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2022-03-16. Updated PPMC diversity and contribution guide

2022-10-21. Update note on code quality & backwards compatibility.

Maturity model assessment

Mentors and community members are encouraged to contribute to this page and comment on it, the following table summarizes project’s self-assessment against the Apache Maturity Model.


  • still used as a Slack channel
  • still owned by FZI and should be deleted or transferred to ASF


CD10The project produces Open Source software, for distribution to the public at no charge.YES. The project source code is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
CD20The project's code is easily discoverable and publicly accessible.YES. The website includes links to the Github repos.
CD30The code can be built in a reproducible way using widely available standard tools.

YES. The project uses Maven to build the Java-based projects and NPM to build the StreamPipes UI. The documentation at and the README file contain information on how to build StreamPipes. The confluent wiki includes information on how to start a development instance: Test StreamPipes.

CD40The full history of the project's code is available via a source code control system, in a way that allows any released version to be recreated.YES. The project uses Git to manage source code, documentation and website. Previous non-Apache-releases are tagged and clearly marked as pre-asf versions.
CD50The provenance of each line of code is established via the source code control system, in a reliable way based on strong authentication of the committer. When third-party contributions are committed, commit messages provide reliable information about the code provenance.WIPYES. The project uses GitHub, belongs to the apache group on Github, and it is ensuring provenance of each line of code to a committer. The wiki contains various  onboarding guides. for committers, PPMC members and release managers.


QU10The project is open and honest about the quality of its code. Various levels of quality and maturity for various modules are natural and acceptable as long as they are clearly communicated.YES. Open issues are listed in the public Jira and discussed on the mailing list.
QU20The project puts a very high priority on producing secure software.YES. Security issues are treated with the highest priority.
QU30The project provides a well-documented, secure and private channel to report security issues, along with a documented way of responding to them.YES. We use the ASF security channel, which is linked on the website.
QU40The project puts a high priority on backwards compatibility and aims to document any incompatible changes and provide tools and documentation to help users transition to new features.WIPYES. A A release contains a list of issues related to the release. There are also migration guides for breaking changes. However, the current pre-1.0. version does not guarantee to be backwards compatible. Since 0.70.0, we introduced migration scripts for backwards compatibility.
QU50The project strives to respond to documented bug reports in a timely manner.YES. The community is very active in responding to bug reports and usually fixes them within a short time period.


CS10The project maintains a public list of its contributors who have decision power -- the project's PMC (Project Management Committee) consists of those contributors.YES. The team page contains contains a list of the some current committers who wanted to have their name listed on the website.
CS20Decisions are made by consensus among PMC members and are documented on the project's main communications channel. Community opinions are taken into account but the PMC has the final word if needed.YES. So far, all. important decisions were made by consensus.
CS30Documented voting rules are used to build consensus when discussion is not sufficient.YES. The project uses the standard ASF voting rules.
CS40In Apache projects, vetoes are only valid for code commits and are justified by a technical explanation, as per the Apache voting rules defined in CS30.YES. The project has not used a veto at any point during incubation.
CS50All "important" discussions happen asynchronously in written form on the project's main communications channel. Offline, face-to-face or private discussions 11 that affect the project are also documented on that channel.YES. The The main communication channel is the mailing list. There are other channels such as the Slack channel which are documented, but not used for important project discussions. 


IN10The project is independent from any corporate or organizational influence.YES. The PPMC (excluding mentors) consists of members from at least 7 different organisations. Committers also come from various other organizations which are not represented in the PPMC.
IN20Contributors act as themselves as opposed to representatives of a corporation or organization.YES. The contributors act on their own initiative without representing a corporation or organization.
