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Data Injection:

In the context of this Test framework an input stream means a stream that Samza job may consume from and an output stream means a stream that Samza job can produce to. The initial source of data stream is always supposed to be bounded since this is a test, and that may originate as one of the following sources listed below.





Data Types & Partitions:

The framework will provide complete flexibility for usage of primitive and derived data types. Serdes are required for local kafka stream and file stream but in memory streams dont require any Serde configuration. Serdes will be also required if users want to maintain State. Test framework will provide api's for initialization of input streams (both single and multi-partition), and also data validation on single partition and multi-partition of the bounded streams 


Shown below is a targeted test matrix plan to test various components of Samza in p2.

nnumber of threads

x = number of partitions 

m = number of containers

Samza APIConcurrencyPartitionsContainerExpected Result
task.max.concurrency = 1
job.container.thread.pool.size = n
1 <= p <= nx1 / nmin order processing
task.max.concurrency > 1
job.container.thread.pool.size = n
1 <= p <= nx1 / nmout of order processing
task.max.concurrency = 11 <= p <= nx1 / nmin order processing
task.max.concurrency = n1 <= p <= nx1 / nmout of order processing
Windowable TaskN/A1 <= p <= nx1 / nmexpecting processing n messages for messages window of time t
Initiable TaskN/A1 <= p <= nx1 / nmstateful testing (assertions on kv store)
Closable TaskN/A1 <= p <= nx1 / nmverify closing the client?

Map / Flatmap / Filter /

Partition By / Merge /

SendTo / Sink / Join /



task.max.concurrency = 1

job.container.thread.pool.size = n

1 <= p <= nx 1 / min order processing

task.max.concurrency > 1

job.container.thread.pool.size = n

out of order processing


Code Block
titleSimple StreamTask Test
* Simple Test case using a collection as an input for a low level application. It demonstrates set up and comparison of a test with 
* minimal(eg. here none) configs and it reads an input stream of integers and multiplies each integer with 10
// Create a StreamTask
MyStreamTestTask myTask = new StreamTask() {
  public void process(IncomingMessageEnvelope envelope, MessageCollector collector, TaskCoordinator coordinator) throws Exception {
    Integer obj = (Integer) envelope.getMessage();
    collector.send(new OutgoingMessageEnvelope(new SystemStream("test","output"), obj*10));

CollectionStream<Integer> input = CollectionStream
	.of("test", "input", {1,2,3,4})

CollectionStream output = CollectionStream
	.empty("test", "output")

// Assertions on the outputs
Assert.assertThat(TestRunner.consumeStream(output), IsIterableContainingInOrder.contains({10,20,30,40})));


Code Block
titleSimple AsyncStreamTask Test
* Simple Test case using a collection as an input for a low level application in the async mode

public class MyAsyncStreamTask implements AsyncStreamTask, InitableTask, ClosableTask {
  private Client client;
  private WebTarget target; 

  public void init(Config config, TaskContext taskContext) throws Exception {
    // Your initialization of web client code goes here
    client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
    target ="").path("hello");

  public void processAsync(IncomingMessageEnvelope envelope, MessageCollector collector,
      TaskCoordinator coordinator, final TaskCallback callback) {
    target.request().async().get(new InvocationCallback<Response>() {
      public void completed(Response response) {
        Integer obj = (Integer) envelope.getMessage();
        collector.send(new OutgoingMessageEnvelope(new SystemStream("test","output"), obj*10));

      public void failed(Throwable throwable) {
        System.out.println("Invocation failed.");

  public void close() throws Exception {

CollectionStream<Integer> input = CollectionStream
	.of("test", "input", {1,2,3,4})

CollectionStream output = CollectionStream
	.empty("test", "output")

// Assertions on the outputs


Code Block
titleSimple High Level Api Test
* Simple Test case using a collection as an input for a High level application
public class MyStreamApplication implements StreamApplication {
  public void init(StreamGraph graph, Config config) {
    MessageStream<Integer> pageViews = graph.getInputStream(“”); -> "processed " + s)
CollectionStream<Integer> input = CollectionStream
	.of("test", "input", {1,2,3,4})

CollectionStream output = CollectionStream
	.empty("test", "output")
// Initialize and run the test framework
	.of(new MyStreamApplication());
    .addOverrideConfig("job.default.system", "test") 
// Assertions on the outputs
StreamAssert.that(output).contains({"processed 1", "processed 2", "processed 4"});
