Versions Compared


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Camel 2.16.0 release




Welcome to the 2.16.0 release which approx XXX 600 issues resolved (new features, improvements and bug fixes such as...)


  • The route models (definition classes) preserve property placeholders, which allows round trip editing, and also prevents showing potential sensitive information
  • Added onPrepareFailure option to Dead Letter Channel to allow a custom processor to prepare the Exchange before sending to the dead letter queue.
  • MongoDB tailable consumers now allow setting the readPreference option.
  • Using setFaultBody / setFaultHeader behaves similar to setBody / setHeader to preserve existing headers/attachments by setting on existing IN or OUT message.
  • Java DSL using choice with end vs endChoice now validates you use them as intended. Any misconfiguration now throws an exception explaining the problem.
  • POJO Producing and POJO Consuming lifecycle is now in sync with CamelContext which ensures it works as similar to Camel Routes does. Also the created producer/consumer is stopped when CamelContext is stopping to cleanup properly.
  • JMS component now allows configuring concurrentConsumers/maxConcurrentConsumers separately between from(jms) vs to(jms) using request/reply over JMS
  • Added SEARCH operation to Elasticsearch component
  • The Properties component (property placeholder) now supports an encoding option to allow reading the .properties files using a specific charset such as UTF-8. By default ISO-8859-1 is used (latin1)
  • Added receviveBufferSize option to the FTP component to make download faster. The size is by default 32kb buffer.
  • The Aggregator2 EIP now allows an external source using a AggregateController to control the aggregator, such as for forcing completing a group or all groups, or query runtime information from the aggregator. A default controller is provided out of the box if none has been configured.
  • The Aggregator2 now enlists in JMX using a ManagedAggregateProcessorMBean which has more information, and also allows using the aggregate controller to control it.
  • The Aggregator2 now includes more runtime statistics which can be accessed from Java and JMX about number of incoming and completed exchanges, and per different completion triggers.
  • The Aggregator2 now supports pre-completion mode if the aggregation strategy implements PreCompletionAwareAggregationStrategy. This supports the use-case where an incoming Exchange are used to determine if the current aggregated group is completed or not. If completed the group is emitted as-is, and the new incoming Exchange is used to start a new group from scratch.
  • Added options to Mail consumer so it can skip or handle a mail message that cannot be read from the mail server in the batch; and then move on to read the next message. This ensures the consumer can deal with mail boxes that has problematic mails that otherwise will cause no mails to be retrieve by the consumer in the batch.
  • The runtime route processors and their corresponding model definition are now linked by their id using HasId, so its easier to obtain the processor or model definition from the getProcessor(id) and getProcessorDefintion(id) api on CamelContext.
  • CamelContext now also includes a getManagedProcessor API to easily get the mbean client api for the processor, so you can access the runtime JMX statistics from Java code. 
  • Spring Boot applications now block the main thread of the execution
  • Spring Boot automagically loads XML routes definitions from classpath
  • Added MainListener to make it easier for Camel Boot / Standalone Camel to implement custom logic to trigger during the starting and stopping of the application.
  • Camel Jackson now provides Map to Object converter
  • Ability to refer to existing hazelcast instance by id, using Hazelcast Component
  • Direct and Direct-VM now supports the failIfNoConsumers option
  • Making it easier to add custom Type Converter to your Camel applications without having to use the META-INF file. In Spring or Blueprint just add them as <bean>s. See more details at Type Converter documentation.
  • camel-cxf PAYLOAD supports stream cache out of box.
  • BridgePropertyPlaceholderConfigurer supports to handle the jasypt encryption inside and outside of the camelContext.

