Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


NOTE: For the purpose of illustration, this document assumes that the version being released is 1.0.0, and the following development version will become

Table of Contents


Policy documents


TODO: Add an email template to send out

JIRA cleanup

1. Before a release is done, make sure that any issues that are fixed have their fixVersion setup correctly. Run the following JIRA query to see which resolved issues do not have their fix version set up correctly:


JIRA: project






















The result of the above query should be empty. If some issues do show up in this query that have been fixed since the last release, please bulk-edit them to set the fix version to the version being released.

2. Since the JIRA release note tool will list all JIRAs associated with a particular fixVersion regardless of their Resolution, you may want to remove fixVersion on issues declared as "Duplicate", "Won't Fix", "Works As Expected", etc. You can use this query to find those issues, then just bulk edit them and leave the fixVersion field blank when editing them. (Note that you will need to replace "v1.04.0" below with the version you are trying to release.)

No Format

project = Flume and Resolution != Unresolved AND Resolution != Fixed AND fixVersion = "v1.0.0"

JIRA: project = Flume AND (Status != Resolved OR Resolution != Fixed) AND fixVersion = v1.6.0

3. Finally, check out the output of the JIRA release note tool to see which JIRAs are included in the release, in order to do a sanity check.


2. Send another email after branching is done.


Update the LICENSE file

The release manager is responsible for updating the LICENSE file to provide accurate license information for all binary artifacts contained in the codebase. This is a tedious and painstaking process, and must be performed for each release that includes a binary artifact.

Prepare branches and create tag

In this section, the release is X.Y.Z (e.g. 1.3.0)

1. Checkout the trunk.

Code Blocknoformat

svngit coclone https flume/trunk

2. Update CHANGELOG in the trunk to indicate the changes going into the new version.

The change list can be swiped from the JIRA release note tool (use choose the "text" format for the change log). See JIRA Cleanup above to ensure that the release notes generated by this tool are what you are expecting. Additionally, in the last two releases we have re-ordered the issues to be New Features, Improvements, Bugs, etc as by default the least important items are at the top.

3. Update the "version" value of all pom.xml in RELEASE-NOTES in trunk to "X.(Y+1).0.0".

4. Commit back to the trunk.


No Format
git commit RELEASE-NOTES
Code Block

svn commit -m "PreparingUpdating Flume version in RELEASE-NOTES for release 1X.0Y.0Z"

54. Create a branch for the X.

Code Block

svn copy \ \
-m "Branching for 1.0.0 releases"

(Y+1) release series

E.g. flume-1.5 should be branched off of trunk

No Format
git checkout trunk
git checkout -b flume-X.(Y+1)

4. Update the "version6. Update the "oldversion" value of all pom.xml and documentation files in the trunk to "X.(Y+1).0.0".

7. Update the "version" value of all pom.xml in the trunk to "1.0.1-SNAPSHOT".

8. Commit back to the trunk.


No Format
git checkout trunk
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=X.Y.(Z+1)-SNAPSHOT -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
cd build-support
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=X.Y.(Z+1)-SNAPSHOT -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
cd ..
git add .
Code Block

svn commit -m "PreparingUpdating trunk forversion release 1.0.1 developmentto X.$(Y+1).0-SNAPSHOT for Flume X.Y.Z release"

9. Tag a candidate, where R (starting from 0) is the iteration number for this candidate:

5. Checkout the release branch and remove -SNAPSHOT from the release branch poms and docs and commit:

No Format
git checkout flume-X.Y
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=X.Y.(Z+1)-SNAPSHOT -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
cd build-support
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=X.Y.(Z+1)-SNAPSHOT -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
cd .. git add .
git commit -m "FLUME-XXXX: Removing -SNAPSHOT from X.Y branch"

6. Ensure RELEASE-NOTES has the appropriate version and description of the release.

7. Push the branching changes upstream

No Format
git push -u origin trunk:trunk
git push -u origin flume-X.Y:flume-X.Y

8. Tag a release candidate (in the example below, RC1):

No Format
git tag -a release-X.Y.Z-rc1 -m "Apache Flume X.Y.Z RC1"
git push origin release-X.Y.Z-rc1

If an rc2, rc3 etc is needed, simply create a new rc tag:

No Format
git tag -d release-X.Y.Z-rc2
git push origin release-X.Y.Z-rc2
Code Block

svn copy \ \
-m "flume 1.0.0-rc0 release."

