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As of today (17 Aug 2020), there is only one use-case implementation exists to address the above-written acquire/renew/use Knox Delegation token case. The related resources (Java classes, properties files) are located in the gateway-performance-test Maven module. Here is the list of the most relevant resources:

  • src/main/java

    • t.PerformanceTestRunner - this is the entry point of the tool. This class comes with a main method that reads the given configuration file and executes all enabled use-case runners
    • o.a.k.g.p.t.ResponseTimeCache - this class acts as a holder of response times and shared between the worker threads (which write into the cache) and the report generation threads (reading data from it)
    • o.a.k.g.p.t.reporting.GatewayMetricsReporter - this class generates the human-readable reports in JSON and YAML format in a fixed schedule marked by 
    • o.a.k.g.p.t.knoxtoken.KnoxTokenUseCaseRunner - this class is responsible for
      • start N worker threads that are acquiring Knox DTs parallel (marked by perf.test.usecase.knoxtoken.numOfThreads)
      • and 2 more threads to
        • renew an already acquired Knox DT
        • do an HDFS ls command using an already acquired Knox DT
    • o.a.k.g.p.t.knoxtoken.KnoxTokenWorkerThread - this represents the job that actually acquires/renews/uses Knox DTs. The renew/use actions are running only on 1-1 thread and they wait 2 times more time between two subsequential calls then simply executing the acquire action. In other words, by default, a worker thread acquires a Knox DT between every 5 to 10 seconds (on N threads) whereas a worker thread which renews/uses a previously acquired Knox token waits between 10-20 seconds.

    • o.a.k.g.p.t.knoxtoken.KnoxTokenCache - stores the already acquired Knox DTs (if the number of DTs reaches 500 the cache is cleaned automatically)
  • src/test/resources
    • - contains the above-described configuration file
    • - the Log4j configuration of the tool. By default, it prints log messages on the STDOUT as well as writes them into target/logs/performanceTest.log