  • The camel-aws component now support Amazon DynamoDB version 2

  • The Wire Tap eip now also emits event notifications when sending the Exchange to the wire tap destination

  • Camel Test has new option isDumpRouteStats that dumps all route usage statistics as XML files in target/camel-route-stats directory, which can be used to inspect "route coverage" reports.
  • Now Camel Netty component doesn't intercept consumers with httpMethodRestrict=OPTIONS
  • Now Netty HTTP resolves OPTIONS prefix matches earlier
  • Using Load Balancer with Java DSL now builds the route model using the specific model types, which renders a more accurate route model
  • Enhanced the PredicateBuilder to support vargs and list in the "or" builder method
  • Using custom HttpBinding with HTTP and HTTP4 is now easier as they can be instantiated using a default no-arg constructor
  • Added readLock=idempotent to the File2 consumer which allows to reuse an idempotent repository as read-lock which enables Camel to run reliable in clustered mode, where each node competes for the same files from a shared file system. This requires that the idempotent repository supports clustering such as Hazelcast Component or Infinispan - or using the JDBC for a shared database table.
  • Camel RX now ensures that observe and subscribe are done within an unit of work to ensure on completions is executed, such as they are done when you use regular Camel routes.
  • The JMS component now includes the underlying javax.jms.Session instance on the Camel message which allows end users to easier to use client acknowledge mode, in case the client wants to use the session to call recover or rollback.
  • Added completionEager option to Idempotent Consumer to whether to complete the idempotent consumer eager or when the exchange is done.
  • Working with the Camel source code in Eclipse with m2eclipse plugin improved to avoid endless file changed detection and recompile the source.
  • Add option suppressExceptions to JSonPath which allows to ignore exceptions such as NoSuchPathException when the json payload does not contain the path defined in the json expression.
  • Spring Boot now creates CamelContext, ProducerTemplate and ConsumerTemplate beans only if those are not defined by the user.  

Fixed the following issues:

  • File language now properly supports file extensions having double dots, such as .tar.gz
  • Fixed issue with doTry not stopping routing if a fault message was set using setFaultBody within the doTry.
  • Fixed Bean language to support end parenthesis in quoted string literals as part of method parameters, and not as end of method signature. 
  • Fixed FTP2 using pollEnrich with disconnect=true and delete=true, would disconnect before deleting the file. Now we disconnect last.
  • Various EIPs such as SplitterRecipient ListMulticast no longer reuse message id in their sub messages, but each sub message has its own unique message id (just as the exchange has).
  • Fixed an issue with the circuit breaker Load Balancer not honoring the half open after period after an error was detected.
  • Fixed FTP2 now calling disconnect if there was no messages to poll, even when disconnect=true configured.
  • Fixed Throttler using method call expression in XML DSL was not working
  • Fixed stopping a route may stop context scoped OnException that would otherwise send message to an endpoint, now been stopped and an IllegalStateException was thrown while handling the exception.
  • Fixed using a Load Balancer from a context scoped onException may double up its processors participating in the balancer per route in the context.
  • Fixed parallelAggregate on multicast/splitter/recipient list to use a thread pool for running concurrently. 
  • Fixed Stream caching to not delete data that was spooled to disk before both exchanges are done routing.
  • Fixed DefaultErrorHandler to use 1 sec redelivery delay out of the box as the other error handlers does. 
  • Fixed setting logExhaustedMessageHistory=true on Dead Letter Channel to log the message history. This option is by default false on DLC as it would be as before (not noisy).
  • Fixed double refresh of the parent Spring Boot Application Context
  • Fixed configuring endpoint uri's with primitive types when the value is looked up in the registry using #notation would not work.
  • Fixed using transacted in the Scala DSL

New Enterprise Integration Patterns

New Components

  • camel-paho - For MQTT messaging using Eclipse Paho client
  • camel-pdf - For creating PDF documents
  • camel-grape - allows you to fetch, load and manage additional jars when CamelContext is running.
  • camel-slack - allows you to connect to an instance of Slack and delivers a message contained in the message body via a pre established Slack incoming webhook.
  • camel-aws-ec2 - Component providing support to Amazon Web Services EC2 


New Annotations

New Data Formats

New Languages

New Examples

New Tutorials

API breaking

  •  org.apache.camel.mode.LoadBalancerDefinition no longer implements org.apache.camel.processor.loadbalancer.LoadBalancer which is the runtime processor (this was never intended).

  • The ref attribute on <loadBalance> has been removed, as it has been deprecated for a long time, and you should use a <customLoadBalancer> to refer to a custom load balancer.
  • The copy method on StreamCache now takes an Exchange as parameter.
  • Various APIs in camel-jms has been adjusted to support including the JMS session parameter - javax.jms.Session. Though these API changes are mostly internal facing, and we do not expect end users problems.

Known Issues

Dependency upgrades

  • Amazon Web Service Java SDK from to 1.9.38
  • Apache JClouds from 1.8.1 to 1.9.0
  • Apache Olingo Odata from 2.0.0 to 2.0.3
  • Apns from 0.2.3 to 1.0.0.Beta6
  • AspectJ from 1.6.2 to 1.8.5
  • Async-http-client from 1.9.8 to 1.9.17
  • Cassandra from 2.1.2 to 2.1.5
  • Cassandra Datastax Java Driver from 2.1.2 to 2.1.6

  • DNSJava from 2.1.6 to 2.1.7
  • Docker-java from 0.10.5 to 1.2.0
  • Dropbox core Java SDK from 1.7.6 to 1.7.7
  • Dropwizard Metrics from 3.1.0 to 3.1.2
  • Ehcache from 2.9.1 to 2.10.0
  • Facebook4j from 1.1.12 to 2.2.2
  • Freemarker from 2.3.21 to 2.3.22
  • Google App Engine from 1.8.3 to 1.9.19 
  • Gson from 3.2 to 3.2.1
  • iCal4j from to 1.6.0
  • Infinispan from 6.0.2.Final to 7.2.0.Final
  • Jackson2 from 2.4.3 to 2.5.1
  • Jboss Weld from 2.2.4.Final to 2.2.11.Final 
  • Jsch from 0.1.51 to 0.1.52
  • Jsonpath from 1.2.0 to 2.0.0
  • Kafka from to
  • LightCouch from 0.1.3 to 0.1.6
  • MongoDB Java Driver from 2.12.4 to 3.0.1
  • MongoDB test harness from 1.46.4 to 1.47.3
  • Mvel2 from 2.2.1.Final to 2.2.4.Final
  • OGNL from 3.0.8 to 3.0.11
  • OpenEJB from to 4.7.1
  • OpenJPA from 2.3.0 to 2.4.0
  • Openshift Java Client 2.5.0.Final to 2.7.0.Final
  • PDFBox from 1.6.0 to 1.8.9
  • Restlet from 2.2.x to 2.3.1
  • SLF4J from 1.7.10 to 1.7.12
  • Snakeyaml from 1.14 to 1.15
  • Spring upgrades
  • Sshd from 0.13.0 to 0.14.0
  • TestNG from 6.8.8 to 6.8.21
  • Twitter4J from 4.0.2 to 4.0.3
  • XStream from 1.4.7 to 1.4.8

