Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: update git.apache link



HAWQ has 1 JIRA project:

  1. HAWQ for incubator-hawq and incubator-hawq-site

Before working on changes for any of the repositories, please locate an existing JIRA ticket or submit a new one. Before a ticket can be assigned, you need to be listed as contributor in the JIRA project. One of the project's team members with JIRA administration access will be able to assist. Please request to be added through an email on the project's dev@ mailing list.


Please report any errors or omissions to the HAWQ Mailing lists section. 

Coding conventions

HAWQ follows the PostgreSQL coding conventions:


The overall contribution process is to work on apache repo ( and fork your own repo from the HAWQ github mirror repo for code review purpose.

Before forking your own repo, you need to have a github account. Then go to the web page, click "Fork" button. Now you get a forked repo (for example,

Use the following steps to get the code to your local computer and do feature development.

Code Block
# Clone the Apache repository. 
git clone

# Enter the code directory
cd incubator-hawq
# Add your own forked github repo as “myfork” (used only for code review purpose)
git remote add myfork

# Merge the update of the upstream into your local master
git checkout master && git pull origin master

# Create a feature branch “feature-awesome” to work on
git checkout -b feature-awesome master

# Make changes and commit to local. Please format commit message as follows and feel free to add additional comments.
# <jira ticket number>. <Commit Message>
# Example: HAWQ-1002. Add awesome feature 
git commit -a -m "HAWQ-1002. Add awesome feature"

# Push it to your own github fork for code review
git push --set-upstream myfork feature-awesome


Now you can go to your own github fork to create pull requests for code review ( Choose the master branch of as the base for code review. After your code is merged to Apache Repo by HAWQ committers, please close your pull request.


Code review

We expect that pull requests which have been submitted on github will be reviewed by committers, but will be visible to the community for comments as well. Contributors should learn the code review criteria in order to make the changes accepted.

 Code review criteria

  • Features should have a lot of potential use cases and benefit a lot of users

  • Fixes should fix the root cause of the problem
  • Easily tested and have tests associated with the commits
  • Changes have been discussed on JIRA and have a JIRA linked to your change(Pull Request)
  • Code follows the coding conventions
  • Do not introduce potential performance regressions


Code Block
# Create a working directory
mkdir working
cd working

# Clone the apache repository
git clone

# Add remote github mirror repository
git remote add github

# Get the pull request, using PR#2 as example, you can replace 2 with any other PR #.
git fetch github pull/2/head:feature_awesome

# Sometimes, the commits in the patch is based on old master
# So it needs to be rebased on current master
# For some cases, the committer should squash the commits in the branch into one commit
# And the original AUTHOR information should be kept to give credits to the contributor
git checkout feature_awesome
git rebase origin master
# Merge the patch (an alternative way to do this is to use "git cherry-pick")
git checkout master
git rebase feature_awesome

# Build

# Run tests (more in future before committing to “master” branch)
# Before run the following tests, you need to set up and start HDFS & HAWQ 
# More setup details are at:
make installcheck-good

# In case of some contributor often forget to close pull request,
# Append commit message to automatically close pull request after code merged. e.g. PR number is 12:
run `git commit --amend` and append "(close #12)" in a new line to commit message.
# Push to apache repo (note: all commits needs an Apache JIRA)
git push origin master

# Delete the feature branch
# And close the JIRA & add comment in the pull request to ask the contributor to close the pull request
git branch -d feature_awesome
