Versions Compared


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This is based on the release guide of the Apache Beam project:

Table of Contents


The Apache Flink project periodically declares and publishes releases. A release is one or more packages of the project artifact(s) that are approved for general public distribution and use. They may come with various degrees of caveat regarding their perceived quality and potential for change, such as “alpha”, “beta”, “incubating”, “stable”, etc.


Now, add your Apache GPG key to the Flink’s KEYS file both file in dev and release repositories at  repository at Follow the instructions listed at the top of these files. (Note: Only PMC members have write access to the release repository. If you end up getting 403 errors ask on the mailing list for assistance.)Configure git to use this key when signing code by giving it your key ID, as follows:  PMC member can refer following scripts to add your Apache GPG key to the KEYS in the release repository.

Code Block
gitsvn config --global user.signingkey 845E6689

You may drop the --global option if you’d prefer to use this key for the current repository only.

You may wish to start gpg-agent to unlock your GPG key only once using your passphrase. Otherwise, you may need to enter this passphrase hundreds of times. The setup for gpg-agent varies based on operating system, but may be something like this:

Code Block
eval $(gpg-agent --daemon --no-grab --write-env-file $HOME/.gpg-agent-info)
export GPG_TTY=$(tty)

Access to Apache Nexus repository

Configure access to the Apache Nexus repository, which enables final deployment of releases to the Maven Central Repository.

co flink-dist-release-repo
cd flink-dist-release-repo
(gpg --list-sigs <YOUR_KEY_ID> && gpg --armor --export <YOUR_KEY_ID>) >> KEYS
svn ci -m "[flink] Add <YOUR_NAME>'s public key"

Configure git to use this key when signing code by giving it your key ID, as follows:

Code Block
git config --global user.signingkey 845E6689

You may drop the --global option if you’d prefer to use this key for the current repository only.

You may wish to start gpg-agent to unlock your GPG key only once using your passphrase. Otherwise, you may need to enter this passphrase hundreds of times. The setup for gpg-agent varies based on operating system, but may be something like this:

Code Block
eval $(gpg-agent --daemon --no-grab --write-env-file $HOME/.gpg-agent-info)
export GPG_TTY=$(tty)

Access to Apache Nexus repository

Configure access to the Apache Nexus repository, which enables final deployment of releases to the Maven Central Repository.

  1. You log in with your Apache account.
  2. Confirm you have appropriate access by finding org.apache.flink under Staging Profiles.
  3. Navigate to your Profile (top right dropdown menu of the page).
  4. Choose User Token from the dropdown, then click Access User Token. Copy a snippet of the Maven XML configuration block.
  5. Insert this snippet twice into your global Maven settings.xml file, typically ${HOME}/.m2/settings.xml. The end result should look like this, where TOKEN_NAME and TOKEN_PASSWORDare your secret tokens:

    Code Block
  6. You log in with your Apache account.
  7. Confirm you have appropriate access by finding org.apache.flink under Staging Profiles.
  8. Navigate to your Profile (top right dropdown menu of the page).
  9. Choose User Token from the dropdown, then click Access User Token. Copy a snippet of the Maven XML configuration block.
  10. Insert this snippet twice into your global Maven settings.xml file, typically ${HOME}/.m2/settings.xml. The end result should look like this, where TOKEN_NAME and TOKEN_PASSWORDare your secret tokens:

    Code Block


The following sections assume that the release_utils branch from flink-connector-shared-utils is mounted as a git submodule under tools/releasing/shared. See the README for details.

Prepare environment

Check out the commit from which you intend to create the release, and run these commands in the root directory of the connector repo:

, you can update the submodule by running  `git submodule update --remote` to use latest release utils, you need to mount the  flink-connector-shared-utils  as a submodule under the tools/releasing/shared if it hasn't been mounted in the connector repository. See the README for details.