Important changes to consider when upgrading

  • New camel-archetype-spring-boot to create a new Camel Spring Boot project using Maven.
  • New camel-archetype-cdi to create a new Camel CDI project using Maven.
  • FTP2 doesn't support absolute directories in endpoint URIs. In such cases, paths will be treated as relative and WARN message will be printed in logs. In future versions, there'll be no such assumption and validation exception will be thrown instead.
  • Swagger module now supports getting api-docs from multiple camel contexts in the JVM. The entry point at /api-docs now lists the contexts detected, and you need to append the context id in the path, eg /api-docs/myCamel
  • FTP2 supports autoCreate=true for ftp consumers
  • Rest DSL now supports to define parameter using fine grained details for the Swagger api documentation. For an example see the camel-example-servlet-rest-tomcat in the Apache Camel distribution.
  • The Simple language now has a equals ignore case operator (=~) when comparing with string values 
  • If using <contextScan> with Spring or Blueprint to filter RouteBuilder classes, then Camel will now by default only look for singleton beans. You can turn on the old behavior to include prototype scoped with the new option 
  • The IdempotentRepository now supports clear operation, to clear the repository, and expose it over JMX.
  • Netty4 in clientMode will now automatic re-connect if the connection was disconnected to the server.
  • The throwException EIP now supports creating a new exception instance from a simple language expressions, which allows to make it dynamic based on information from the current Exchange.
  • When using Expression or Predicate in the routes, you can refer to the value as an external resource by using resource:classpath:path or resource:file:path - for example resource:classpath:com/foo/myscript.groovy.
  • Added option useMessageBodyForSql to the SQL Component which allows to use more dynamic SQL queries instead of the fixed SQL defined in the endpoint uri.
  • Added sticky option to failover Load Balancer so the load balancer can start from the last known good endpoint.
  • Added option shareUnitOfWork to Content Enricher eip
  • Content Enricher with enrich and pollEnrich now supports dynamic endpoint uris computed using an Expression that allows to use values from the current Exchange so you for example can poll a file which name is computed from data from the Exchange etc. This change breaks the XML DSL a little bit and there is an easy migration effort. The Java DSL stays backwards compatible.
  • The Camel Karaf commands about routes now no longer require the context-id as 2nd parameter that is optional - if none provided then the command is a bulk operation for all Camel contexts.
  • A simpler version of dynamic to with the new <toD> and toD in the DSL, documented at Message Endpoint
  • Wire Tap now supports dynamic endpoint uris, in similar way the new <toD> and toD does
  • Rest DSL now supports the new <toD> and toD in the rest-dsl.
  • The EIP's now have more specialized processor mbeans in Camel JMX and you can also dump the processor as xml source to represent how it would appear in xml dsl 
  • Configuring Camel JMX using JVM system properties now all take precedence over any existing configuration (some option was not doing that)
  • Introduced Extended JMX statistics level to gather additional metrics during runtime.
  • All the Camel-AWS components now support the definition (through URI options) of Proxy Host and Proxy Port.
  • The HTTP based consumers no longer include Camel headers in the responses by default (they already did this for the producers to not include Camel headers when calling a HTTP service).
  • Bindy now supports having multiple pojos as models in the same java package. Instead of configuring using package names, you configure using class names.
  • You can configure on the Type Converter registry what should happen if a duplicate type converter is being added (override, ignore or fail) as well configure the logging level.
  • Using CamelProxy now binds the method parameters to the message body/header using Camel annotations to define the binding rules. If no annotations is defined the the parameter is assumed the message body. You can turn this off to have the old behavior.
  • Camel JMX using custom JMX operations/attributes with @ManagedResource now also includes the default set of JMX from Camel, so you have both worlds.
  • Added completeAllOnStop option to Aggregator2 to allow to complete all pending exchanges from the aggregation repository when stopping. For example when using a memory based repository to ensure all of those exchanges are processed when stopping.
  • Allow to configure the OK status code ranges for HTTPHTTP4Netty HTTPNetty4 HTTP, and Jetty components for their producers. The default range is 200-299.
  • Now Vert.x endpoints support multiple consumers
  • Support for TAR files: marshalling and unmarshalling via a data format; splitting; aggregating. See Data Formats section below.
  • SJMS component has been aligned to bind between Camel Message and JMS Message in the same way as JMS component does that.
  • Added failsafe check to ensure JMS consumer will no longer send back a reply message to the same destination as itself to avoid endless loop. There is an option to turn this off in case you know what you are doing.
  • The Camel-hazelcast component now supports the Ringbuffer data structure.
  • New XSLT Aggregation Strategy to merge two messages with an XSLT file. See javadoc (link valid once this release is published). It is also accessible from the toolbox: AggregationStrategies.xslt().
  • A pure Java based Swagger component that also supports any JVM (standalone, war, jee, spring boot, et all) as the platform for API of the Camel Rest DSL. (previously a servlet was required).
  • Data Format's is now also enlisted in JMX under the dataformats group (requires the data format implementation is a Camel Service)
  • Configuring context-path in Rest DSL will now use the context-path when creating the http server (except for servlet as servlet urls are relative)
  • OptaPlanner compoent extended to support async solving, daemon mode and ProblemFactChange processing

Fixed the following issues:

  • File language now properly supports file extensions having double dots, such as .tar.gz
  • Fixed issue with doTry not stopping routing if a fault message was set using setFaultBody within the doTry.
  • Fixed Bean language to support end parenthesis in quoted string literals as part of method parameters, and not as end of method signature. 
  • Fixed FTP2 using pollEnrich with disconnect=true and delete=true, would disconnect before deleting the file. Now we disconnect last.
  • Various EIPs such as SplitterRecipient ListMulticast no longer reuse message id in their sub messages, but each sub message has its own unique message id (just as the exchange has).
  • Fixed an issue with the circuit breaker Load Balancer not honoring the half open after period after an error was detected.
  • Fixed FTP2 now calling disconnect if there was no messages to poll, even when disconnect=true configured.
  • Fixed Throttler using method call expression in XML DSL was not working
  • Fixed stopping a route may stop context scoped OnException that would otherwise send message to an endpoint, now been stopped and an IllegalStateException was thrown while handling the exception.
  • Fixed using a Load Balancer from a context scoped onException may double up its processors participating in the balancer per route in the context.
  • Fixed parallelAggregate on multicast/splitter/recipient list to use a thread pool for running concurrently. 
  • Fixed Stream caching to not delete data that was spooled to disk before both exchanges are done routing.
  • Fixed DefaultErrorHandler to use 1 sec redelivery delay out of the box as the other error handlers does. 
  • Fixed setting logExhaustedMessageHistory=true on Dead Letter Channel to log the message history. This option is by default false on DLC as it would be as before (not noisy).
  • Fixed double refresh of the parent Spring Boot Application Context
  • Fixed configuring endpoint uri's with primitive types when the value is looked up in the registry using #notation would not work.
  • Fixed using transacted in the Scala DSL
  • camel-swagger now filters out older Camel releases that do not support rest-dsl when it discovers Camel's in the JVM
  • Fixed Mail consumer to use the default value of 60 seconds as poll interval again, instead of 0.5 sec.
  • Fixed Netty and Netty4 may perform x2 redelivery when attempting to redeliver to a netty producer endpoint
  • Fixed Recipient List would not work if using RAW() syntax in endpoint uri
  • Fixed Camel Commands to not show correct route status for suspended routes in the routes-list command.
  • Fixed using HTTP and Exchange.HTTP_QUERY or Exchange.HTTP_URI may double encode the value.
  • Fixed starting a route from a file endpoint, and then do a pollEnrich from another file endpoint, and both using the same readLock=marker, would only delete one of the marker files when done.
  • Fixed  JGroups  managed routes starting too early.
  • Fixed HTTP4HTTP, Netty4 HTTPNetty HTTP producers forming URLs badly when using Exchange.HTTP_PATH and query parameters inside the endpoint URI.
  • Fixed MQTT receiving duplicates in some cases when the connection to the broker was lost.
  • Fixed Routing Slip and Dynamic Router to not evaluate expression again during each redelivery attempt from Error Handler if routing caused an exception.
  • Fixed a JMX leak where FTP producers was not unregistered from JMX when their routes are removed.
  • Fixed suspend/resume SEDA routes may in rare cases not poll new messages from the seda queue when resumed.

New Enterprise Integration Patterns

New Components

  • camel-paho - For MQTT messaging using Eclipse Paho client
  • camel-pdf - For creating PDF documents
  • camel-grape - allows you to fetch, load and manage additional jars when CamelContext is running.
  • camel-slack - allows you to connect to an instance of Slack and delivers a message contained in the message body via a pre established Slack incoming webhook.
  • camel-jolt - for JSON to JSON transformation
  • camel-aws-ec2 - Component providing support to Amazon Web Services EC2 
  • camel-undertow - To use Undertow as HTTP server or client.
  • camel-git - A generic Git component
  • camel-sjmsSJMS Batch is a specialized component for highly performant, transactional batch consumption from a JMS queue
  • camel-http-common - A common base component for reuse among all the various HTTP components we have.
  • camel-swagger-java - A pure Java based Swagger component.
  • camel-elsql - An extended SQL Component that uses ElSql for defining SQL queries
  • camel-jbpm - Sends messages through kie-remote-client API to jBPM. 


