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Current state"Under Discussion"Accepted

Discussion thread: TBD here


serverASF JIRA


Now what happens next depends on the last offset of the batch appended in epoch 2. On becoming follower, broker B will send an OffsetForLeaderEpoch request to broker A with epoch 2. Broker A will respond with offset 11 21 (the start offset of the first leader epoch larger than 2, since broker A does not know about epoch 2).  There are three cases:


In the case of unclean leader election, the solution in essense compares the complete epoch lineage between the brokers by exchanging epoch information until they find the one roundtrip of OffsetForLeaderEpoch request/response is still a common case. We may see multiple roundtrips of OffsetForLeaderEpoch request/response in rare cases: 2 roundtrips is required starting at 3 consecutive fast leader failovers (see Scenario 3 later in this section). There is no additional/special handling of unclean leader election config in the proposed approach. The only difference is that leader and follower may look further back than High Watermak in the leader epoch history to find the largest epoch both brokers know about, and then truncating to based on the latest offset of that epoch (or not truncating if the follower's offset for that epoch is smaller than leader's offset). So, in some cases, multiple rounds of OffsetForLeaderEpoch request/response may be required to get there. . Theoretically, the solution lets both brokers to compare the complete epoch lineage between them, if needed. In practice, the common case would only require a few roundtrips for the solution to converge, usually exactly one roundtrip.

In more detail, the steps of the protocol are as follows:

  1. In the current protocol, when the follower sends OffsetForLeaderEpoch request for the partition to the leader, the request includes the latest Leader Epoch in the follower's Leader Epoch Sequence. This step and steps before that are the same as described in KIP-101. 
  2. The leader responds with the largest epoch less than or equal to the requested epoch (LeaderEpoch) and the end offset of this epoch (LastOffset).
  3. If the follower has LeaderEpoch received from the leader in its Leader Epoch Sequence file, then we go to step 4. Otherwise, the follower  
    1. The follower truncates to the end offset of the largest epoch less than LeaderEpoch, and
    2. The follower sends OffsetForLeaderEpoch request with the largest epoch less than LeaderEpoch, and
    1.  Steps 2 and 3 repeat until the follower receives the epoch it knows about (the epoch is in the follower's Leader Epoch Sequence file).
  4. The By following steps 2 and 3, the follower truncates all offsets with epochs larger than the epoch received from the leader (LeaderEpoch), and then . In this step, the follower truncates its log to the leader's LastOffset, if leader's LastOffset is smaller than follower's Log End Offset.
  5. The follower starts fetching from the leader and the remainder of the protocol remains unchanged.


  1. Leave a tombstone in the log if we delete all offsets for some epoch, so that LeaderEpoch file can be rebuilt
  2. Do not compact further than persistent HW.

Rejected Alternatives

We investigated couple of solutions which are logically the same as the proposed solution, but had different trade-offs in terms of number of OffsetForLeaderEpoch roudtrips and additional size for OffsetForLeaderEpoch request/response.


Alternative 1: Multiple rounds of OffsetForLeaderEpoch between follower and leader until they find the largest epoch both of them know about.


This approach is


very similar to the proposed solution,


but it does not change a format of OffsetForLeaderEpoch request or response. Instead, if the follower sends OffsetForLeaderEpoch with the epoch now known to the leader, the leader responds with an error message that it does not have any offsets for a requested epoch. This will be a new error code, lets call it UNKNOWN_OFFSET_FOR_LEADER_EPOCH, to distinguish between UNDEFINED_EPOCH_OFFSET error that results in falling back to truncating using the high watermark. The follower then sends another OffsetForLeaderEpoch request with the next epoch (going backwards), and so on, until the leader receives the OffsetForLeaderEpoch with the epoch it knows about and replies with the end offset for that epoch. At that point, the follower has (largest epoch both leader and follower know about, end offset of this epoch), and the follower truncates to that epoch and offset, same as in the proposed solution.

Here is how this alternative will work for Scenario 1 (Proposed Changes section): On becoming follower, broker B sends OffsetForLeaderEpoch to broker A with leader_epoch 2. Broker A responds with UNKNOWN_OFFSET_FOR_LEADER_EPOCH. Broker B sends another OffsetForLeaderEpoch to broker A with leader_epoch 1. Broker A responds with offset = 21. Broker B truncates all offsets for epochs > 1, in our example offsets [11, n], its LEO becomes 11. Since 21 > 11, broker B starts fetching from offset 11.

This alternative was rejected, because it requires more round trips of OffsetForLeaderEpoch and the proposed solution is cleaner in a way that it removes any ambiguity in the OffsetForLeaderEpoch response by indicating which leader epoch the end offset corresponds to. The proposed solution guarantees one roundtrip for clean leader election case, while the alternative may result in 2 roundtrips like in the scenario described above. The proposed solution does add 32bits to OffsetForLeaderEpoch response per partition to achieve this. Both solutions require a bump in the protocol version and have very similar complexity of the implementation. 

Alternative 2: The follower sends all sequences of {leader_epoch, end_offset} between HW and LEO, and the leader responds with the offsets where the logs start diverging.

