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Wicket 1.4

To mount a page in Wicket 1.4 the developer had to use org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WebApplication's:

  • #mount#mount(IRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy)
  • #mount#mount(String, PackageName)
  • #mountBookmarkablePage#mountBookmarkablePage(String, Class<T>)#mountBookmarkablePage
  • #mountBookmarkablePage(String, String, Class<T>)
    an And to mount a resource:
  • #mountSharedResource#mountSharedResource(String, String)
    For more information about these methods check


Wicket 1.5 interface and all its implementations are replaced with the org.apache.wicket.request. IRequestMapper and its respective implementations.

To add a mapper into the list of mappers which Wicket will use to process a request use org.apache.wicket. Application.getRootRequestMapperAsCompound().add(mapperInstance).
When a request comes Wicket will ask all registered mappers whether they are able to process the request. Mappers with bigger org.apache.wicket.request. IRequestMapper.getCompatibilityScore(Request) are asked first. So Wicket calls org.apache.wicket.request. IRequestMapper.mapRequest(Request) for each mapper and if it returns non-null IRequestHandler then this is the handler which will be used to process the current request. In #mapRequest(Request) the mapper have to check request's segments (this is similar to httpServletRequest#getPath()) and request's parameters (GET and POST) and decide whether they match to the mapper's functionality. For exampleorg.apache.wicket.request.mapper., HomePageMapper is the mapper used to process all requests without any segments, i.e. requests to '/' with or without any query parameters.
The actual processing of the request is being done with org.apache.wicket.request. IRequestHandler.respond(IRequestCycle). During the processing Wicket asks the mappers to create a org.apache.wicket.request.Url objects Url object for each callback handler (e.g. link, form, ....) via org.apache.wicket.request. IRequestMapper.mapHandler(IRequestHandler).

Sometimes you may want a specific IRequestMapper to be process all incoming requests. To do this you should use org.apache.wicket. Application.setRootRequestMapper(IRequestMapper). This mapper may manipulate the Request's Url URL and then pass it for further processing to the registered non-root mappers. For examples of this idea see the source code of org.apache.wicket.request.mapper.CryptoMapper and org.apache.wicket.protocol.https.HttpsMapper CryptoMapper and HttpsMapper.

Default mapper implementations


This mapper is pre-configured by Wicket and there is no need to register it. It is used to create IRequestHandler for requests to the root ('/') of the application context.


This mapper decodes and encodes bookmarkable URLs like:

  • /wicket/bookmarkable/com.example.pages.MyPage - using BookmarkablePageRequestHandler for stateless pages and using RenderPageRequestHandler for stateful/hybrid pages
  • /wicket/bookmarkable/com.example.pages.MyPage?2-click-foo-bar-baz - using BookmarkableListenerInterfaceRequestHandler to process bookmarkable listeners (e.g. Behavior).


To change 'wicket' and 'bookmarkable' segments in the Url URL to something else see org.apache.wicket.request.mapper. IMapperContext.getNamespace() (the default implementation can be replaced with org.apache.wicket. Application.newMapperContext()).


This mapper is similar to BookmarkableMapper but the difference is that the user application defines the mount point where this mapper matches.
For example:

  • /path/to/page1
  • /path/to/pageN
  • /path/to/page? (2 is the page version, 5 is render count, 1 is behavior index)


Code Block


Code Block
public void init() {

	getRootRequestMapperAsCompound().add(new MountedMapper("/mount/point", MyPage.class));
	mountPage("/mount/point", MyPage.class); // convenient method doing the same as above

This mapper is a combination of all IRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy implementations from Wicket 1.4. It supports:

Indexed parameters


- /page/idx1/idx2

mountPage("/page", MyPage.class);
Now a request to "/page/a/b/c" will be handled by MyPage and the parameters can be get with PageParameters.get(int) (e.g. parameters.get(2) will return "c")

Named parameters


- /page/${named1}/${named2}

mountPage("/page/${named1}/${named2}", MyPage.class);
Now a request to "/page/a/b" will be handled by MyPage and the parameters can be get with PageParameters.get(String) (e.g. parameters.get("named1") will return "a")

Optional named parameters


- /page/${named1}/#{named2\

mountPage("/page/${named1}/#{named2}", MyPage.class);
This means the second parameter is optional. Requests to "/page/a/b" , "/page/a/b/" and "/page/a/" will be handled by MyPage and the parameters can be get with PageParameters.get(String) (e.g. parameters.get("named2") will return "b" for the first case and null for the second).
The mapper is smart enough to handle optional named parameters in any segment, not just the last one.

Arbitrary named parameters - /page/param1Name/param1Value/param2Name/param2Value

mount(new MountedMapper("/page", MyPage.class, new UrlPathPageParametersEncoder()));
Now a request to "/page/a/1/b/2" will be handled by MyPage and the parameters can be get with PageParameters.get(String) (e.g. parameters.get("a") will return "1")

Query parameters


- /page?param1Name=param1Value&param2Name=param2Value

mountPage("/page", MyPage.class);
Now a request to "/page?a=a1&b=b1" will be handled by MyPage and the parameters can be get with PageParameters.get(String) (e.g. parameters.get("a") will return "a1")

The mapper can handle a mix of the supported parameters - indexed + named + query.


This mapper can mount a whole package. That is you mount a single page with a mount path prefix and then the mapper knows how to map all Page implementations in that package.


Code Block


public void init() {

			new MountMapper("/mount/point", new PackageMapper(
        mountPackage("/mount/point", Page3.class);

Assuming that PageA package is "com.example.pages" a request to "/mount/point/PageB" will use com.example.pages.PageB if it exists and is an instance of Page.


A mapper which mounts ResourceReference implementations.


Code Block


public void init() {

	getRootRequestMapperAsCompound().add(new ResourceMapper("/company/logo", new PackageResourceReference(MyPage.class, "res/logo.gif")));
	mountResource("/company/logo", new PackageResourceReference(MyPage.class, "res/logo.gif"))); // convenient method doing the same as above


A wrapper around another mapper which will encrypt/decrypt the URLs generated by the inner one.


Code Block


Code Block
public void init() {

        IRequestMapper cryptoMapper = new CryptoMapper(getRootRequestMapper(), this));


A mapper which makes a redirect to the same URL with HTTPS protocol if the requested page is annotated with @RequireHttps or to HTTP protocol if the last processed page had @RequireHttps and the one going to be processed has no such annotation.


Code Block
 public class MyApplication extends WebApplication
  	public void init()
  		getRootRequestMapperAsCompound().add(new MountedMapper("secured", HttpsPage.class));
  		setRootRequestMapper(new HttpsMapper(getRootRequestMapper(), new HttpsConfig(80, 443)));

Since Wicket 6.x HttpsMapper can be easily extended

The HttpsMapper can now be subclassed. This means that by overriding the HttpsMapper.getDesiredScheme method you can programmatically determine what scheme to use.
Add this to your

Code Block
public void init() {
    setRootRequestMapper(new HttpsMapper(getRootRequestMapper(), new HttpsConfig(80, 443)) {
        protected Scheme getDesiredSchemeFor(Class<? extends IRequestablePage> pageClass) {
            if (getConfigurationType()==RunTimeConfigurationType.DEVELOPMENT) 
                return Scheme.HTTP;
                return super.getDesiredSchemeFor(pageClass);

Making all URLs absolute

See page Making all URLs absolute