Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
git clone -b v{X.Y.Z} knox-{X.Y.Z}
cd knox-{X.Y.Z}


Update version numbers on release branch (from A.B.C-SNAPSHOT to A.B.C) and push changes




Update documentation

Build, Test and Push Changes


Verify the signatures for both the source and binary distribution. Note: This assumes that gpg is installed.

Code Block
gpg --verify knox-{X.Y.Z${KNOX_VERSION} knox-{X.Y.Z${KNOX_VERSION}
gpg --verify knox-{X.Y.Z${KNOX_VERSION}.zip.asc knox-{X.Y.Z${KNOX_VERSION}.zip

gpg --verify knox-{X.Y.Z${KNOX_VERSION}.tar.gz.asc knox-${KNOX_VERSION}.tar.gz
gpg --verify knoxshell-${KNOX_VERSION}.zip.asc knox-{X.Y.Zknoxshell-${KNOX_VERSION}.zip
gpg --verify knoxshell-${KNOX_VERSION}.tar.gz.asc knoxshell-${KNOX_VERSION}.tar.gz

Verify the SHA-1 256 and SHA-512 hashes for both the source and binary distribution. Note: This assumes a Linux or MacOS environment with openssl installed.

Code Block
cat knox-export KNOX_VERSION={X.Y.Z}
cat knox-${KNOX_VERSION} && openssl sha1 sha256 knox-${KNOX_VERSION}
cat knox-{X.Y.Z${KNOX_VERSION} && openssl sha512 knox-${KNOX_VERSION} 
cat knox-{X.Y.Z${KNOX_VERSION}.zip.sha256 && openssl sha256 knox-${KNOX_VERSION}.zip
cat knox-${KNOX_VERSION}.zip.shasha512 && openssl sha1sha512 knox-{X.Y.Z${KNOX_VERSION}.zip 

cat knox-{X.Y.Z${KNOX_VERSION}.tar.gz.shasha256 && openssl sha1sha256 knox-${X.Y.ZKNOX_VERSION}.tar.gz
cat knox-${KNOX_VERSION}.tar.gz

Verify the MD5 digest for both the source and binary distribution. Note: This assumes a Linux or MacOS environment with openssl installed.

Code Block
cat.sha512 && openssl sha512 knox-${X.Y.Z}-srcKNOX_VERSION}.tar.gz
cat knoxshell-${KNOX_VERSION}.zip.md5sha256 && openssl md5sha256 knoxknoxshell-{X.Y.Z}-src${KNOX_VERSION}.zip
cat knoxknoxshell-{X.Y.Z${KNOX_VERSION}.zip.md5sha512 && openssl md5sha512 knoxknoxshell-{X.Y.Z${KNOX_VERSION}.zip

cat knox-{X.Y.Zcat knoxshell-${KNOX_VERSION}.tar.gz.sha256 && openssl sha256 knoxshell-${KNOX_VERSION}.tar.gz
cat knoxshell-${KNOX_VERSION}.tar.gz.md5sha512 && openssl md5sha512 knoxknoxshell-{X.Y.Z${KNOX_VERSION}.tar.gz

Tag Release Candidate


You will be prompted for your Jenkins SVN username and password.

Code Block
ant download-stage verify-stage


Send a [VOTE] email to the dev@knox list. A template was output by the sign step above as target/vote.eml.



Iterate based on feedback until vote passes


Code Block
mvn -Papache-release deploy 


If you have issues with the above command due to javadoc warnings, something like this can be done:


Code Block
mvn -Dmaven.javadoc.failOnError=false -Papache-release deploy


Update CHANGES with header for new changes

Remove old release from

Code Block
svn delete${OLD_VERSION} -m "Delete Knox ${OLD_VERSION} from"

Include Page