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Agenda ItemTimeSpecial Notes

Module I - Tutorial Introduction1 - Overview & Introductions

  • Presentation
1: Tutorial aims and outline.
  • : Introduction
    • XSEDE Science Gateways Program
    • Logistics - Tutorial Site, Handouts, Slides, Notes Document
    • What to expect rest of the morning 
  • Discussion: 
    • Audience introductions
, expectations and feedback (Simple Survey Questionnaire).
    • & expectations
  • Presentation
2: General background on gateways.
  • Demo: GridChem + Ultrascan demos.
  • Presentation 3: Description on PGA, Airavata, XSEDE and how all fit together.
    • : Big Picture - Anatomy of a Science Gateway
    8:00 am - 8:40 am

    Links to Presentaton

    <<Presentation 1>>

    <<Presentation 2>>30 am

     <<Presentation 3>>

    Module II 2 - Hands on exercises with Simple a Pre-built GatewaysGateway

    Demo: PGA
    • Exercise: Using a gateway as a end user

  • Exercise: Participants hands on SciGaP test drive gateway.
    1. Repeat Demo 
    2. Try new experiments
    3. Try some post processing (Viewing output files, sharing actual scientist experience, etc...)
  • Advanced: Solicit an application of audience interest and register it and show execution of an experiment.
    • .

      • Execute your favorite available (pre-registered) application.

      • Use Stampede, Comet, Gordon, Blacklight XSEDE Resources,

      • Monitor job progress, view outputs.

      • Clone, Cancel an experiment.

      • Use provided sample input files, or try your own input configurations and data.

      • Audience feedback

    • Exercise: Gateway administrative dashboard 

      • View gateway preferences, users, administrators

      • View computational resource information, application descriptions

      • Monitor, Diagnose Failures

      • Audience feedback

    • Demos & Discussion: 

      • Preview of second half

      • How to deploy a new application

      • Audience feedback

      • Suggestions from participants? Talk to us during the break.

    8:30 8:40 am - 9:30 am

    Link to User Guide

    <<End User Guide>>


    Conference Break: Coffee & Cookies BREAK9:30 am - 10:00 am 

    Module III 3 - SciGaP Platform: Build your own gateway& Take home your Demo Gateway

    • Exercise:
    Gateway admin capabilities
      • Gateway Admin Dashboard
      • Create & Deploy a new gateway 
      • Exercise: Let us create and deploy a new gateway.
        1. In participants own machines, deploy the new gateway and connect to SciGaP Platform
      • Exercise: Allow audience to play gateway administrators on a XSEDE15 demo portal
          • Create take home Gateway Clone.
          • Can host it on XSEDE Gateway hosting or participants laptop
          • Manage gateway preferences

          • Managing gateway administrators, end users, user roles

          • Create resource and application descriptions

          • Execute experiments and investigation of failed experiments

        Deploy your favorite application in the gateway
      10:00 am - 10.45 am

      Links to;

      <<Gateway Admin User Guide>>

      <<PGA Docker Image>> 

      Module IV - Where to go from here

    • Presentation 4:  SciGaP Vision, Mission & Goals
    • Presentation 5: CIPRES/NSG/Ultrascan/GridChem sharing gateway lessons learned
    • 4 - Airavata under the hood

      • Presentation & Discussion:
        • Airavata Architecture - API and Components
        • Airavata Community - Developers, Users, Contributors, Issue Tracking
        • Gateway User Management, API Security
        • Roadmap, How to get involved
      • Exercise:
        • Catch up with previous modules
        • Register your campus resources
        • Register new applications
      • Presentation & Demo: Unicore/BES integration & Support
      Presentation 6: How to build on the tutorial.
      10:45 am - 11.20 15 am

      Links to;

      <<Presentation 4>>

      <<Presentation 5>>

       <<Presentation 6>>


      Module 5 - Gateway Operations & Community Building

      •  Presentation:  
        •  Experiences from widely used XSEDE Gateways. 
        • Motivation & Vision of Science Gateways Platform as a Service (SciGaP) Project.
      11:15 am - 11:45 am


      Wrap up & Next Steps11.45am - Noon 

      Module V - Airavata Technical Details & Roadmap

      1.  Presentation 7/Demo:  Architecture Overview & Workflow Capabilities.
      2. Presentation 8: Unicore support within Airavata and Experiences of contributing to  Airavata.
      3. Discussion: Open discussion - Conclusion.
      11:20 am - 12:00 pm

      Links to;

      <<Presentation 7>>

      <<Presentation 8>>