Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3

How to prepare a normal release ?

  • create a Version Notes page and start adding important changes to it
  • create a filter in JIRA with Fix Version pointing to the release version you want to prepare
  • review JIRA issues and re-organise them, move the Fix Version to the next release or Future, mark what should be solved in the release you're working on
  • update the Draft Docs page - build project locally, upload to people.a.o and move the content to /www/
  • or you can use the script below to update the Draft Docs after login to people.a.o:
    No Format
    wget -erobots=off -nH -nv -E -L --directory-prefix=cwiki --no-check-certificate -r
    rm -r /www/*
    mv cwiki/WW/* /www/
    chmod -R g+w /www/
    chown -R :struts /www/
    rm -r cwiki

How to prepare a fast track release ?

  • keep all the informations confidential as possible, communicate throughout security@struts.a.o group
  • restrict access to all the related pages created in Confluence to struts-committers group only, they can be made public available after fix or workaround was released

What do you want to build ?

Depends on what you want to achieve, please select topic from the list below:


Developers using Linux workstations can skip over the references to PuTTY and Cygwin

Each time

(There are also one-time setup instructions)

(tick) To keep this list current, it is strongly recommended that release managers refer to and follow this list each time a distribution is created. If any of the steps need to be amended, then please update the list.


Ensure that the master POM and Struts Annotations have current releases, and review JIRA for any issues without a fix version set, and for any issues that should be resolved for the pending release.


Delete the struts2 items in your local Maven2 repository and obtain a fresh checkout.

Code Block
svn co STRUTS_#_#_#


Update the release notes and POMs to remove "-SNAPSHOT" from the version, commit the POM changes, and note the revision number


Tag the release by making a SVN copy of the head or designated revision


Code Block
svn copy -r ###### 
  -m "WW-#### Tag r###### as Struts #.#.#" 


Assemble the release (see notes)


Code Block
mvn clean install site -P all,alljars,pre-assembly
cd assembly 
mvn clean assembly:assembly
  • The assembly module is not listed in the 'all' profile, so it does not get cleaned on line 1 above.
  • From a clean Subversion checkout against a clean Maven repository, you may need to build the plugins first so that they exist in your working repository.


Under CygWin or Linux, sign the Maven artifacts (from .\STRUTS_###) (see notes)


Code Block
mvn -P release,all -Dpassphrase="$PASSPHRASE"


Deploy the Maven artifacts to the staging repository


Create a release folder at, and make sure the staging repository at {{ Removed

}} is empty or missing, then:

Code Block
mvn deploy -P all,pre-assembly 


Then, move the staging repository under the new #.#.# folder (mv m2-staging-repository 2.0.5)


Sign the Maven artifacts (in assembly/target/assembly/out)


Code Block
gpg --armor --output --detach-sig 
openssl md5 < >


(Under CygWin, use the $ mount command to check your drive and path mappings.)


pscp or scp the artifacts and signatures to


Leaving the clean STRUTS_### folder be, update your usual working copy (svn up), change the POMs to next version number, add the "-SNAPSHOT" suffix, and commit the POM changes.


Update JIRA roadmap with tag/release date; Add next milestone to the JIRA roadmap; Create DONE and TODO filters, share with all, and remove obsolete TODO filter; Create new release page, link from Migration Guide, and link to prior release page and JIRA filters. Update site.xml with link to new release notes.


Deploy the new snapshot from the Struts 2 trunk (with the latest POMs)


Code Block
mvn clean install site -P all,alljars,pre-assembly
mvn site-deploy -Pall 


Announce the test build to the dev list first and post a release/quality vote. If the distribution is being mirrored (there was a favorable release vote), copy the ZIPs to /www/, wait 24 hours beforing updating the download.xml page and making any announcement to the user list or general public.