Performing sanity check

1. Check out the candidate .tag

Code Blocknoformat

svngit co release-X.Y.Z-rc1

2. Generate a tarball.

Code Blocknoformat

mvn clean install -DskipTests

3. Unpack the source tarball

Code Blocknoformat

cd flume-ng-dist/target
rm -rf ./apache-flume-X.Y.Z-src/
tar xzvf apache-flume-1X.0Y.0Z-src.tar.gz

4. Do another full build inside the source tarball. This time, allow all unit tests & integration tests to run and also include the docs

No Format
cd apache-flume-X.Y.Z-src
export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 # Required to build the javadocs on some platforms and in some locales
Code Block

mvn clean install -Psite -DskipTests

5. Verify that the HTML docs that should have been generated inside the binary artifact under /docs are there and do not have rendering errors.

Signatures and Checksums

All artifacts must be signed and checksummed. In order to sign a release you will need a PGP key. You should get your key signed by a few other people. You will also need to recv their keys from a public key server. See the Apache release signing page for more details.

1. Add your key to the KEYS file:

No Format
(gpg --list-sigs <your-email> && gpg --armor --export <your-email>) >> KEYS

And commit the changes.

2. Create and sign the artifacts, including site docs. This pushes the signed artifacts to the ASF staging repository.

In order to do this, you will need a settings.xml file with your username and password for the ASF staging repository. Typically this is placed in ~/.m2/settings.xml and might look something like this:

No Format

Once your settings.xml file is correct, you run the following from the flume root directory to generate and deploy the artifacts:

No Format
mvn clean deploy -Psite -Psign -DskipTests

This will sign, hash, and upload each artifact to Nexus.

Note: the checksum files will not be mirrored; They should be downloaded from the main apache dist site.

Do the same for javadoc and source artifacts:

No Format
mvn javadoc:jar gpg:sign deploy:deploy
mvn source:jar gpg:sign deploy:deploy

3. Publish Staging repository

Login to and select Staging Repositories on the left under Build Promotion.

Select org.apache.flume from the list of repositories, verify it looks OK, and then click Close using "Apache Flume X.Y.Z" as the description to allow others to see the repository. Note that the staging repository will have a numeric id associated with it that will be used later

4. Copy artifacts to the distribution directories

Copy the apache-flume-X.Y.Z-{bin,src}.tar.gz{,.{asc,sha512}} files to the distribution directory.

  1. Copy the distribution archive files from flume-ng-dist/target to where is checked out on your machine. 

  2. Use "svn delete" to remove any files from prior releases in the directory.
  3. Use "svn commit" to update the new files.

Update the staging website

  1. Clone
  2. Checkout the asf-staging branch.
  3. Add a page to the source/sphinx/releases directory for the new release, with the Changelog and links to the documentation (refer previous release pages for details. The documentation should simply use the same paths as the previous releases with correct versions - the documentation will be checked in directly to the production website as mentioned below).
    1. edit the new release page using a regex. The search string should be 

      Code Block

      and the replacement string should be

      Code Block
      $1\[`FLUME-$2 <$2>`__\]$3

  4. Update content/sphinx/releases/index.rst to update the pointer to the latest release.
  5. Update content/sphinx/download.rst to also point to the latest release.
  6. Update content/sphinx/index.rst as necessary to add a News item to the home page.
  7. Copy the release version of the FlumeUserGuide.rst and FlumeDeveloperGuide.rst to the Documentation directory.
  8. Commit the changes and push them.
  9. Run mvn package and verify the site at target/site/index.html.

