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Translations : Chinese (zh_CN) | Italian | Spanish | Asturianavailable for: Asturianu (ast)Bulgarian (bg) | Deutsch (de) | Ελληνικά (el) | Español (es) | Galego (gl) | Italiano (it) | Bahasa Indonesia (id) | Nederlands (nl) | Русский (ru) | 简体中文 (zh-CN) | 正體中文 (zh-TW)


Table of Contents




AOO 3.4.1

AOO 4.0

Keep special numbering when saving or opening a ppt file

Support special tiled fill (picture size covers master page) background to be exported into ppt file

The fill attribute of graphic background in table can be display correctly when loading ppt file

Support of a connector that is connected to PPT table

crash in AOO 3.4.1

Right notched arrow with "Fit shape to text" property can be imported correctly

Keep 3D effects when import line


Spreadsheet Documents



AOO 3.4.1

AOO 4.0

Keep Pie chart height when open Excel file

Support the range specified by a reference formula or name range as chart data

Show chart name through VBA API by clicking a button

Support data filter function on merged cells

Support user-defined format code in xls when cell value is TRUE or FALSE

Support GETPIVOTDATA in Excel

Support format code "0_;.00"


  • Old themes are kept and sometimes extended
  • Gallery is now able to store and use SVG graphics
  • Many new graphics are now in SVG format, which saves space on your computer and gives the user the highest quality vector format
  • Ability to add your own SVG and Metafile format graphics
  • Can now be oriented horizontally or vertically and will adapt it's its layout automatically
  • Now also available anytime in the new Sidebar


This is used in various places, such as; : Objects with TextEdit mode, highlighting of objects as Drag&Drop target or object manipulation (dashed black/white lines were used before).


  • Drag&Drop from external: change FillStyle to Bitmap (including transparence), use e.g. SVG or metafile
  • Drag&Drop internal (klick click on the source object(s), wait a second until MousePointer changes, start dragging, hold CTRL+SHIFT)


Enhancements and bug fixes were made in the SVG Import code . Thanks to all Users  Users who were reporting issues and providing test documents for SVG.  If you have a SVG file which looks different than it should, do not hesitate to attach it to an issue in the Apache OpenOffice Bugzilla.


Note: Several other language translations are in-progress and will be released when available.  If your language is not listed above, and you want to help translate the user interface, we welcome any and all volunteers



Improved Quality Management Tools

New Automated Testing Framework

Apache OpenOffice 4.0 有基于 JUNIT 的新的自动化测试框架,用于以下领域的测试

  • BVT (基本验证测试)
  • FVT (功能验证测试)
  • PVT (性能验证测试)
  • SVT (系统验证测试)


移除了 binfilter 模块

不再支持 StarOffice 遗留文件格式(扩展名为 .sdw、.sdc、.sdd 等的文件)。移除这一代码更易于 OpenOffice 代码库的维护。这些遗留格式从未是 OpenOffice 任一版本的默认格式。建议有 StarOffice 遗留文件的用户 在升级至 Apache OpenOffice 4.0 之前,将文件重新保存为 ODF 格式(.odt、*.ods、*.odp 等)。该操作可在 OpenOffice 3.x 上通过“文件 (File) - 向导 (Wizards) - 文件转换器 (Document Converter)”实现,仍支持 OpenOffice 3.x 的文件 (*.sxw, *.sxc, *.sxi)。

更新了 Python 支持

PyUNO 现在与最新的 C-Python 3.x 兼容,但是为了减少对当前应用程序的影响,依然支持 C-Python 2.x 并且保留其默认值。Windows 和 MacOS-X 端口默认使用内部 Python,它现已升级至 2.7.5 版本,可修复成百上千的漏洞而且性能大大提升,但仍兼容以前版本。当前脚本可能需要微调,但依然会像以前一样正常运行。

支持 C++ STL 系统

按照 C++ 标准的 TR1 报告,stlport4 模板库已过时,已废弃不用且不再维护。Apache OpenOffice 4 转移至系统本地标准的模板库,因此用 C++ 写的扩展程序需要用 Apache OpenOffice 4 SDK 重新编译。


截至 2013 年 7 月 17 日,已解决了 498 个证实的问题。


(登录 OpenOffice Bugzilla 可以搜索你感兴趣的任何漏洞。)


has a new automated testing framework based on JUNIT that tests in the areas

  • BVT (Basic Verification Tests)
  • FVT (Functional Verification Tests)
  • PVT (Performance Verification Tests)
  • SVT (System Verifcation Tests)

Changes that Impact Backwards Compatibility

Module binfilter removed

We no longer read or write the legacy StarOffice file formats (files with extensions .sdw, .sdc, .sdd, etc.).  Removal of this code makes the OpenOffice codebase easier to maintain.  The legacy formats have never been the default format in any version of OpenOffice.  Users with legacy StarOffice documents are advised to re-save them into ODF format (.odt, *.ods, *.odp, etc.) *before upgrading to Apache OpenOffice 4.0. This can be done using File - Wizards - Document Converter in OpenOffice 3.x  OpenOffice 1.x files (*.sxw, *.sxc, *.sxi) are still supported.

Python support updated

PyUNO is now compatible with the latest C-Python 3.x but in order to reduce the impact for existing applications, support for C-Python 2.x has been preserved and remains the default. The internal Python, used by default in the Windows and MacOS-X ports, has now been upgraded with version 2.7.5 which fixes hundreds of bugs and has important performance improvements but is still compatible with previous versions. Existing scripts may require minor adjustments but will normally just continue working as before.

