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Discussion thread

preview discussion :

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serverASF JIRA


Release1.19, 1.20, 2.0

Please keep the discussion on the mailing list rather than commenting on the wiki (wiki discussions get unwieldy fast).


  • Deprecate getXXX(String key, XXX defaultValue) and setXXX(String key, XXX value), discussed in the preview thread, except the following:
    • getString(String key, String defaultValue)
    • setString(String key, String value)
    • getBytes(String key, byte[] defaultValue)
    , and
    • will be marked as @Internal
    • setBytes(String key, byte[] bytes)
  • Update the comment in both getString(String key, String defaultValue) and setString(String key, String value) to encourage users to use ConfigOption.


Code Block
public class Configuration extends ExecutionConfig.GlobalJobParameters
        implements IOReadableWritable,
                WritableConfig {

     * Returns the value associated with the given key as a string. We encourage users and
     * developers to always use ConfigOption for getting the configurations if possible, for its
     * rich description, type, default-value and other supports. The string-key-based getter should
     * only be used when ConfigOption is not applicable, e.g., the key is programmatically generated
     * in runtime.
     * @param key the key pointing to the associated value
     * @param defaultValue the default value which is returned in case there is no value associated
     *     with the given key
     * @return the (default) value associated with the given key
	public String getString(String key, String defaultValue) {

     * Adds the given key/value pair to the configuration object. We encourage users and developers
     * to always use ConfigOption for setting the configurations if possible, for its rich
     * description, type, default-value and other supports. The string-key-based setter should only
     * be used when ConfigOption is not applicable, e.g., the key is programmatically generated in
     * runtime.
     * @param key the key of the key/value pair to be added
     * @param value the value of the key/value pair to be added
    public void setString(String key, String value) {

2.2.2 Introduce public <T> T get(ConfigOption<T> configOption, T overrideDefault)

Code Block
     * Returns the value associated with the given config keyoption as a byteT. array.If Weno encouragevalue usersis andmapped
     * developersunder toany alwayskey use ConfigOption for getting the configurations if possible, for its
     * rich description, type, default-value and other supports. The string-key-based getter should
     * only be used when ConfigOption is not applicable, e.g., the key is programmatically generatedof the option, it returns the specified default instead of the option's default
     * in runtimevalue.
     * @param keyconfigOption The key pointing to the associated value.configuration option
     * @param defaultValueoverrideDefault The default value whichto isreturn returned in case there is if no value associated
was mapper for any key *     with of the given key.option
     * @return the (default)configured value associated with the given key.
config option, or the overrideDefault */
     public byte[] getBytes(String key, byte[] defaultValue) {

     * Adds the given byte array to the configuration object. We encourage users and developers to@PublicEvolving
    public *<T> alwaysT use ConfigOption for setting the configurations if possible, for its rich description,get(ConfigOption<T> configOption, T overrideDefault) {
     * type, default-value and other supports. The string-key-based setter should only be used whenreturn getOptional(configOption).orElse(overrideDefault);
     * ConfigOption is not applicable, e.g., the key is programmatically generated in runtime.
     * @param key The key under which the bytes are added.
     * @param bytes The bytes to be added.
    public void setBytes(String key, byte[] bytes) {


`public <T> T get(ConfigOption<T> option, T overrideDefault)` can replace all old `getXxx(ConfigOption<Xxx> configOption, Xxx overrideDefault)` methods.



3 Deprecate some unnecessary setXxx and getXxx methods in Configuration


  • Mark all public Xxx getXxx(ConfigOption<Xxx> configOption)  methods as @Deprecated, and remove them in 2.0. Such as:
    • public int getInteger(ConfigOption<Integer> configOption)
    • public String getString(ConfigOption<String> configOption)
    • public long getLong(ConfigOption<Long> configOption)
    • public long getFloat(ConfigOption<Float> configOption)
    • public long getDouble(ConfigOption<Double> configOption)
    • public boolean getBoolean(ConfigOption<Boolean> configOption)
  • Mark all public void setXxx(ConfigOption<Xxx> key, Xxx value)  methods as @Deprecated, and remove them in 2.0. Such as:
    • public void setInteger(ConfigOption<Integer> key, int value)
    • public void setString(ConfigOption<String> key, String value)
    • public void setLong(ConfigOption<Long> key, long value)
    • public void setDouble(ConfigOption<Double> key, double value)
    • public void setFloat(ConfigOption<Float> key, float value)
    • public void setBoolean(ConfigOption<Boolean> key, boolean value)
  • Mark all public Xxx getXxx(ConfigOption<Xxx> configOption, Xxx overrideDefault)  methods as @Deprecated, and remove them in 2.0. Such as:
    • public String getString(ConfigOption<String> configOption, String overrideDefault)
    • public long getLong(ConfigOption<Long> configOption, long overrideDefault)
    • public int getInteger(ConfigOption<Integer> configOption, int overrideDefault)
    • public double getDouble(ConfigOption<Double> configOption, double overrideDefault)
    • public float getFloat(ConfigOption<Float> configOption, float overrideDefault)
    • public boolean getBoolean(ConfigOption<Boolean> configOption, boolean overrideDefault)


  • Configuration has a public <T> T get(ConfigOption<T> option)   and public <T> Configuration set(ConfigOption<T> option, T value)  method
  • These getXxx and setXxx methods can be replaced with get and set directly without any extra efforts.
  • get and set methods are easier to use than getXxx and setXxx
    • Callers can call get directly, and users or flink developers don't need to care about should they call getInteger or getString.
  • Flink code is easier to maintain.
  • T get(ConfigOption<T> option)  is designed later than Xxx getXxx(ConfigOption<Xxx> configOption) , I guess if T get(ConfigOption<T> option)  is designed first, all Xxx getXxx(ConfigOption<Xxx> configOption)  methods aren't needed.