  10. Run mvn pre-site install.
  11. Verify the site at

Running the vote

Call for dev list votes

Send an email to list. For example,

No Format

Subject: [VOTE] Release Apache Flume version 1X.0Y.0Z RC1

This is the first incubatorXXXXX release for Apache flume, version 1.0.0.

Please cast your vote by *** 3 working days after sending ***

The list of fixed issues: Flume as a top-level project,
version X.Y.Z. We are voting on release candidate RC1.

It fixes the following issues:

*** Please cast your vote within the next 72 hours ***

The tarball (*.tar.gz), signature (*.asc), and checksumchecksums (*.md5), license audit result
(log/.ant_releaseaudit.log), and test result (log/.ant_test.log):http*.sha1)
for the source and binary artifacts can be found here:

Maven staging repo:

The tag to be voted upon:httpon:

The KEYS http://www?p=flume.git;a=commit;h=<commit-hash-of-the-tag>

Flume's KEYS file containing PGP keys we use to sign the release:"

You need 3 +1 votes from Flume PMC members for a release.


Source and convenience artifacts

Code Blocknoformat

cp -r ~/public_html/flume-1.0.0-rc0 /www/
cd /www/
chgrp -R incubator flume-1.0.0
chmod -R g+w flume-1.0.0
rm stable
ln -s flume-1.0.0 stable
rm r /www/$PREVIOUS_VERSION # remove older versionssvn checkout dist-flume
cd dist-flume
mkdir {x.y.z}
cp <all release artifacts including asc/checksum files> {x.y.z}/
svn rm {x.?.?} # remove prior release(s)
svn commit -m "Release Flume {x.y.z}"

It may take up to 24 hours for all mirrors to sync up.

Deploy Maven artifacts

General instructions on how to deploy the poms and jars to Maven Central can be found at the Apache page on publishing maven artifacts.

Flume-specific instructions:

After you get your settings.xml file configured correctly (see above link) then you can run: mvn clean deploy -Psite -DskipTests -Papache-release to push the artifacts to the staging repo.
You will need to go to the Apache Maven Repository @ and log in with your Apache LDAP credentials
Once you log in you will see Build Promotion > Staging Repositories on the left hand side
You will want to edit the Flume artifacts


TBDthat you don't want to push to Maven (you can delete stuff like the release tarball)
Click Close to make the atrifacts available on the Staging repository.
To push to Central, you click Release.

Announce the release

Send an email to (the from: address must be For example,

No Format

Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Flume 1.02.0 released

The Apache Flume team is pleased to announce the release of Flume
version 1.02.0
from the Apache Incubator.

ThisFlume is thea first incubator release of Apache flumedistributed, reliable, aand toolavailable designedservice for efficiently
transferringcollecting, bulkaggregating, dataand betweenmoving Apachelarge Hadoopamounts andof structured datastores, such as
relational databaseslog data.

TheThis release is available here: can be downloaded from the Flume download page at:

The full change log and documentation isare available here:https on the 1.2.0 release page:

Your help and feedback is more than welcome. For more information on how 
to report problems
 and to get involved, visit the project website at

The Apache Flume Team

Update the website

  1. Checkout
  2. Add a page to the content/sphinx/releases directory for the new release, with the Changelog and links to the documentation (refer previous release pages for details. The documentation should simply use the same paths as the previous releases with correct versions - the documentation will be checked in directly to the production website as mentioned below).
  3. Update content/sphinx/releases/index.rst to update the pointer to the latest release.
  4. Update content/sphinx/download.rst to also point to the latest release.
  5. Update content/sphinx/index.rst as necessary to add a News item to the home page.
  6. Copy the release version of the FlumeUserGuide.rst and FlumeDeveloperGuide.rst to the Documentation directory.
  7. Commit the changes to svn. Go to - Stage and publish the changes.
  8. Checkout
  9. Create a directory with the current release's directory name under content/releases/content (e.g., content/releases/content/1.3.1)
  10. Copy both the HTML and PDF versions of the user guide and developer guide (manually generate the PDF from the HTML files), and the javadocs (apidocs directory) into this directory.
  11. Commit the changes to svn. Done!