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Web Services with CXF and Eclipse

titleWatch Out!

This page is out of date, and there is a new approach to developing CXF services with Eclipse! We'll have the details up here as soon as possible.


These directions assume that you are familiar with using Eclipse, that you know how to create a war file and that you know how to create a WSDL.


You will need to install some extra plugins in eclipse for the Web Services in general, and the CXF Web Services specifically. You can easily download the all-in-one package and extract it to your eclipse folder.
Note: The downloaded package is not the latest version. The latest version of STP(SOA Tools Platform) plugin which integrates the new java2ws tool can only support CXF 2.1.* or higher.


After your changes are made and save without any error, a WSDL should appear in the wsdl folder. If it doesn't, use java2wsdl from the CXF package. You can either run it from the command prompt, as an ant task, or from Maven. The
default output directory will be the wsdl directory.

After the WSDL is created, modify to meet your needs. For example, the port is, by default http://localhost:9090/Image Removed. In addition, leaving the parameter named parameters on the input request is not acceptable to .NET code creation routines.


Once your WSDL is set, use it to create your implementation class. Highlight the WSDL and right-click. Select JAX-WS Tools/Generate Code. Select Implementation and, if you're using Ant, select Generate Ant Script. If the Impl file isn't created, you can run wsdl2java using the command line, Ant task or maven.

No Format

 * Please modify this class to meet your needs
 * This class is not complete

package com.cid.simpleservice.service;

import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebResult;

 * This class was generated by the CXF 2.0.1-incubator
 * Mon Sep 17 14:10:36 EDT 2007
 * Generated source version: 2.0.1-incubator

@javax.jws.WebService(name = "ScientificCalculator", serviceName = "ScientificCalculatorService",
                      portName = "ScientificCalculatorPort",
                      targetNamespace = "", 
                      wsdlLocation = "file:wsdl/javaFirstTest.wsdl" ,
		      endpointInterface = "com.cid.simpleservice.service.ScientificCalculator")
public class ScientificCalculatorImpl implements ScientificCalculator {

    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ScientificCalculatorImpl.class.getName());

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.cid.simpleservice.service.ScientificCalculator#squareRoot(float  arg0 ,)float  arg1 )*
    public float squareRoot(float arg0,float arg1) {"Executing operation squareRoot");
        try {
            float _return = 0.0f;
            return _return;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);

