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Comment: Add link to Egeria


serverASF JIRA


Forward to Area 1 - Assets and Connectors ==>


In the Atlas build, model files are added in alphanumeric order to build up the type library.  Therefore the model files are numbered to ensure its dependencies have been resolved before a model file is loaded.   For the open metadata types, the model file number is shown in package name to document the intended load order.  The numbering scheme of the metadata areas described in Building out the Apache Atlas Typesystem provides the high-level numbering system.  For example, area 1 has models 0100-0199, area 2 has models 0200-299, etc.   Each area's sub-models are dispersed along its range, ensuring there is space to insert additional models in the future.

In addition to the 7 metadata areas, the open metadata models introduces some base definitions and structures that used throughout the open metadata models.  These need to be loaded first and so we have added an Area 0 that includes these base definitions.   The current models defined for Apache Atlas have been moved to 1000.  Thus the models numbers from 0000 to 0099 will look something like figure 1.

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Figure 1: Summary of Area 0's packages



Details of the new models are shown below.  The original Apache models are linked to on page: Atlas Model.

Existing Base Model

The existing base model appears at this point defining key concepts such as Referenceable, Asset, Infrastructure, Process and DataSet.

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Figure 2: Existing base model



Linked Media Types

Linked media types describes the simple structures that are used repeatedly in open metadata to connect it to documents and entities in other types of repositories.

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Figure 3: Linked media for any referenceable entity



Property Facets

Property facets allow any entity to be extended with additional properties.  This is particularly useful for storing metadata that originated in another type of metadata repository, or tool since it allows vendor/tool specific values to be stored.

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Figure 4: Adding custom properties to any referenceable entity



User Identities

Most metadata repositories are run in a secure mode requiring incoming requests to include the requestor’s security credentials.  Therefore we have an identifier for each unique logged on security identity (aka userId).  The UserIdentity can capture this identity.


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Figure 5: Understanding the actors working on the metadata and data assets




It is important to understand where assets are located to ensure they are properly protected and comply with data sovereignty laws.  The open metadata model allows location information to be captured at many levels of granularity.

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Figure 6: Understanding where data assets and services are located



Hosts and Platforms

The host and platform metadata entities provide a simple model for the system infrastructure (nodes, computers, etc) that data resources are hosted on.

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Figure 7: Defining the platform that the data assets and services run on



Complex Hosts

The complex hosts handle environments where many nodes are acting together as a cluster, and where virtualized containers (such as Docker) are being used.

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Figure 8: Supporting server clusters and server virtualization (server containers)




Servers describe the middleware servers (such as application servers, data movement engines and database servers) that run on the Hosts.

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Figure 9: Servers and their connectivity and capabilities



Data Stores and Data Sets

The base model introduced the concept of a data set.  The data store definition shows how the data set relates to the server that it is hosted on.  In addition, some data sets are virtual - that is they are build up from calling other data sets.  Figure 10 shows the data stores and virtual data sets linking to the data set.


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Figure 10: Data stores hosting data sets



Applications and Processes

Applications provide business or management logic.  They are often custom built but may also be brought as a package.  They are deployed onto a server.  Some applications are written to support specific processes.  Figure 11 shows how applications relate to processes and the servers that host them


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Figure 11: Applications and the servers they run on



Networks and Gateways

The network model for open metadata is very simple, to allow hosts to be grouped into the networks they are connected to.  This can show details such as where hosts are isolated in private networks, where the gateways onto the Internet. 


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Figure 12: The networks that specific hosts connect to



Cloud Platforms and Services

The cloud platforms and services model show that cloud computing is not so different from what we have been doing before.  Cloud infrastructure and services are classified as such to show that the organization is not completely in control of the technology supporting their data and processes.


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Figure 13: Cloud platforms and services



to ==> Area 1 - Collaboration