  • Script - to execute a script during routing
  • Dynamic To - to send a message to a dynamic computed endpoint. This is a simpler version than using Recipient List

New Annotations

New Data Formats

  • camel-boon - For mapping POJO to/from json.
  • camel-tarfile (pending documentation) - For compressing and extracting TAR files; also offers a Splitter (for processing TAR entries individually) and an Aggregation Strategy (for collecting the TAR entries into an archive).

New Languages

New Examples

New Tutorials

API breaking

  •  org.apache.camel.mode.LoadBalancerDefinition no longer implements org.apache.camel.processor.loadbalancer.LoadBalancer which is the runtime processor (this was never intended).

  • The ref attribute on <loadBalance> has been removed, as it has been deprecated for a long time, and you should use a <customLoadBalancer> to refer to a custom load balancer.
  • The copy method on StreamCache now takes an Exchange as parameter.
  • Various APIs in camel-jms has been adjusted to support including the JMS session parameter - javax.jms.Session. Though these API changes are mostly internal facing, and we do not expect end users problems.
  • The resourceUri and resourceRef attributes on <enrich> and <pollEnrich> has been removed as they now support a dynamic uris computed from an Expression.
  • Various APIs from camel-http in the package org.apache.camel.component.http has been moved to the camel-http-common module in the package org.apache.camel.http.common which mean you may need to change the imports.
  • Renamed All enum on org.apache.camel.ManagementStatisticsLevel to Default 
  • Added new boolean parameter to method on org.apache.camel.spi.ShutdownPrepared
  • Added configure method to allowing configuring CamelContext on org.apache.camel.main.MainListener
  • Renamed org.apache.camel.component.sjms.jms.KeyFormatStrategy to org.apache.camel.component.sjms.jms.JmsKeyFormatStrategy

Known Issues

Dependency upgrades

  • Amazon Web Service Java SDK from to 1.10.12
  • Apache Commons Cli from 1.2 to 1.3.1
  • Apache Commons Compress from 1.5 to 1.10
  • Apache Commons Lang from 3.3.2 to 3.4
  • Apache Commons Math3 from 3.3 to 3.5
  • Apache Commons Pool from 2.3 to 2.4.2
  • Apache Deltaspike from 1.3.0 to 1.5.0
  • Apache DS from 2.0.0-M19 to 2.0.0-M20
  • Apache HttpComponents Core from 4.3.3 to 4.4.1
  • Apache HttpComponents Client from 4.3.6 to 4.4.1
  • Apache JClouds from 1.8.1 to 1.9.1
  • Apache Lucene from 4.10.2 to 4.10.4
  • Apache Olingo Odata from 2.0.0 to 2.0.4
  • Apache Solr from 4.10.2 to 4.10.4
  • Apns from 0.2.3 to 1.0.0.Beta6
  • AspectJ from 1.6.2 to 1.8.6
  • Async-http-client from 1.9.8 to 1.9.30
  • Atmosphere from 2.2.6 to 2.3.5
  • Cassandra from 2.1.2 to 2.1.8