Modify OffsetForLeaderEpoch request to contain a sequence of (leader_epoch, end_offset) for each topic/partition. The sequence includes epochs between the follower's High Watermark (HW) and log end offset. The leader will look at the sequence starting with the latest epoch, and find the first matching leader_epoch, lets call it leader_epoch_match. The leader will respond with offset = min(end_offset for leader_epoch_match on the leader, end_offset for leader_epoch_match on the follower). The follower truncates based on the leader's offset, as in the current implementation. In the case of unlean leader election, it is not guaranteed that the follower's prefix before high watermak will match leader's prefix. So, it is possible that sequence of (leader_epoch, end_offset), with epochs between follower's high watermark and log end offset, does not contain a leader epoch that leader knows about. We will need to extend this approach so that the leader would then respond with UNKNOWN_OFFSET_FOR_LEADER_EPOCH, so that the follower sends a longer sequence of (leader_epoch, end_offset) with epochs below high watermark. We would need to tune this approach to decide on how long the sequence should be to minimize number of roundtrips vs. length of OffsetForLeaderEpoch.

Clean leader election example, Scenario 1 in Motivation: On becoming follower, broker B sends OffsetForLeaderEpoch to broker A with sequence (leader epoch 1, offset 11), (leader epoch 2, offset n+1). Broker B finds that first matching leader epoch is 1, and responds with min(its own end offset for epoch 1 = 21, followers end offset for epoch 1 = 11) = 11. Broker B truncates to offset = 11, and starts fetching from offset 11. 

Unclean leader election example, Scenario 2 in Motivation. In that example, min.isr = 1 and replication factor = 2. 

titleUnclean Leader Election Scenario
1. [LeaderEpoch0] Write a message to A (offset A:0), HW=1, Stop broker A. Bring up broker B which becomes leader 
2. [LeaderEpoch1] Write a message to B (offset B:0), HW=1, Stop broker B. Bring up broker A which becomes leader
3. [LeaderEpoch2] Write a message to A (offset A:1), HW=2, Stop broker A. Bring up broker B which becomes leader
4. [LeaderEpoch3] Write a message to B (offset B:1), HW=2 
5. Bring up broker A. 

Since min.isr is 1, the high watermark advances on leader at every step. At step 5,  Broker A sends OffsetForLeaderEpoch request to broker B with (leader_epoch = 1, offset = 1). Broker B responds with UNKNOWN_OFFSET_FOR_LEADER_EPOCH. Suppose, we decide second round to include several more epochs, so broker A sends OffsetForLeaderEpoch request to broker B with (leader_epoch = 1, offset = 1), (leader_epoc = 2, offset = 2). Broker B responds with UNKNOWN_OFFSET_FOR_LEADER_EPOCH since it exhausted all epochs (in a more common case, there will be some epoch they both know about). Broker A will truncate to its HW which is offet 0 and starts fetching from offset 0.

Comparison to the proposed solution. For clean leader election, this approach adds minimum 64bits to OffsetForLeaderEpoch request, and maximum (clean leader election edge case described above) 160bits to OffsetForLeaderEpoch request. We originally considered this approach vs. alternative #1, because this approach guarantees one OffsetForLeaderEpoch roundtrip in case of clean leader election. However, after we investigated the proposed solution, we found that proposed solution also guarantees one OffsetForLeaderEpoch roundtrip with a smaller change to the protocol: we cannot have more than one back-to-back leader change due to prefered leader election such that leader is not pushed out of the ISR, and so the follower will have at most one leader epoch unknown to the new leader, and so the proposed solution will be able to converge to the (largest common epoch, end offset in this epoch) in one roundtrip. This alternative provides a smaller number of OffsetForLeaderEpoch roundtrips in unclean leader election case. However, this advantage comes into play for rare cases, while adding more complexity and larger OffsetForLeaderEpoch request size. Notice that even in unclean leader election edge case above, this alternative requires 2 roundtrips, which is the same for the proposed solution (see Scenario 3 in Proposed Changes section). To get the advantage of less roundtrips, the scenario above shoud add one more "stop broker, bring up another broker, write a message" step. 

Alternatives that address clean leader election only.

Both alternatives also require bump in the protocol version. Approach 1 does not need changes in OffsetForLeaderEpoch request/response, but requires a new error to distinguish between the case where the follower needs to fall back to the high watermak approach. We chose our proposed solution over approach 1, because it requires less roundtrips of OffsetForLeaderEpoch and removes any ambiguity in the OffsetForLeaderEpoch response by indicating which leader epoch the end offset corresponds to. Approach 2 minimizes the number of roundtrips (one for the clean leader election), but may still need multiple roundtrips in case of unclean leader election (in case we need to look beyond the high watermark) and also increases the size of OffsetForLeaderEpoch request by at least 64bit, and in case of unclean leader election by much more. 


  1. If we guarantee that HW is always persisted after each leader change, then the follower sends OffsetForLeaderEpoch with the leader_epoch corresponding to current HW and the leader responds with the last offset of that epoch. If we could guarantee that HW does not move back crossing the leader_epoch boundary (HW is persisted after each leader change), then the highest leader_epoch known to both leader and follower is a leader_epoch that corresponds to HW in the follower. In that case, we only need to change the protocol, where follower sends OffsetForLeaderEpoch with the leader_epoch corresponding to its HW (lets call it leader_epoch_hw), and the leader responds with the last offset of that epoch. The follower truncates all offsets that correspond to epochs > leader_epoch_hw, and then truncates offsets up to offset received from the leader.
  2. Push the old leader out of the ISR following a preferred leader change. This approach is based on the observation that the reason for the above scenario (and similar scenarios) is that the leader change happened due to prefered leader election that did not cause the former leader to be kicked out of the ISR. We might do this by changing the ISR information in the LeaderAndISR request that is sent during preferred leader election. 