Support for system C++ STL

The stlport4 template library was obsoleted with the TR1 report of the C++ standard and was deprecated and no longer maintained. Apache OpenOffice 4 switches to the system's native standard template library, so extensions written in C++ need to be recompiled with the Apache OpenOffice 4 SDK.

Bug Fixes

As of July 17th 2013 there were 498 verified issues that have been resolved.

This list can be found at: VERIFIED or CLOSED

(An OpenOffice Bugzilla login will enable you to search for any bugs that may interest you.)

Important bug fixes have been made in these areas:

Support for Java 7, and the 恢复对 Java 7 和在 JRE 1.7u6 及以后版本上执行的 Java Access Bridge v2.0.3 的支持。要求获得辅助技术工具使用支持的 Windows OS 用户现在可以在 Windows 上使用 Java SE 7 运行环境和 Java Accessibility API 当前的 Oracle 版本。


implemented in JRE 1.7u6 and later has been restored. Windows OS users requiring Accessibility support for Assistive Technology tools can now use current Oracle releases of the Java SE 7 Runtime Environment and the Java Accessibility API on Windows.

The QA team has been tracking additional fixes as well. See their complete reports at:


Known Issues

  • Apache OpenOffice 4.0.0 将在 will be flagged by the new Gatekeeper facility in Mac OS X Mountain Lion 中由新的 Gatekeeper 设备进行标记。这是 Mac 系统上抵制恶意软件的一个新特性。下列链接列出的步骤可以使非 Mac 应用商店安装的应用程序运行。了解 Mac 的支持文章请访问 . This is a new feature to help guard against malware on Mac systems. There is a procedure laid out at the following link to allow applications not installed from the Mac App store to run. See the article at Mac support at
  • Apache OpenOffice 4.0.0 支持 supports Java 7, 为建议配置;但(尤其是在 64 位 Windows 系统上),你可能会收到关于有缺陷的 Java 版本的警告。在这种情况下,下载并安装 Microsoft which is the recommended configuration; but (especially on 64-bit Windows) you might receive warnings about the Java version being defective. In that case, download and install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package。 如果仍有问题,安装 最新的 JRE 6 版本。 确保得到 . If you still have problems, install the most current JRE 6 version. Make sure you get the file "Windows x86 Offline (32-bit)" 文件。然后配置 OpenOffice,通过 "工具 (Tools) - 选项 (Options) - OpenOffice – Java" 来使用。更多信息参见论坛主题this forum topic. Then configure OpenOffice to use it at "Tools - Options - OpenOffice - Java". See this forum topic for more information.
  • Apache OpenOffice 4.0.0. 有一个新调色板。如果你的“个人资料”从以前版本转移而来,则以前的调色板也会转移:你看不见新调色板,而且(如果你在使用非英语版本)有些色彩名称只显示英文。要使新调色板关闭 Apache OpenOffice 和快速启动,在你的 Apache OpenOffice 用户文件夹 中搜索并重命名 “standard.soc” 文件,例如重命名为 “standard_AOO341.soc”。再次启动 Apache OpenOffice 时,新调色板将转移至用户文件夹而且可以使用。


在已装有OpenOffice 3.4.1 或3.4.0 的机器上安装 Apache OpenOffice 4.0.0 时,会提示用户是否要将以前版本的“个人资料”转移至新版本。这些信息包括自定义拼写检查单词、词典、扩展程序等。该转移默认执行,但用户可以通过复选框禁用此功能。

在某些情况下,用户执行包含个人资料转移的升级后首次启动 Apache OpenOffice 4.0 时,将看到如下对话框: Image Removed
在该对话框中安全单击 OK。

A升级完成后,一些与OpenOffice 旧版本相关的文件可能依然存在于机器上。可将这些文件安全删除:

  • has got a new color palette. If you have migrated your "personal data" from a previous version, the old color palette is migrated too: you won't see the new palette and (if you are using a non-English version) some of the color names will appear in English only. To get the new palette close Apache OpenOffice and its quickstarter, search for the file “standard.soc” in your Apache OpenOffice user folder and rename the file, to “standard_AOO341.soc” for example. With the next start of Apache OpenOffice the new color palette is transferred to your user folder and is available.
  • Some Extensions need to be updated to work with Apache OpenOffice 4.0 due to API changes and simplifications introduced with the new release. In most cases, the extensions can be easily adapted to work with OpenOffice 4.0 by their developers. Users and developers can find more information in this dedicated wiki page.


When installing Apache OpenOffice 4.0.0 on a machine that already has OpenOffice 3.4.1 or 3.4.0 installed on it, the user will be prompted on whether they would like "personal data" from the previous version migrated over to the new version.  This includes information like custom spell checking words, dictionaries, extensions, etc. By default this migration is enabled, but the user can disable it via the checkbox.

In some cases, when the user first launches Apache OpenOffice 4.0 after an upgrade that included personal data migration, the user will see a dialog like this: Image Added
It is safe to click OK on this dialog.

After an upgrade is completed, there may be some files related to the older version of OpenOffice still on your machine.  These can be safely deleted:

  • The empty directory:  空文件目录:  C:\Program Files\ 3\share\uno_packages\cache\uno_packages
  • Install files directories from previous versions, often on your Desktop, with names like: 安装以前版本的文件目录(通常在 Desktop 上),文件名如下:
    • 3.4.1 (en-US) Installation Files
    • 3.4 (en-US) Installation Files
    • 3.3 (en-US) Installation Files

了解更多升级/安装信息,请参阅 安装指南

即时了解 Apache OpenOffice 的最新信息

For additional upgrade/installation information, please see the Install Guide.

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