Versions Compared


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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


  • DevMode has been set to the default "failsefalse" setting on all example applications. DevMode impacts performance and should only be set to true during development or debugging (WW-1781).
  • The Select tag is enhanced to work with non-string list keys when "multiple" is set to true (WW-1747).

Documentation Changes

  • A Performance Tuning page is added.
  • Thanks to Musachy Barroso, we have spiffy new buttons for the Struts 2 home page.


  • A consistent set of "camelCase" names for interceptors and results are available. Instead of "model-driven", you can now use "modelDriven". The hyphenated names will rename available until at least Struts 2.1.0 . (WW-1707).
  • Several minor patches have been applied. See the Issue Detail log for specifics.


  • Java 1.4 support: We are backporting the core Struts and XWork JARs, and, as a courtesy, bundling them with the distribution. However, Struts 2 is being coded for Java 5 and backward compatibility is not assured.
  • Cookie Interceptor: Inject cookie with a certain configurable name / value into action . (Since since 2.0.7.) (WW-1678).
  • Portlets: Automatic portlet support allows portal and servlet deployments with no code changes (WW-1645@S2jira).
  • AJAX Theme: AJAX tags look and feel just like standard Struts tags but provide greater interactivity and flexibility. The AJAX theme is backed by the popular Dojo Toolkit (WW-1609).
  • Zero Configuration: Optionally, eliminate or reduce XML configuration with convention and annotation (WW-1491).
  • REST-ful URLs: Use search-engine friendly URLs, like category/action/movie/Thrillers (WW-1475).
  • Experimental Plugins
    • Codebehind Plugin: Reduce mundane configuration by using "page controller" conventions (WW-1515).
    • Plexus Plugin - A new plugin that enables Struts Actions, Interceptors, and Results to be created and injected by Plexus.
    • Scope Plugin - Initial version of scope plugin that mimics JBoss Seam-style of scoped bijection (presently in the Sandbox).
    • Struts1 Plugin - A new plugin that allows you to use existing Struts 1 Actions and ActionForms in Struts 2 applications..
    • Tiles Plugin - A new plugin allows your Struts actions to return Tiles pages. The Tiles plugin is dependant on Tiles 2, which is still in beta.


  • Struts 2.0.7 is a milestone version in the 2.0.x series. There is yet to be a GA release in this series. The vote as to Struts 2.0.6 is pendingthe prior GA release.
  • The Release Manager is Ted Husted.
  • The tag date for the release is 12 19 March 2007, circa 1pm PST.