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NOTE: this is the business setup guide for OFBiz, for the technical oriented one, look here. 

Written by: David E. Jones With feedback and contributions from Ruth Hoffman, Andy Zeneski, Si Chen, Chris Chesney, Hans Bakker, and Al Byers

Sponsored by:
Integral Business Solutions ( Hotwax Media, Inc (
AntWebsystems Co,.Ltd (

Table of Contents

  1. Purpose and Goal of This Document
  2. Data To Gather for Setup
  3. General Terms and Information
    1. OFBiz "Manager" Applications
    2. Other OFBiz Terms
  4. Business Setup Process
    1. General Company Setup
      1. Company Contact Information
    2. Facility (Warehouse) Setup
    3. WebSite Setup
    4. Store Setup
      1. Store Settings
      2. Store Role Settings
      3. Promotional Settings
      4. Catalog Settings
      5. Web Site Settings
      6. Sales Tax Settings
      7. Store Shipping Settings
        1. UPS Online Rate Estimates
        2. UPS XPCI Integration
        3. USPS Online Rate Estimates
      8. Store Payment Settings
        1. Payment Processor Details
        2. PayPal Payment Setup
        3. Payflow Pro Payment Setup
        4. CyberSource Payment Setup
        5. Payment Setup
        6. RBS WorldPay Payment Setup
        7. Giftcards
      9. e-mail Settings
      10. Survey Settings
      11. General Settings Override
    5. Catalog, Category, Product Setup
      1. Catalog Setup
      2. Category Setup
      3. Product Setup
        1. Add Content to the New Product
        2. Add Prices to the Product
    6. Accounting Organization and Setup Process
    7. Marketing introduction


Manager applications which will be referenced in this document include the:
"Catalog Manager" accessed at:

No Format



"Party Manager" accessed at:

No Format



More technical web based tools, or tools for the OFBiz framework are available in the "Web Tools" application: http://localhost:8080/webtools/control/main


This is configured using various properties in the file:

No Format

${ofbiz install dir}/applications/product/config/


  1. UPS XPCI Access License Number
    1. o
    2. o Example: TEST262223144CAT
    3. o This license number is used for both the UPS shipment estimate online service and the UPS XPCI shipping interface services (described below)
  2. Shipper Default Pickup Type
    2. Example: 06
    3. Valid options:
      1. 01 - Daily Pickup
      2. 03 - Customer Counter
      3. 06 - One Time Pickup
      4. 07 - On Call Air Pickup
      5. 11 - Suggested Retail Rates (UPS Store)
      6. 19 - Letter Center
      7. 20 - Air Service Center
    4. Choose the option that represents your relationship with UPS. This affects the estimated rate you will get back since UPS varies their prices based on how you get your packages to them.
  3. Estimate split into packages
    2. Example: "90" meaning 90 pounds
    3. This number is used as the max weight per package when the total weight is > than this weight the weights are split into packages not exceeding max.


This is configured using various properties in the file:

No Format

${ofbiz install dir}/applications/product/config/


  1. UPS Shipper Number
    2. Example: 486915
  2. UPS Bill Shipper Account Number
    2. Example: 486915
  3. UPS XPCI Access License Number
    2. Example: TEST262223144CAT
  4. UPS XPCI Access User ID
  5. UPS XPCI Access Password
  6. Setting to save files needed for UPS certification
    3. This option is used to create the artifacts the UPS needs to certify client implementation. It is generally required for each customer to go through this process and for UPS to verify the results. Once this is done the property should be set to false. For more information on this process, see the UPS XPCI documentation and additional information in the file.


This is configured using various properties in the file:

No Format

${ofbiz install dir}/applications/product/config/


  1. USPS Connection URL & timeout in seconds
    1. shipment.usps.connect.url
    2. Example: http://localhost/facility/ShippingAPI.dll
    3. shipment.usps.connect.timeout
    4. Example: 60
  2. USPS Credentials
    1. shipment.usps.access.userid
    2. shipment.usps.access.password
  3. Estimate split into packages
    1. shipment.usps.max.estimate.weight
    2. Example: 70


While the payment services and high level settings are configured in the Store section of the Catalog Manager the detailed configuration for the various payment processing services are configured in the file:

No Format

${ofbiz install dir}/applications/accounting/config/


  1. There are many comments in this file and sections for each of the major payment processing services.
  2. If you are using any credit card payment processor, be sure to check and if necessary change the properties near the beginning of the file that follow the pattern: "payment.general.reauth.*.days".


  1. Go to Accounting - Payment Gateway Config and select "PayPal Payment Gateway" from the list
  2. Please fill all those fields to made working correctly to work with PayPal:

    Business Email : Email address of your business
    Notify URL : PayPal Notify URL (example (http://yourServerName/ecommerce/control/payPalNotify)
    Return URL : PayPal Return URL (example (http://yourServerName/ecommerce/control/orderhistory)
    Cancel Return URL : PayPal Return On Cancel URL (example http://yourServerName/ecommerce/control/payPalCancel/main)
    Image URL : Image To Use On PayPal (example (http://yourServerName/images/ofbiz_logo.gif)
    Confirm Template : Thank-You / Confirm Order Template (example /order/emailconfirmation.ftl)
    Redirect URL : PayPal Redirect URL (Sandbox Production
    Confirm URL : PayPal Confirm URL (Sandbox Production
  3. Once PayPal Payment Gateway has been configurated you have to go to Catalog - Stores - select your Store - Payments tab
  4. Edit the Payment Method Type Paypal and choose as Payment Gateway Config Id "PayPal Config".
  5. As deprecated use you can alternatively change the configuration parameters into

