping a given hoodie key (record key + partition path) consistently to a file group, via an indexing mechanism. This mapping between record key and file group/file id, never changes once the first version of a record has been written to a file. In short, the mapped file group contains all versions of a group of records.

Image AddedFig : Shows four file groups 1,2,3,4 with base and log files, with few file slices each


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Write Operations


Table Types

The implementation specifics of the two def~table-types are detailed below.

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Copy On Write Table

def~copy-on-write (COW)

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def~copy-on-write (COW)
def~copy-on-write (COW)

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Merge On Read Table

def~merge-on-read (MOR)

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def~merge-on-read (MOR)
def~merge-on-read (MOR)

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Write Operations

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Optimized DFS Access






Hudi also performs several key storage management functions on the data stored in a Hudi dataset def~table. A key aspect of storing data on DFS is managing file sizes and counts and reclaiming storage space. For e.g HDFS is infamous for its handling of small files, which exerts memory/RPC pressure on the Name Node and can potentially destabilize the entire cluster. In general, query engines provide much better performance on adequately sized columnar files, since they can effectively amortize cost of obtaining column statistics etc. Even on some cloud data stores, there is often cost to listing directories with large number of small files.

Here are some ways to , Hudi writing efficiently manage manages the storage of your Hudi datasetsdata.

  • The [ small file handling feature](configurations.html#compactionSmallFileSize) in feature in Hudi, profiles incoming workload and distributes inserts to existing file groups def~file-group instead of creating new file groups, which can lead to small files.Cleaner can be [configured](configurations.html#retainCommits) to clean up older file slices, more or less aggressively depending on maximum time for queries to run & lookback needed for incremental pull
  • Employing a cache of the def~timeline, in the writer such that as long as the spark cluster is not spun up everytime, subsequent def~write-operations never list DFS directly to obtain list of def~file-slices in a given def~table-partition
  • User can also tune the size of the [base/parquet file](configurations.html#limitFileSize), [log files](configurations.html#logFileMaxSize) & expected [compression ratio](configurations.html#parquetCompressionRatio) def~base-file as a fraction of def~log-files & expected compression ratio, such that sufficient number of inserts are grouped into the same file group, resulting in well sized base files ultimately.
  • Intelligently tuning the [ bulk insert parallelism](configurations.html#withBulkInsertParallelism), can again in nicely sized initial file groups. It is in fact critical to get this right, since the file groups once created cannot be deleted, but simply expanded as explained before.
  • For workloads with heavy updates, the [merge-on-read storage](concepts.html#merge-on-read-storage) provides a nice mechanism for ingesting quickly into smaller files and then later merging them into larger base files via compaction.



Snapshot Queries


Incremental Queries


Read Optimized Queries


Hive Integration


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Snapshot Queries

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Incremental Queries

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Read Optimized Queries

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