Versions Compared


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This document describes how to release the source version of Trafodion.


Create keys needed to sign the release

If you do not have a key setup up for Apache, do it now

Create your key

Create your key that can be used to sign releases:
Remember to store your private key is a secure place.
For example:

   gpg --gen-key   (verify that sha1 is avoided (last on list – see above web site)
   gpg -k  (shows public key)
   gpg -K (shows private key)

Upload your public key to a public key server

Recommend using: keyserver
For example:

   gpg --send-keys <keyID> --keyserver

Create a revocation certificate

It is recommended that you create a revocation certification:
Remember to store it in a secure place separate from your key
For example:

   gpg --output revoke-<keyD>.asc --armor --gen-revoke <keyID>

 Add your key the the KEYS file

You need to be a committer to perform this step:

   svn co traf_release
   cd traf_release 
   gpg --list-sigs <keyID> >> KEYS
   gpg  -armor –export <keyID>
   svn commit –m “added new public key to KEYS file“

Preparing the artifacts

Prepare for a new release


  start with a clean git clone and a fresh ssh session
  git checkout -b artifactsx.x.xartifacts x.x.xrc1
  cd ../incubator-trafodion
  source ./
  make package-src
  cd distribution; ls 


It is assumed that the signer has already created their signing key and registered their public key in the pubic repository.

  gpg --armor --output apache-trafodion-x.x.x-incubating-src.tar.gz.asc --detach-sig apache-trafodion-x.x.x-incubating-src.tar.gz
  gpg --verify apache-trafodion-x.x.x-incubating-src.tar.gz.asc
  md5sum apache-trafodion-x.x.x-incubating-src.tar.gz > apache-trafodion-x.x.x-incubating-src.tar.gz.md5
  sha1sum apache-trafodion-x.x.x-incubating-src.tar.gz > apache-trafodion-x.x.x-incubating-src.tar.gz.sha 


In addition, you should compare the code from the source tar file with the tagged version to make sure they match.
This assumes that  branch artifactsx.x.x artifacts contains the proposed artifactsrelease candidates.

  mkdir traf_test
  cd traf_test
  cp <git ...dir>/incubator-trafodion/distribution/*  traf_test/.
  tar zxf apache-trafodion-x.x.x-incubating-src.tar.gz
  compare the two versions, for example using BCompare and the "Folder Compare Report" feature:
    old: ../traf_test/incubator-trafodion
    new: <git ..dir>/incubator-trafodion

Note: the git version will have some additional git folders and the distribution directory 