One time

Create and install a SSH key


Install PuTTY


Use PuttyGen to create a SSH key (see Putty help for details)


Use PuTTY to ssh to


Create a ~/.ssh folder


pscp your SSH public key to ~/authorized_keys


ssh to p.a.o


Create a ~\.ssh folder and move authorized_keys there


Configure putty to use your private key and save the session

Create a PGP key


Install cgywin, including utils/gpg


Generate a key with $ gpg --gen-key


Backup your cygwin home directory to another media


Add your key to

Update Maven settings for our servers


Create a settings.xml under .m2 (in your Document and Settings folder)


Code Block

<settings xmlns=""
    <!-- Uncomment this when the 'central' repo on ibiblio is down 
         See: -->
    <!-- mirrors>
    </mirrors -->

Expose a copy of known hosts to Maven


From cygwin, ssh to, save the public key if prompted, and exit


cygwin will save the known hosts to your ~/.ssh folder, but the script cannot access it there (from Windows)


From cygwin (not Windows) create another .ssh folder at (question)


Copy the known_hosts file to the new .ssh folder

Increase Memory Settings for Maven

To complete a full build and all the tests, it may be neccesary to increase the amount of memory available to Maven. The simplest thing is to set an environment variable.

  • MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx512m or even MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx1024m

Skip Tests

On occasion, it can be helpful to skip the unit tests to be sure the buid otherwise completes. From the command line, add

  • -Dmaven.test.skip=true

Do not do this when building a release!



If a tagged build needs to be retagged, be sure to delete the old tag first.

Code Block
svn delete -m "WW-### Removing first try at 2.#.#."

Interim Notes on Cobbling a Distribution

To update the Java 4 distribution

Before tagging

  • If needed, update the translator JARs and translate batch file under "backport"
  • If needed, update the translate batch file as to the Struts version under "backport"

After assembly, before signing

  • Extract assembly to a root drive (\struts-2.0.x)
  • Copy (export) the "backport" folder that is under SVN to \struts-2.0.x\j4
  • Run the translate batch file
  • Create archive
  • Also create a archive
  • Update archive

Before signing

  • There's a bug in the current Maven GPG. The workaround is, before signing, copy the Apps WARs as JARs. This should go away in the next GPG release.

Sample Test Build Announcement

(tick) Test builds are only announced to the dev list. Announcements to the user list can only be made pursuant to a release vote with the consent of the PMC.

The test build of Struts 2.0.3 is available.

No determination as to the quality ('alpha,' 'beta,' or 'GA') of Struts 2.0.3 has been made, and at this time it is simply a "test build". We welcome any comments you may have, and will take all feedback into account if a quality vote is called for this build.

Release notes:

  • Wiki Markup


Maven 2 staging repository:

We appreciate the time and effort everyone has put toward contributing code and documentation, posting to the mailing lists, and logging issues.

Sample Release/Quality Vote

The Struts #.#.# test build has been available since ## ### ####.

Release notes:

  • Wiki Markup


Maven 2 staging repository:

If you have had a chance to review the test build, please respond with a vote on its quality:

Wiki Markup
\[ \] Leave at test build
\[ \] Alpha
\[ \] Beta
\[ \] General Availability (GA)

Everyone who has tested the build is invited to vote. Votes by PMC members are considered binding. A vote passes if there are at least three binding +1s and more +1s than -1s.

Please remember that a binding +1 for GA implies that you intend to support the release by applying patches and responding to posts to the user and dev lists.

Sample Release Announcment

The Apache Struts team is pleased to announce the release of Struts #.#.# $GRADE.

Struts #.#.# is available in a full distribution, or as separate library, source, example and documentation distributions. Removed

It is also available in the central Maven repository under Group ID "org.apache.struts".

The #.#.x series of the Apache Struts framework has a minumum requirement of the following specification versions:

  • Java Servlet #.# and JavaServer Pages (JSP) #.#
  • Java 2 Standard Platform Edition (J2SE) #.#

The release notes are available online at:
