Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Table of Contents


Current state:  Voting in progress Accepted

Discussion thread: here

Voting thread: here


PR:  #9099 (based on #4807)


ConsoleConsumer (kafka-console-consumer) is a very important debugging tool in Kafka. However, currently it cannot print offset, partition and headers of a Kafka record. So, during debugging session, if we need to know those information, we have to use kafka-dump-log, which require file system access to the Kafka broker hosts, or use custom application, like kafkacat. This KIP is proposing to rectify this issue.


  • print.timestamp
  • print.key
  • print.value
  • print.partition
  • key.separator
  • line.separator
  • key.deserializer
  • value.deserializer


PropertyValid ValuesDefault ValueDescription
print.offset"true" or "false""false"print message offset
print.headers"true" or "false""false"print headers, will print NO_HEADERS if the record has no headers
header.separatorstring","separator printed between each header's key:value pair
headers.deserializerclass name"StringDeserializer"header value deserializer
null.literalstring"null"literal to print if the value is NULL (size -1)


Code Block
$ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic test --from-beginning --property print.partition=true --property print.key=true --property print.timestamp=true --property print.offset=true --property print.headers=true --property key.separator='|'


Proposed Changes

Add new properties to DefaultMessageFormatter as per the above:


Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

KIP-431 introduces incompatibility when "print.partition=true" (this property exists in the code before KIP-431 but not documented). Before KIP-431, "kafka-console-consumer" prints the partition as a number after the value for example: "key1|value1|0". After this KIP, "kafka-console-consumer" prints the partition number prefixed with "Partition:" before the key (if printed) and value, for example: "Partition:0|key1|value1" . Because this property was not documented, no migration plan is implemented in KIP-431.

The other changes are backward compatible . If a user won’t because they do not exist before. Apart from "print.partition=true", if a user does not use any new parameters, then the output of console consumer will look the same as before.
