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The Phone Book Bean Example

This is an example of a JSP-page calling an Enity Bean that uses annotations. The result looks like this:Image RemovedImage Added

Application Contents


And, as usual their is an empty constructor for the Entity Bean


... is the business interface that drives the above mentioned Entity Bean.


... is where the implementation of the local (and if there is, a the remote) interface. To explain what the annotations in this Stateless Session Bean means I will enumerate them:


  1. @Stateless - tells Geronimo that this is a stateless session bean
  2. @PersistenceUnit - tells Geronimo to retrieve a persistence unit defined in the persistence.xml and place it in the EntityManagerFactory note

    Note that PersistenceContext is used when you are directly obtaining a EntityManager. For an EntityManagerFactory use PersistenceUnit.



index.jsp is the JSP page that uses the EJB to access the database.


Deployment Plans for EJB

openejb-jar.xml just specifies the module's information.



persistence.xml will specify the name of the PersistenceUnit. This name is used when referencing for the EntityManagerFactory. I have denoted it as PhonePU. For some reason I could not get it to reference with jta-data-source. So the alternative method is to explicitly specify the ConnectionURL, ConnectionDriverName, and ConnectionUserName. I added an extra property called SynchronizeMappings so that the data in the database will not be overwritten.




Deployment Plans for Web-App

web.xml references the EJB by specifying the package to which the MyPhonebookLocal belongs to.



geronimo-web.xml specifies the module's information and the context-root for the web-app.



Deployment Plan for the application

geronimo-application.xml tells the application that there is a database pool that needs to be deployed as well. The db pool is defined in PhoneBookPool.xml and the driver that is needs in order to be deployed is the tranql-connector-ra-1.3.rar file--these two files will reside on the top level layer of the resultant EAR file.


Configuring, Building, and Deploying the Application


After decompressing the given file, the myphonebook directory will be created.


Source Code

You can checkout the source code of this sample from SVN:

svn checkout of the application consists of creating the database and defining the connection pool to access it.

Creating and Populating Database

After starting Apache Geronimo log into the console and follow the given steps to create the PhoneBookDB.



  1. Select DB Manager link from the Console Navigation in the left.
  2. Give the database name as PhoneBookDB and click Create button.
  3. Select PhoneBookDB to the Use DB field.
  4. Open PhoneBookDB.sql in the myphonebook/myphonebook-ear/src/main/resources directory from a text editor.
  5. Paste the content PhoneBookDB.sql to the SQL Commands text area and press Run SQL button.


Use a command prompt to navigate into the myphonebook directory and just give mvn clean install followed by mvn site command to build. It will create the myphonebook-ear-2.0-SNAPSHOT.ear under the myphonebook/myphonebook-ear/target folder. Now, you are ready to deploy myphonebook application in the Geronimo Application server.

Deploying the Database Pool




Deploying the Application

Deploying sample application is pretty straight forward as we are going to use the Geronimo Console.

  1. Scroll down to Deploy New from the Console Navigation panel.
  2. Load myphonebook-ear-2.0-SNAPSHOT.ear from myphonebook/myphonebook-ear/target folder in to the Archive input box.
  3. Press Install button to deploy application in the server.


To test the sample web application open a browser and type http://localhost:8080/myphonebookImage Removed..

Untested Instructions for using jta-datasource in persistence.xml

This app does not use openjpa sequences so apparently you can get by with only a jta-datasource. In my experience apps that do use openjpa sequences to supply primary key values also need a non-jta-datasource. When deploying such a non-jta-datasource check the plan and make sure it says <no-transaction/> rather than <local-transaction/> or <xa-transaction/>.

For this app, use the console to deploy a datasource using the database of your choice. You need to supply a name such as "MyDS" for your datasource. At the end you should have a name for the module your datasource is in such as console.dbpool/MyDS/1.0/rar. You need to do two things so geronimo can hook up to your datasource:

1. Include the module name in the app dependencies so geronimo knows to look in the new datasource module for the datasource. So, the openejb-jar.xml should look something like:


2. specify the name of the datasource in persistence.xml, something like