  • Cassandra Datastax Java Driver 2.1.2 to

  • Cglib from 2.2 to 3.1
  • Chunk Templates from 2.6.3 to 3.0.1
  • Classmate from 1.0.0 to 1.3.0
  • CMIS 0.8.0 to 0.13.0
  • DNSJava from 2.1.6 to 2.1.7
  • Docker-java from 0.10.5 to 1.3.0
  • Dropbox core Java SDK from 1.7.6 to 1.8.1
  • Dropwizard Metrics from 3.1.0 to 3.1.2
  • Ehcache from 2.9.1 to 2.10.0
  • Elasticsearch from 1.4.4 to 1.7.1
  • Expression Language from 2.2.4 to 2.2.5
  • Facebook4j from 1.1.12 to 2.3.0
  • Felix Config Admin from 1.8.0 to 1.8.8
  • Felix SCR annotations from 1.9.8 to 1.9.12
  • Freemarker from 2.3.21 to 2.3.23
  • Flapdoodle Embedded MongoDB from 1.46.4 to 1.50.0
  • Google App Engine from 1.8.3 to 1.9.25
  • Gson from 2.3 to 2.4
  • Guice from 3.0 to 4.0
  • iCal4j from to 1.6.0
  • Hazelcast from 3.4.2 to 3.5.1
  • Hibernate Validator from 5.0.3.Final to 5.2.2.Final
  • Hsqldb from 2.3.2 to 2.3.3
  • Infinispan from 6.0.2.Final to 7.2.5.Final
  • Jackson2 from 2.4.3 to 2.6.2
  • Jackrabbit from 2.10.0 to 2.11.0
  • Jboss AS Maven Plugin from 7.4.Final to 7.7.Final
  • Jboss Logging from 3.1.4.GA to 3.3.0.Final
  • Jboss Marshalling from 1.4.4.Final to 1.4.10.Final
  • Jboss Weld from 2.2.4.Final to 2.3.0.Final
  • Jgroups from 3.6.1.Final to 3.6.4.Final
  • Jibx from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6
  • Joda-time from 2.5 to 2.8.1
  • Jruby from 1.7.18 to 1.7.21
  • Jsch from 0.1.51 to 0.1.53
  • Jsonpath from 1.2.0 to 2.0.0
  • Jt400 from 6.7 to 8.6
  • Kafka from to
  • LightCouch from 0.1.3 to 0.1.8
  • Minimal JSON from 0.9.1 to 0.9.3
  • MongoDB Java Driver from 2.12.4 to 3.0.4
  • Mvel2 from 2.2.1.Final to 2.2.6.Final
  • OGNL from 3.0.8 to 3.0.11
  • OpenEJB from to 4.7.2
  • OpenJPA from 2.3.0 to 2.4.0
  • Openshift Java Client 2.5.0.Final to 2.7.0.Final
  • Pax Exam from 4.3.0 to 4.6.0
  • Pax Logging from 1.8.1 to 1.8.3
  • Pax Swissbox Tinybundles from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2
  • PDFBox from 1.6.0 to 1.8.10
  • Rabbitmq Amqp client from 3.3.4 to 3.5.4
  • Restlet from 2.2.x to 2.3.1
  • Scala from 2.11.5 to 2.11.7
  • Scala Maven Plugin from 3.2.0 to 3.2.2
  • Scalatest from 2.2.0 to 2.2.5
  • Shade Maven Plugin from 2.1 to 2.4
  • SLF4J from 1.7.10 to 1.7.12
  • Snappy from 1.1. 0.1 to 1.1.2
  • Snakeyaml from 1.14 to 1.16
  • Spring upgrades
  • Sshd from 0.13.0 to 0.14.0
  • TestNG from 6.8.8 to 6.8.21
  • Twitter4J from 4.0.2 to 4.0.4
  • Univocity Parsers from 1.2.1 to 1.5.6
  • VertX from 2.2.5 to 3.0.0
  • Xmlunit from 1.5 to 1.6
  • XStream from 1.4.7 to 1.4.8
  • ZXing from 3.0.1 to 3.2.1

