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Geronimo uses the Apache Directory Server for its directory service, this is part of the Apache Directory Project. Geronimo implements the following two projects from the ApacheDS project.
At this point in time, Geronimo does not provide LDAP client commands for configuring the server, however only provides LDAP viewing capabilities, editing is not there yet but adding this feature is in plan for the next release releases of Geronimo. Currently, you could use any You will have to use an external LDAP client such as ldapbrowser/editor, jxplorer or gq for browsing and editing the configurations of the Directory Server in Geronimo.
Starting the LDAP server
In this release of Geronimo , that is v1.1 and v1.1.x, Apache Directory is provided as a security plugin that you need to install in a separated process. This is very simple to accomplish and the steps are described in the following seciton.
Installing Apache Directory in Geronimo
Installing a Geronimo plugin is a relatively simple procedure. In this case, the Apache Directory server is provided as a plugin with all the dependencies included.
- Start Geronimo and log into the Administration Console
- Click on
under thePlugins
folder - If there are no repositories in the list click the
Update Repository List
link - Click on
Search for Plugins
- From the list select
Apache Directory 0.92 for Geronimo
- Click on
button - Click on
Install Plugin
All the needed components will be download and, if successful, you will see a message indicating that the plugin was installed. - Click the
button to start Apache Directory
2 the Apache Directory v0.92 is already included with the distribution although it is not started by default. You can either start the server from command line using the deployer tool or via the Geronimo Administration Console.
Using the Administration Console click on System Modules on the navigation menu from the left and look for the component name org.apache.geronimo.configs/directory in the Installed System Modules portlet. You will see the current status and available commands for this particular component.
As we already mentioned, this component is stopped by default, click on Start to make this service available.Back to Top
LDAP sample application
For your conveniece we have prodived the sample application and deployment plans packaged into a zip file.
Download the sample application from the following URL:
At this point it is assumed that you have installed an LDAP client and you are capable of exporting/importing an .ldif
file to a directory server.
Add LDAP entries
Ensure that Geronimo is up and running and the Directory service is started. Start your LDAP client and create a new connection profile with the following values:
Once you connect to the Geronimo Directory server you will see the initial configuration, this configuration can be exported as a backup in a ldif file. Depending the LDAP client you are using the export/import steps will be different. When you export the initial configuration you get an ldif file with a content similar as the one shown in the following example.
Now you need to import the entries needed to run the sample application. Packaged with the sample application is a sample .ldif
file with all the entries necessary to run the LDAP sample application, this file is located in <ldap_home>/ldap-sample.ldif.
The following example shows the content of the ldap-sample.ldif
Once the file is imported you should get a confirmation that five entries were successfully imported.
Deploy the LDAP realm
The LDAP sample application provides a security realm that needs to be deployed before the deployment of the application itself. This realm is located in <ldap_home>/ldap-realm.xml and the content is illustrated in the following example.
To deploy the ldap-realm.xml run the following command from the <geronimo_home>/bin directory:
Once deployed you should see a confirmation message similar to the following example: bgColor No Format
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For further details refer to the LDAP Realm section.
Deployment plans
The deployment plans are located in the <ldap_home>/WEB-INF directory. Clearly, geronimo-web.xml is the Geronimo specific deployment plan. It provides the details on what security realm to use and user role mappings as well as the Geronimo specific namespace used to identify the elements in the security configuration. Common to other types of applications, not just security, the deployment plan also provides the main namespace for the deployment plan, a module identification (optional), a parent module configuration ID (also optional) and a context root. The following example illustrates the Geronimo specific deployment plan.
Note that these role mappings will be overridden by the actual roles (what users pertaining to what groups) defined in the LDAP server. Ultimately it is the realm defined in the application deployment plan who determines the velidation method. Nevertheless, for this particular example, you still need to define principals and role mappings as determined in the XML schemas.
The web.xml deployment descriptor shown in the following example (also located in the <ldap_home>/WEB-INF diretory) adds security constraints based on the location of the files.
Package the sample application
Now that all the elements have been identified, it is necessary to package the sample application in a Web application Archive (.war). Open a command line window, change directory to <ldap_home> and run the following command:
This command will package all the existing files and directories inside <ldap_home>. Although not needed inside the .war file, the ldap-realm.xml and ldap-sample.ldif files will also be included.
Deploy the application
To deploy the LDAP sample application make sure the Geronimo server is up and running. Open a command line window, change directory to <geronimo_home>/bin and run the following command:
Once the Web application is successfully deployed you should see a confirmation message similar as the one shown in the following example: bgColor No Format
To test the LDAP application open a Web browser and access the following URL:
The following figure shows the welcome page for the LDAP sample application.
Click on Protect to validate against the LDAP Directory Server.
At this point you have an application that is validating username and passwords against an LDAP Directory Server database based on the security configuration you provided earlier in the LDAP realm. Now, if you go back to the welcome page and click on Forbidden you should receive a 403 - Forbidden HTTP error similar to the one shown in the following figure.
To further test this example you could now try the different users provided in the ldap-sample.ldif
, use your LDAP client and add/remove users from the different groups. You will notice the changes immediatly (you may need to close your web browser).