'Active' means you are an active developer, 'Interested' effectively means you are an active user, and 'Future' means you plan to get involved at some point in the future.
Rahul Akolkar
- Active: SCXML
- Interested: Commons-build, Validator
- Future: Resources, Digester
Martin van den Bemt
- Active: varies
- Oversight: feedparser (applying patches)
- Interested: csv, email, fileupload, io, beanutils, dbutils, betwixt
Jeff Brekke
- Active: net
- Interested: vfs, configuration, lang, collections, io, betwixt
- Future:
James Carman
- Active: Collections, Proxy, BeanUtils, Lang
- Interested: Digester, Logging, Pool
- Future:
- Active: Lang, Collections, IO
- Oversight: Primitives
- Interested: Codec
- Future: Id, Convert
Martin Cooper
- Active:
- Interested:
- Future: JS2J
Mark Diggory
- Active: Math, Commons-build
- Interested: Configurator, Digester
- Future: JavaFlow, Jelly, Workflow
Oliver Heger
- Active: Configuration
- Interested: Lang, Jelly
- Future: Resources
- Active: VFS
- Interested: compress, net
- Future:
- Outside Commons: MyFaces
Simon Kitching
- Active: Logging, Digester
- Interested: Betwixt, Collections, Lang
- Future:
Dennis Lundberg
- Active: Commons-build, Logging
- Interested: DbUtils, Lang
- Future:
Sandy McArthur
Tim O'Brien
- Active: Codec
- Interested: SCXML, *
- Future: CLI
Niall Pemberton
- Active: Resources, Validator, BeanUtils
- Interested: Chain, FileUpload, Collections
- Future: SCXML
- Active: Exec, OpenPGP, Jelly
- Interested: IO
- Future: JCI, Compress
Jörg Schaible
- Active: IO, Lang, VFS
- Interested: CLI, Collections, Logging
- Future:
Phil Steitz
- Active: Commons-build, Collections, Id, MathMath, Pool, DBCP
- Interested: Lang, Collections
- Future:
Henri Yandell
- Active: Lang, CLI, DbUtils, CSV
- Interested: Codec, IO, Collections, MathInterested: Digester, Discovery, Lang
- Future: BeanUtils, FunctorDBCP, OpenPGP Pool
Rory Winston
- Active: LangNet
- Interested: IOValidator, SCXML, CollectionsDBCP, Math
Emmanuel Bourg
- Active: Configuration
- Interested: Digester, Lang, Collections
- Future: DbUtils, IO
Matt Benson
- Active: JXPath, Lang, Functor
- Interested: Collections
- Future: new components
Siegfried Goeschl
- Active: Exec
- Interested: Email , CLI
Simone Tripodi
- Active: Digester, Discovery, Pool
- Interested: Collections, Proxy
- Future: new components