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This KIP discusses the Websocket support for Apache Knox.


The above diagram describes, at a high level, how websocker websocket requests are handled.

A browser initiates websocket connection by sending an HTTP connection upgrade request, Knox's websocket handler intercepts this request and returns a secure socket (wss://) to the browser - acting as a websocket server. Knox's websocket handler also establishes another connection with the backend websocker websocket server - acting as a websocket client.


 A detailed example demonstrating websocket configuration (using docker containers for simplicity) can be found here–zeppelin

Future work

  • Implement binary protocol
  • Better handling of security on the dispatch side
  • Async and non blocking support
  • Extract the functionality to parse the service defination and topology files, preferably into a framework, that can be used by other similar components.
  • Handle rewrite rules, currently we simply proxy packets, this would be a bit tricky with binary payload.
  • Address scalability, 1000s of multiple concurren connections


Security Consideration

WebSocket RFC does not define any specific way for servers to authenticate clients it leaves the choice to the application developers. As per the RFC, The WebSocket server can use any client authentication mechanism available to a generic HTTP server, such as cookies, HTTP authentication, or TLS authentication. 

The implication of this is that any WebSocket connection opened behind a secured (authenticated) page is not "automatically" secured, application developers have to take necessary steps to secure the WebSocket connection (along with the http page). for e.g. consider a simple WebSocket echo server proxied via Knox. When we make an HTTP request Knox will challenge for credentials

Code Block
➜  ~ curl -ik https://localhost:8443/gateway/sandbox/echows
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2017 21:24:45 GMT
WWW-Authenticate: BASIC realm="application"
Content-Length: 0
Server: Jetty(9.2.15.v20160210)

But one could directly use the WebSocket protocol, wss:// to "bypass" Knox's security framework which is based on servlet filters.

Code Block
➜  ~ wscat -n -c wss://localhost:8443/gateway/sandbox/echows
connected (press CTRL+C to quit)
> hello
< hello

WebSocket connection could be secured in multiple ways, one way is to use the HTTP headers commonly used for authentication as used by web views. In Knox this support will be enabled as part of KNOX-895. It is difficult to customize WebSocket headers from Javascript as a result we are limited by implicit auth (Basic or Cookies) that browsers use. WebSocket servers could be separate from the webservers which makes shared authentication difficult or impossible. KNOX-773 will add support for Basic auth which could ease out some pain but until then use WebSocket with same caution as you would without Knox.

A "ticket" based authentication can be used by applications to handle the authentication problem, similar to what Zeppelin uses as the time or writing. In this method the client side talks to WebSocket server over HTTP, authenticates and obtains a security "ticket". WebSocket server issues this "ticket" and ties it to the user identity (e.g. username) this mapping is then stored in a cache. When the client connects via WebSocket it sends this "ticket" as part of the payload which the WebSocket server uses to verify the user identity and make sure the session is not expired.

Future work

KNOX-772 - Implement binary protocol support for Websocket feature - DONE

Currently websocket feature in Knox only supports text messages, to be fully compatible with the websocket specs we need to support binary protocol as well.

KNOX-773 - Secure websocket support on the dispatch side and security enhancements

Currently Knox communicates with browser (or TCP based client) over secure socket however secure communication on the dispatch side is not tested. It is  unlikely that it will fail if the certificates for the dispatch (backed) server are provisioned in Knox - again need to check.

Also we need to support all the authentication mechanisms that Knox already supports.

KNOX-774 - Make websocket connections Async and Non-Blocking

Websocket connections could potentially hold up Jetty threads (during handshakes etc.) so it is important to have them non-blocking.

KNOX-775 - Create a generic framework that can be reused and extended by other protocols

Currently Websockets is the only non-http protocol Knox supports, it would help if we could create a generic framework that can be used by all non-http protocols such as Websockets, thrift etc. preventing code duplication and help code and resource re-use.

KNOX-776 - Rewrite rule handling for websockets - DONE

Currently we simply proxy websocket payload we should support some form of rewrite rule handling.

KNOX-777 - Address websocket scalability

Current websocket implementation is a bit taxing on memory it should be lightweight and Knox should be able to support 500 - 1K concurrent connections.

KNOX-895 - Pass cookies to websocket backend - DONE

Share session cookies