Versions Compared


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  1. After the project has has been setup, you should see a prompt to add the cloned repo as a maven project. Click the "Add as Maven Project"

  2. Setup the Java SDK as 1.8 (if you don't have oracle jdk 1.8, please install it first)
    1. File -> Project Structure --> Project Settings --> Project --> Select 1.8 as SDK
  3. Setup the Project Structure correctly
    1. Go to File --> Project Structure --> Project Settings --> Module
    2. select plus sign and select "Import Module"
    3. Go to the location where you cloned your fork on your local workstation and select the metron-streaming folder
    4. Check the checkbox "Import module as from External Folder" and Select Maven

    5. Leave the default setting on the import settings page
    6. Click Finish
    7. you should see something like the following:

    8. Do steps b - g for the following folders under the cloned repo directory: deployment, metron-sensors, metron-ui and site
    9. Build the entire project and ensure that you have no errors: Build --> Make Project


Now that you have setup your IDE environemnt and want to contribute on an enhancement, do the the following:

Create a JIRA Ticket

  1. Create JIRA ticket in Metron JIRA for the enhancement that you want to work on if it doesn't exist.
  2. Do your work within your Intellij projectCommit

Committing your changes to your Local Repo

After you have completd a small unit of work for the enhancement, you want to commit the changes to your lcoal repo. Do the following

  1.  Go to a local repoGot version control tab --> local changes --> right on the files that you modified or created --> select commit changes  
  2. Image Added
  3. Confirm the commit by adding the commit message and the JIRA numebr associated with the commit. 
  4. Image Added

Pushing the Local Committed Changes to the Forked Github repo

Now that the changes have been committed to local repo. We want to push and commit those changes to your forked github.

  1. Right Click on on the project in IntelliJ  --> Git --> Repository --> Push 
  2. Image Added
  3. Click Push
  4. Image Added
  5. You should now see the changes in the forked repo on your github account

Create a Pull Request 

Pull requests let you tell others about changes you've pushed to a GitHub repository. Once a pull request is sent, interested parties can review the set of changes, discuss potential modifications, and even push follow-up commits if necessary.

  1. Log into your github account and go to your forked repo.
  2. Click the button "new pull request"
  3. Image Added
  4. Please be very careful to preface your PR with the full name of the JIRA so that the comments from github are replicated to the JIRA system for posterity. The name must be exact. If there is a JIRA, METRON-777, that is titled "Fix all the things!", please create your PR with the title: "METRON-777: Fix all the things!"
  5. Please fill out the PR template completely.  For code submissions it will ask you not only to run full Unit Test, but also the integration test module, via
        mvn -q clean integration-test install && build_utils/ 
      commit changes