Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • config-type - String representing a group of configurations. Example: core-site, hdfs-site, yarn-site, etc. When configurations are saved in Ambari, they are persisted within a version of config-type which is immutable. If you change and save HDFS core-site configs 4 times, you will have 4 versions of config-type core-site. Also, when a service's configs are saved, only the changed config-types are updated.
  • configFiles - lists the config-files handled by the enclosing component
  • configFile - represents one config-file of a certain type
    • type - type of file based on which contents are generated differently
      • xml - XML file generated in Hadoop friendly format. Ex: hdfs-site.xml
      • env - Generally used for scripts where the content value is used as a template. The template has config-tags whose values are populated at runtime during file generation. Ex:
      • properties - Generates property files where entries are in key=value format. Ex:
    • dictionaryName - Name of the config-type as which key/values of this config file will be stored
  • configuration-dependencies - Lists the config-types on which this component or service depends on. One of the implications of this dependency is that whenever the config-type is updated, Ambari automatically marks the component or service as requiring restart. From the code section above, whenever core-site is updated, both HDFS service as well as HDFS_CLIENT component will be marked as requiring restart.
  • configuration-dir - Directory where files listed in configFiles will be. Optional. Default value is configuration.

Adding new configs in a config-type

There are a number of different parameters that can be specified to a config item when it is added to a config-type. These have been covered here

UI - Categories

Configurations defined above show up in the service's Configs page.


Any custom stack must include these two JSON files.  For further information see the Stack Properties wiki page.


Each stack-version includes services which are either referenced from common-services, or defined inside the stack-version's services folder. 
Services are defined in common-services if they will be shared across multiple stacks. If they will never be shared, then they can be defined inside the stack-version.
