Each geronimo cluster member must have a unique jvmRoute designation. The jvmRoute attribute allows the mod-jk load balancer to provide "sticky session" (sending all requests for the same httpsession to the same cluster member). This is possible since the load balancer places the jvmRoute value in the session cookie (or encoded url) that is returned to the web browser.
For Geronimo v1, you should specify the jvmRoute on the cmdline when the server is started.
Specifically, "java -DjvmRoute=nodeX -jar bin/server.jar"
nodeX should have a unique value for each geronimo cluster member
In the near future, the jvmRoute attribute will be configurable via the var/config/config.xml file.
Go ahead and start the geronimo server on each cluster member now specifying the correct jvmRoute value.
The jvmRoute attribute can be set by updating the var/config/config.xml file by adding the lines indicated in bold below.
<configuration name="geronimo/tomcat/1.0/car">
<gbean name="TomcatResources">
<gbean name="TomcatEngine">
<attribute name="initParams">
<gbean name="TomcatWebConnector">
<attribute name="host"></attribute>
<attribute name="port">8080</attribute>
<attribute name="redirectPort">8443</attribute>
Remember that the jvmRoute value must be unique for each cluster member and the server must be stopped when updating config.xml.
Now start the geronimo server (e.g. bin/geronimo.bat|sh run) and Now that the jvmRoute is set correctly for each cluster member. You should deploy the example on each of the cluster members. For this example, the applications are slightly different for each cluster member. The difference is merely to indicate the current Server number (e.g. Server 1, Server 2) in the output of the application. This will be useful when trying to determine which cluster member is servicing the http request from the browser.
Once you get the applications installed on each cluster member, you can test httpsession replication by hitting the application with your favorite browser. Probably something like: http://localhost:8080/servlets-examples-cluster/servlet/SessionExample . Note that the output page contains the ID of the server that is servicing the request. In your browser window, fill in the appropriate input fields and hit the submit button. The console dialogue (the prompt where you started geronimo) should show that that httpsession data is being transmitted and received between the cluster members. Note that the transmit/receive confirmation messages in the log are only present for Tomcat 5.5.12.
Install Apache HTTP server - instructions and downloads available at http://httpd.apache.org/
Install Apache mod_jk - See http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-5.5-doc/balancer-howto.html
Configuration tips for mod_jk:
Once you get Apache HTPP Server and mod_jk setup correctly.. You can test load balancing and failover by requesting the following URLs on port 80 (Apache HTTP Server default port).
http://Yourhost/servlets-examples-cluster - HttpSession is not used here, hence no sticky session http://Yourhost/servlets-examples-cluster/servlet/SessionExample - HttpSession is used here, hence sticky session should be in effect
- When testing using a web browser, make sure that you erase cookies and cached pages between test cases. Browser caching can cause confusion when testing.
- Make sure your application has the distributable attribute defined in web.xml
- Memory to memory replication currently requires that all cluster members must reside on the same physical subnet since multicast broadcast is used. Make sure all cluster members are on the same physical subnet and that multicast broadcast is supported on the subnet.
Also, see http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-5.0-doc/cluster-howto.html for more information on tomcat clustering.