Versions Compared


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  • This line was removed.
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Apache OpenWhisk "Core" Repositories

These repositories are being prepared for Stage 1 automated source release: See for detailed plans and links to issues.

Apache OpenWhisk "Family" Repositories

These repositories include Package integrations (e.g., Kafka, Push, Alarms, etc.), Deployment variants (e.g., Mesos, Kubernetes, Compose), Tooling (e.g., devtools, Swift/VSCode, debugger), Tests (performance, etc.) and Developer resources (.org website, external resources).

We have broken these into two groups:

  • Repositories that will eventually be ready to be part of an official release, primarily Package integrations and Deployment variants which will be tied to and keep pace with the Core repo. releases, but perhaps at a different pace.
  • Repositories that are either not tied to core repo. releases  (e.g., external references), or tooling that is not maintained at the same level as the core repos. and would need more Contributor help getting in shape and supporting.
  • No Travis
  • No Topics  

    Travis (master)

    ASF Licenses

    Slack Channel

    ScanCode EnabledWork Items / Comments

    Travis (master)

    ASF Licenses

    Dedicated Slack Channel

    ScanCode EnabledApache RATComments


    Image RemovedImage RemovedImage RemovedYes 
    • "openwhisk" missing as Topic.
    incubator-openwhisk-catalogImage Removed

    Image Removed

    PR #229, PR #227




    incubator-openwhisk-apigatewayImage Removed

    Image Removed

    PR #239, PR #242

    PR #247, PR #248

    Image Removed


    PR# 241

    • No description in GitHub
    • No "openwhisk" topic in GitHub
    • Excluded from scanCode.cfg
    incubator-openwhisk-cliImage RemovedImage Removed Yes  
    incubator-openwhisk-client-goImage RemovedImage Removed Yes 
    • No description in GitHub
    incubator-openwhisk-client-jsImage ModifiedPR #55 Yes   
    2incubator-openwhisk-client-pythonImage Modified

    PR #9

    • GitHub: No description in GitHub
    3incubator-openwhisk-client-swiftImage Modified

    PR #43

    Image Modified

    PR #43, PR #44


    PR #43

    • Travis not enabled for any integration tests.
    • No ASF headers for "plist" (extension) files
    • OpenWhisk.xcodeproj/xcuserdata/pcastro.xcuserdatad should be removed or made generic.

    • Jenkins somewhere?
    • Note: Swift Compliance: Need to document if Swift 3 compliant (Swift 4 is an unknown)
    4incubator-openwhisk-deploy-debuggerkube Image Added 

    Image Added

     Image AddedNo 
    • Need means to automate CI on NodeJS (various versions)
    • Improve localized docs in GitHub repo.


    • ASF Licenses: TBD
    5incubator-openwhisk-deploy-kubemesosImage RemovedNoImage ModifiedPR #31 Image RemovedNo

    PR #33

    • ASF Licenses: TBD
    6incubator-openwhisk-devtoolsImage Modified

    Image Modified

    PR #41



    PR #41

    • "path" ing error in docker-compose Travis build script.


    • ASF Licenses: TBD
    7incubator-openwhisk-package-alarmsImage Modified

    Image ModifiedPR #71

    • ASF Licenses: TBD
    8incubator-openwhisk-package-cloudantImage Modified

    Image Removed

    PR #113No

    • ASF Licenses: TBD
    9incubator-openwhisk-package-jiraImage Modified

    Image ModifiedPR #8



    • ASF Licenses: TBD
    10incubator-openwhisk-package-kafkaImage Modified

    Image ModifiedPR #196

    • ASF Licenses: TBD
    11incubator-openwhisk-package-pushnotificationsImage Modified

    Image Modified

    PR #81

    • ASF Licenses: TBD
    • Old from OW


    Image AddedImage Added  No
    13incubator-openwhisk-package-rssImage Modified

    Image ModifiedPR #19

    • ASF Licenses: TBD
    • No Travis
    • Activate TravisCI:

    serverASF JIRA

    14incubator-openwhisk-package-templateImage Modified

    Image Modified

    PR #12

    • ASF Licenses: TBD
    • Old from OW
    15incubator-openwhisk-debuggerNoImage Added No
    • Scancode: TBD
    • ASF Licenses:TBD
    • No Travis
    • Need means to automate CI on NodeJS (various versions)
    • Improve localized docs in GitHub repo.
    • Limited, in theory, to v1.6 NodeJS
    16incubator-openwhisk-performanceYesImage Added No
    • Currently Bash scripts only
    • TODO: Rename LICENSE to LICENSE.txt
    17incubator-openwhisk-playgroundImage Modified

    Image Modified

    PR #5
    • ASF Licenses: TBD
    • No description, website, or topics provided.
    • No Travis
    • INFRA: Travis not enabled
    • test-config.js has 0 (zero) bytes
    • has 0 (zero) bytes
    18incubator-openwhisk-podspecsTBDNoPR #2Image Added No
    • ASF Licenses: TBD
    • No Travis
    • No Topics
    • No README
    • .podspec have no headers have (s.license = { :type => 'Apache License, Version 2.0' })
    • Many refs. to old GitHub URLs.
    19incubator-openwhisk-sample-matosTBDNoPR #1Image Added No 
    • GitHub: No Topics
    • Typos in readme
    • TODO: Rename LICENSE to LICENSE.txt
    20incubator-openwhisk-sample-slackbotTBDNo Image Added No 
    • No Travis
    • Missing 'openwhisk' Topic
    • A proof-of-concept Slackbot to invoke OpenWhisk actions. 
      • Make sample?
    21incubator-openwhisk-slackinviteTBDNo Image Added No 
    • No Travis
    • Missing 'openwhisk' Topic
    22incubator-openwhisk-tutorialtestImage AddedTBDImage Added  Yes
    • TODO: Rename LICENSE to LICENSE.txt
    23incubator-openwhisk-tutorialNoImage Added No Travis
    • No Topics
    24incubator-openwhisk-utilitiesImage Modified

    • Travis runs 'scancodetravis.cfg' tests only
    • Travis needs to run scancode on itself
    25incubator-openwhisk-vscodeYesImage Added      
    26incubator-openwhisk-websiteTBDImage Added TBD 
    27incubator-openwhisk-workshop     incubator-openwhisk-wskdeployworkshop TBD Image Added   TBD
    • GitHub: Rename LICENSE to LICENSE.txt
    28incubator-openwhisk-xcode No 

    Image Added

    • wsktool,should delete in favor of wskdeploy (Paul)
    • whisk bot and playground
    • xcode playground ext.
    • Add Apache license image to README
    29incubator-openwhisk-GitHubSlackBotTBDNo TBD
    • INFRA!!! Committer access list is not working on this repo.!!!!
    • Needs LICENSE.txt
    • Apache license image
    • Needs


    TBDImage Added No

    Documentation (references/links) only

    • TODO: Change README
      • Remove old logo
      • Remove "Awesome" logo and name (to repo. name)
      • Remove Bluemix reference
      • Speak with James Thomas about how to merge into (website) repo.


    Image AddedImage Added   


    NoImage Added