    No Format
    ${ofbiz install dir}/applications/accounting/config/

    The ones that always need to be changed for use of PayPal are:

    1. - set to an email address on your PayPal account
    2. payment.paypal.notify - just change domain name and port to the production values you are using
    3. payment.paypal.return - set to the URL where you want PayPal to send customers once payment is complete, typically back to your ecommerce web site
    4. payment.paypal.cancelReturn - set to the URL where you want PayPal to send customers when they cancel their payment
    5. payment.paypal.image - set to the URL of the image or logo you want PayPal to display to help customers know that the payment is being received on your behalf


Payflow Pro Payment Setup
  1. Put payflow.jar from Payflow Pro's Java SDK in the directory in

    No Format
    ${ofbiz install dir}applications/accounting/lib.
  2. Change the accounting build.xml and comments to not exclude verisign sources like here :
    <!- <exclude name="org/ofbiz/accounting/thirdparty/verisign/**"/> ->
  3. Confirm that applications/accounting/build/classes/org/ofbiz/accounting/thirdparty/verisign/PayflowPro.class was built and exists
  4. The installation of certificate is now no more necessary
  5. Go to Accounting - Payment Gateway Config and select "Payflow Pro Payment Gateway" from the list
  6. Please fill all those fields to made working correctly to work with Payflow Pro:

    Certs Path : Path the the VeriSign Certificate (No more used from version v4)
    Host Address : Address of the payment processor (example (Test or Production
    Host Port : Port of the payment processor (default is 443)
    Timeout : Timeout (default is 80 seconds)
    Proxy Address : Proxy Address
    Proxy Port : Proxy Port (default is 80)
    Proxy Logon : Proxy Logon
    Proxy Password : Proxy Password
    Vendor : Vendor of account information
    User Id : PayFlow UserID of account information
    Pwd : PayFlow Password of account information
    Partner : PayFlow Partner of account information
    Check Avs : Use Address Verification
    Check Cvv2 : Require CVV2 Verification
    Pre Auth : Pre-Authorize Payments (if set to N will auto-capture)
    Enable Transmit : Set to false to not transmit anything
    Log File Name : Log file name
    Logging Level : Logging level
    Max Log File Size : Max log file size
    Stack Trace On : Stack trace on/off
  7. Once Payflow Pro Payment Gateway has been configurated you have to go to Catalog - Stores - select your Store - Payments tab
  8. Edit the Payment Method Type Credit Card and after selected a Service Type (Authorize, Capture, ...) you can choose the Custom Method related to the Service Type choosen and as Payment Gateway Config Id "Payflow Pro Config".

As deprecated use you can alternatively change the configuration parameters into

No Format

${ofbiz install dir}/applications/accounting/config/


Configure all the parameters starting with name "" in including directory, vendor, partner, user and password all.

CyberSource Payment Setup
  1. Put cybsclients15.jar, cybssecurity.jar and xalan.jar from CyberSource SDK in the directory in

    No Format
    ${ofbiz install dir}applications/accounting/lib/cybersource.
  2. Change the accounting build.xml and comments to not exclude verisign sources like here :
    <!- <exclude name="org/ofbiz/accounting/thirdparty/cybersource/**"/> ->
  3. Confirm that applications/accounting/build/classes/org/ofbiz/accounting/thirdparty/cybersource/IcsPaymentServices.class was built and exists
  4. The installation of certificate is requested and you can follow the instructions into the CyberSource Certificate Update manual.
  5. Go to Accounting - Payment Gateway Config and select "CyberSource Payment Gateway" from the list
  6. Please fill all those fields to made working correctly to work with CyberSource:

    Merchant Id : your merchant Id
    CyberSource API version : target API version (now is 1.43)
    Directory of the keys from CyberSource : Generate using online tools
    Name of the keystore : keystore file name (default is "merchantID".p12)
    Log transaction information : log activated true/false (default is true)
    Log directory : Log directory (default is runtime/logs)
    Log File Name : Log file name (default is cybersource.log)
    Max log size : Megabytes allowed for the log file
    Merchant Description : Shown on credit card statement Vendor
    Merchant Description Contact Information : Shown on credit card statement Vendor
    Auto-Bill In Authorization : Capture automatically true/false (default is false)
    Use DAV In Authorization : May not be supported any longer
    Use Fraud Scoring In Authorization : May not be supported any longer
    Ignore AVS results : Ignore Address Verification Service true/false (default is false)
    Disable AVS for Capture : May not be supported any longer
    AVS Decline Codes : May not be supported any longer
  7. Once CyberSource Payment Gateway has been configurated you have to go to Catalog - Stores - select your Store - Payments tab
  8. Edit the Payment Method Type Credit Card and after selected a Service Type (Authorize, Capture, ...) you can choose the Custom Method related to the Service Type choosen and as Payment Gateway Config Id "CyberSource Config".

As deprecated use you can alternatively change the configuration parameters into

No Format

${ofbiz install dir}/applications/accounting/config/


Configure all the parameters starting with name "payment.cybersource" in including directory, vendor, partner, user and password all.


As deprecated use you can alternatively change the configuration parameters into

No Format

${ofbiz install dir}/applications/accounting/config/


Configure all the parameters starting with name "payment.authorizedotnet" in


As deprecated use you can alternatively change the configuration parameters into

No Format

${ofbiz install dir}/applications/accounting/config/


Configure all the parameters starting with name "payment.worldpay" in


text now maintained within ofbiz, check