Important changes to consider when upgrading

  • The dumpRoutesAsXml operation now preserve property placeholder used in the route models. 
  • Using setFaultBody / setFaultHeader behaves similar to setBody / setHeader to preserve existing headers/attachments by setting on existing IN or OUT message.
  • If using concurrent consumer on JMS endpoints for request/reply over JMS then you must use the new replyToConcurrentConsumers, replyToMaxConcurrentConsumers options to configure the values. 
  • When the Aggregator2 is forced completed the exchange property Exchange.AGGREGATED_COMPLETED_BY value has been changed from "forceCompletion" to "force" so its named like the other completion triggers.
  • Removed unsupported modules camel-web and camel-web-standalone.
  • Removed unsupported camel:dot functionality from camel:run plugin.
  • Removed unsupported camel-archetype-scala-component from maven archetypes.
  • The Maven coordinate for linkedin and olingo2 components changed to be aligned like all the others having groupId as just org.apache.camel.
  • If using MongoDB component, the option invokeGetLastError doesn't exist anymore. The option invokeGetLastError instructs the MongoDB Java driver to invoke getLastError() after every call. In the 3.0.0 MongoDB driver implementation, the getLastError() method in WriteResult has been removed. So, if needed, use an acknowledged WriteConcern when executing the write operation and then verify the correctness of the operation with the method wasAcknowledged() of WriteResult.
  • The Jing component now uses jing as schema name in uris, instead of rng or rnc. Those names has been removed.
  • Swagger module now supports getting api-docs from multiple camel contexts in the JVM. The entry point at /api-docs now lists the contexts detected, and you need to append the context id in the path, eg /api-docs/myCamel
  • If using <contextScan> with Spring or Blueprint to filter RouteBuilder classes, then Camel will now by default only look for singleton beans. You can turn on the old behavior to include prototype scoped with the new option 
  • camel-vertx has been upgraded to vertx 3.0 which requires Java 8 at runtime.
  • camel-cdi is now using CDI 1.1 api - support for 1.0 has been dropped.
  • Content Enricher with enrich and pollEnrich now supports dynamic endpoint uris computed using an Expression that allows to use values from the current Exchange so you for example can poll a file which name is computed from data from the Exchange etc. This change breaks the XML DSL a little bit and there is an easy migration effort. The Java DSL stays backwards compatible.
  • WireTap now supports dynamic endpoint uris computed using an Expression that allows to use values from the current Exchange so you for example can tap to endpoints based on the content from the Exchange etc. This change breaks the XML DSL a little bit and there is an easy migration effort. The Java DSL stays backwards compatible.
  • Support for CXF 2.7 is dropped.
  • camel-jetty8 is being considered deprecated and we would like to drop this in a nearby future release as Jetty 8.x is EOL. 
  • If you have explicit configured the JMX statistics level to All then that option is now called Default. 
  • The HTTP based consumers no longer include Camel headers in the responses by default (they already did this for the producers to not include Camel headers when calling a HTTP service).
  • Bindy requires to be configured using class names instead of package names, as it now supports having multiple model classes in the same java packages now.
  • Using CamelProxy now binds the method parameters to the message body/header using Camel annotations to define the binding rules. If no annotations is defined the the parameter is assumed the message body. You can turn this off to have the old behavior.
  • SJMS component has been aligned to bind between Camel Message and JMS Message in the same way as JMS component does that, in the process a few APIs and behavior has been changed.
  • DefaultExchangeHolder now only keep primitive / String type headers / exchange properties (like JMS component) and filter out other types such as java instances (caught exception on exchange property is kept as well).
  • The Scala based Swagger (camel-swagger) is deprecated in favor of the new camel-swagger-java component.
  • The camel-ruby feature has been removed, use camel-script-jruby instead.
  • The camel-jetty component is upgraded to Jetty 9, use camel-jetty8 if you need to use Jetty 8.
  • camel-jetty8 is deprecated as Jetty 8 is EOL
  • The dumpRoutesAsXml operation now preserve property placeholder used in the route models. 
  • Using setFaultBody / setFaultHeader behaves similar to setBody / setHeader to preserve existing headers/attachments by setting on existing IN or OUT message.
  • If using concurrent consumer on JMS endpoints for request/reply over JMS then you must use the new replyToConcurrentConsumers, replyToMaxConcurrentConsumers options to configure the values. 
  • When the Aggregator2 is forced completed the exchange property Exchange.AGGREGATED_COMPLETED_BY value has been changed from "forceCompletion" to "force" so its named like the other completion triggers.
  • Removed unsupported modules camel-web and camel-web-standalone.
  • Removed unsupported camel:dot functionality from camel:run plugin.
  • Removed unsupported camel-archetype-scala-component from maven archetypes.
  • The Maven coordinate for linkedin and olingo2 components changed to be aligned like all the others having groupId as just org.apache.camel.
  • If using MongoDB component, the option invokeGetLastError doesn't exist anymore. The option invokeGetLastError instructs the MongoDB Java driver to invoke getLastError() after every call. In the 3.0.0 MongoDB driver implementation, the getLastError() method in WriteResult has been removed. So, if needed, use an acknowledged WriteConcern when executing the write operation and then verify the correctness of the operation with the method wasAcknowledged() of WriteResult.
  • The Jing component now uses jing as schema name in uris, instead of rng or rnc. Those names has been removed.

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