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This method is easier to use, but it also limit some possible optimizations


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Table of Contents

[This FLIP proposal is a joint work between Yun Gao Dong Lin and Zhipeng Zhang]


Code Block
package org.apache.flink.iteration;

 * A helper class to create iterations. To construct an iteration, Users are required to provide
 * <ul>
 *   <li>initVariableStreams: the initial values of the variable data streams which would be updated
 *       in each round.
 *   <li>dataStreams: the other data streams used inside the iteration, but would not be updated.
 *   <li>iterationBody: specifies the subgraph to update the variable streams and the outputs.
 * </ul>
 * <p>The iteration body will be invoked with two parameters: The first parameter is a list of input
 * variable streams, which are created as the union of the initial variable streams and the
 * corresponding feedback variable streams (returned by the iteration body); The second parameter is
 * the data streams given to this method.
 * <p>During the execution of iteration body, each of the records involved in the iteration has an
 * epoch attached, which is mark the progress of the iteration. The epoch is computed as:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>All records in the initial variable streams and initial data streams has epoch = 0.
 *   <li>For any record emitted by this operator into a non-feedback stream, the epoch of this
 *       emitted record = the epoch of the input record that triggers this emission. If this record
 *       is emitted by onEpochWatermarkIncremented(), then the epoch of this record =
 *       epochWatermark.
 *   <li>For any record emitted by this operator into a feedback variable stream, the epoch of the
 *       emitted record = the epoch of the input record that triggers this emission + 1.
 * </ul>
 * <p>The framework would given the notification at the end of each epoch for operators and UDFs
 * that implements {@link IterationListener}.
 * <p>The limitation of constructing the subgraph inside the iteration body could be refer in {@link
 * IterationBody}.
 * <p>An example of the iteration is like:
 * <pre>{@code
 * DataStreamList result = Iterations.iterateUnboundedStreams(
 *  DataStreamList.of(first, second),
 *  DataStreamList.of(third),
 *  (variableStreams, dataStreams) -> {
 *      ...
 *      return new IterationBodyResult(
 *          DataStreamList.of(firstFeedback, secondFeedback),
 *          DataStreamList.of(output));
 *  }
 *  result.<Integer>get(0).addSink(...);
 * }</pre>
public class Iterations {

     * This method uses an iteration body to process records in possibly unbounded data streams. The
     * iteration would not terminate if at least one of its inputs is unbounded. Otherwise it will
     * terminated after all the inputs are terminated and no more records are iterating.
     * @param initVariableStreams The initial variable streams, which is merged with the feedback
     *     variable streams before being used as the 1st parameter to invoke the iteration body.
     * @param dataStreams The non-variable streams also refered in the {@code body}.
     * @param body The computation logic which takes variable/data streams and returns
     *     feedback/output streams.
     * @return The list of output streams returned by the iteration boy.
    public static DataStreamList iterateUnboundedStreams(
            DataStreamList initVariableStreams, DataStreamList dataStreams, IterationBody body) {
        return null;

     * This method uses an iteration body to process records in some bounded data streams
     * iteratively until a termination criteria is reached (e.g. the given number of rounds is
     * completed or no further variable update is needed). Because this method does not replay
     * records in the data streams, the iteration body needs to cache those records in order to
     * visit those records repeatedly.
     * @param initVariableStreams The initial variable streams, which is merged with the feedback
     *     variable streams before being used as the 1st parameter to invoke the iteration body.
     * @param dataStreams The non-variable streams also refered in the {@code body}.
     * @param config The config for the iteration, like whether to re-create the operator on each
     *     round.
     * @param body The computation logic which takes variable/data streams and returns
     *     feedback/output streams.
     * @return The list of output streams returned by the iteration boy.
    public static DataStreamList iterateBoundedStreamsUntilTermination(
            DataStreamList initVariableStreams,
            ReplayableDataStreamList dataStreams,
            IterationConfig config,
            IterationBody body) {
        return null;

5) Introduce the PerRoundSubGraphBuilder forEachRound utility method.

PerRoundSubgraphBuilder forEachRound allows the users to specify a sub-graph that executes as per-round mode, namely all the operators would be re-created for each round. 

Code Block
public interface IterationBody {

     * Constructs a subgraph inside the iteration body that all the operators would have a lifecycle
     * of {@link org.apache.flink.iteration.IterationConfig.OperatorLifeCycle#PER_ROUND}.
    class PerRound {

         * @param inputs The inputs of the subgraph.
         * @param perRoundSubBody The computational logic that want to be executed as per-round.
         * @return The output of the subgraph.
        public static DataStreamList forEachRound(
                DataStreamList inputs, PerRoundSubBody perRoundSubBody) {
            return null;

    /** The sub-graph inside the iteration body that should be executed as per-round. */
    interface PerRoundSubBody {

        DataStreamList process(DataStreamList input);


6) Add the DataStreamList and ReplayableDataStreamList class.


Code Block
 			DataStreamList resultStreams = 
				(variableStreams, dataStreams) -> {
                DataStream<double[]> parameterUpdates = variableStreams.get(0);
                	DataStream<Tuple2<double[], Double>> dataset = dataStreams.get(0);

                	SingleOutputStreamOperator<double[]> parameters = parameterUpdates.process(new ParametersCacheFunction());
                	DataStream<double[]> modelUpdate = parameters.setParallelism(1)
    	                .coProcess(new TrainFunction())
			     	DataStream<double[]> reduced = PerRoundGraphBuilder.forEachRound(DataStreamList.of(modelUpdate), streams -> {
						return streams.<double[]>get(0).windowAll().reduce((x, y) -> ArrayUtils.add(x, y));
                	return new IterationBodyResult(DataStreamList.of(modelUpdate), DataStreamList.of(parameters.getSideOut(FINAL_MODEL_OUTPUT_TAG)));
