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Table of Contents


Current state: Accepted

Under Discussion thread: here

Discussion Vote thread: here


serverASF JIRA


This has been summarized in table below.

When using subscribe(...)
(group management)
When using assign(...)
(standalone consumer)""InvalidGroupException
  • Can fetch (last committed) offset
  • Can seek to specific offset
  • Can fetch from specific offset
  • Can commit offset

This can be confusing to users as they would likely expect the consumer treat the default group id the same way in these two cases. Using the default group id of "" is troublesome, and consumers are not normally expected to do that in a production setting. While in the long term the usage of "" as group id should be disallowed, this KIP suggests some improvements to how this group id works.

Public Interfaces


This KIP proposes deprecating the empty group id on the client, and changing the default group id to null so that unnecessary and unintentional offset fetches and commits are avoided.

Public Interfaces

  • The default group id will also change to null so from "" to null so that consumers that want to use an empty ("") group id for coordinator-free consumption would have to explicitly specify that group idit.

Proposed Changes

This is a detailed list of improvements proposed by this KIP:

  1. Changing the default group id to null 
  2. A new OffsetCommit API version in which, committing offsets for group id "" leads to an error. 
  • The use of empty group id will be deprecated on the client, and consumers using this group id will receive a warning about this deprecation. Client support for empty group id will be removed in the next major release. 

Proposed Changes

Change Default to null

The default value of consumer config will be changed from "" to null. This means that if standalone consumers want to keep using the group id "" they would have to explicitly provide the config (e.g. props.put(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, "");). The behavior would remain the same otherwise.

This is how these two group ids will work

When using subscribe(...)
(group management)

When using assign(...)
(standalone consumer) (new default)

  • Cannot fetch offsets (uses auto.offset.reset config if no current offset is available)
  • Cannot commit offsets (
see updated OffsetCommit protocol below) and
  • is automatically set to false
  • )"" (specified by user)

(like before)

  • Can fetch (last committed) offset
  • Can seek to
and fetch from offset (like before)
  • Cannot fetch offset (uses auto.offset.reset config)
  • Can no longer commit offset (see updated OffsetCommit protocol below) and is automatically set to false.
    OffsetCommit continues to work as before for older versions
  • OffsetCommit API Enhancement

    The current OffsetCommit protocol looks like this.

    Code Block
    titleOffsetCommit Protocol - Version 3
    OffsetCommit Request (Version: 3) => group_id generation_id member_id retention_time [topics] 
      group_id => STRING
      generation_id => INT32
      member_id => STRING
      retention_time => INT64
      topics => topic [partitions] 
        topic => STRING
        partitions => partition offset metadata 
          partition => INT32
          offset => INT64
          metadata => NULLABLE_STRING
    OffsetCommit Response (Version: 3) => throttle_time_ms [responses] 
      throttle_time_ms => INT32
      responses => topic [partition_responses] 
        topic => STRING
        partition_responses => partition error_code 
          partition => INT32
          error_code => INT16

    The new version of the protocol is the same, with an additional constraint that committing offsets when group_id is "", results in a new type of error: ILLEGAL_OFFSET_COMMIT.

    Code Block
    titleOffsetCommit Protocol - Version 4
    OffsetCommit Request (Version: 4) => group_id generation_id member_id retention_time [topics] 
      group_id => STRING
      generation_id => INT32
      member_id => STRING
      retention_time => INT64
      topics => topic [partitions] 
        topic => STRING
        partitions => partition offset metadata 
          partition => INT32
          offset => INT64
          metadata => NULLABLE_STRING
    OffsetCommit Response (Version: 4) => throttle_time_ms [responses] 
      throttle_time_ms => INT32
      responses => topic [partition_responses] 
        topic => STRING
        partition_responses => partition error_code 
          partition => INT32
          error_code => INT16
    Code Block
    titleOffset commit error when standalone consumer commits offsets in a group with id=""
        ILLEGAL_OFFSET_COMMIT(73, "The standalone consumer belonging to an empty (\"\") or null group id is not allowed to commit offsets",
            new ApiExceptionBuilder() {
                public ApiException build(String message) {
                    return new IllegalOffsetCommitException(message);

    Consumers with the default group id ("") that use assign(...) to consume from hand-picked partitions will not be able to commit offsets. If they attempt an offset commit they will receive an error. A new error will be introduced in org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.Errors for this purpose.

    • specific offset
    • Can fetch from specific offset
    • Can commit offset

    Client Side Deprecation

    The use of empty group id will be deprecated on the client. A warning log will appear on clients that use this group id. Stand-alone consumers using the default group id will have to seek to an offset before start fetching; or the auto.offset.commit value will be used to determine the starting point of fetch. They will no longer be able to start from a previously committed fetch position.

    Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

    The empty default group id will be deprecated and its support will be removed in the next major release. For now, a server-side warning will be logged to indicate this deprecation.Stand-alone consumers that used the default group id for fetching messages and committing offsets would no longer be able to do that. This should be acceptable because, in general, consumers are not expected to use the default group id for offset commit, which is a dangerous and troublesome practice. This KIP aims at closing the existing gap in using the default group id. Therefore, it is advised that these consumers start using valid group names for committing offsets.change from "" to null. Therefore, users who rely on "" as the default group id will have to explicitly specify it. Otherwise, null will be picked for group id, which does not support offset fetch/commit. This may still be OK for those who do not rely on offset fetch/commit when using the current default.

    Rejected Alternatives

    • Keeping "" as the default group id: The reason for not choosing this option is that using the empty group id could be unknowingly done at the moment (because of it being the default), and since it is not a recommended practice and could lead to issues, it will no longer be the default. Anyone who wants to keep using it should explicitly specify it and be aware if the restrictions set around it by this KIP.
    • Deprecating and dropping support for the use of empty group id on the broker: This was also ruled out to support backward compatibility and allow consumers that rely on the existing broker behavior with respect to this group id to be able to do so in the future.