Prepare environment

Check out the commit from which you intend to create the release, and run these commands in the root directory of the connector repo:

Code Block
Code Block
# Set up a few environment variables to simplify Maven commands that follow.
# (We use bash Unix syntax in this guide.)
export NEW_VERSION=3.0.0
export RC_NUM=1


  • Create the source release archive
  • Deploy jar artifacts to the Apache Nexus Repository, which is the staging area for deploying the jars to Maven Central
  • Note: Please do not use VPN or change your IP address when stage artifacts to Apache Nexus Repository, it may lead to multiple staging repositories which is unexpected.
Code Block
# verify the environment contains all software needed for the release process

# update the versions in the poms

# create and stage artifacts to be voted on

# call this once for each supported (minor) Flink version
FLINK_VERSION=1.16.0 ./tools/releasing/shared/


Adjust any of the above properties to the improve clarity and presentation of the Release Notes.

Ensure that the JIRA release notes are also included in the release notes of the documentation (see section "Review and update documentation").

Content of Release Content of Release Notes field from JIRA tickets 


The flink_connectors.yml must be updated to contain the new release:








Finally, propose a pull request with these changes. (Don’t merge before finalizing the release.)


Code Block
echo "

From: Release Manager
Subject: [RESULT] [VOTE] flink-connector-<connector> ${NEW_VERSION}, release candidate #${RC_NUM}

I'm happy to announce that we have unanimously approved this release.

There are XXX approving votes, XXX of which are binding:
* approver 1
* approver 2
* approver 3
* approver 4

There are no disapproving votes.

Thanks everyone!

Checklist to proceed to the finalization step

  1. Community votes to release the proposed candidate, with at least three approving PMC votes

Fix any issues

Any issues identified during the community review and vote should be fixed in this step.

Code changes should be proposed as standard pull requests to the master branch and reviewed using the normal contributing process. Then, relevant changes should be cherry-picked into the release branch. The cherry-pick commits should then be proposed as the pull requests against the release branch, again reviewed and merged using the normal contributing process.

Once all issues have been resolved, you should go back and build a new release candidate with these changes.

Checklist to proceed to the next step

  1. Issues identified during vote have been resolved, with fixes committed to the release branch.

Finalize the release

Once the release candidate has been reviewed and approved by the community, the release should be finalized.

Deploy artifacts to Maven Central Repository

Use the Apache Nexus repository to release the staged binary artifacts to the Maven Central repository. In the Staging Repositories section, find the relevant release candidate orgapacheflink-XXX entry and click Release. Drop all other release candidates that are not being released.

Deploy source and binary releases to

Copy the source and binary releases from the dev repository to the release repository at

Code Block
PROJECT=flink-connector-<connector> VERSION=${NEW_VERSION} RC_NUM=<rc> ./tools/releasing/shared/

Git tag

Create a new Git tag for the released version by copying the tag for the final release candidate, as follows

Code Block
export RC_NUM=none

Mark the version as released in JIRA


 approver 4

There are no disapproving votes.

Thanks everyone!

Checklist to proceed to the finalization step

  1. Community votes to release the proposed candidate, with at least three approving PMC votes

Fix any issues

Any issues identified during the community review and vote should be fixed in this step.

Code changes should be proposed as standard pull requests to the master branch and reviewed using the normal contributing process. Then, relevant changes should be cherry-picked into the release branch. The cherry-pick commits should then be proposed as the pull requests against the release branch, again reviewed and merged using the normal contributing process.

Once all issues have been resolved, you should go back and build a new release candidate with these changes.

Checklist to proceed to the next step

  1. Issues identified during vote have been resolved, with fixes committed to the release branch.

Finalize the release

Once the release candidate has been reviewed and approved by the community, the release should be finalized.

Deploy artifacts to Maven Central Repository

Use the Apache Nexus repository to release the staged binary artifacts to the Maven Central repository. In the Staging Repositories section, find the relevant release candidate orgapacheflink-XXX entry and click Release. Drop all other release candidates that are not being released.

Deploy source and binary releases to

Copy the source and binary releases from the dev repository to the release repository at

Code Block
PROJECT=flink-connector-<connector> VERSION=${NEW_VERSION} RC_NUM=<rc> ./tools/releasing/shared/

Git tag

Create a new Git tag for the released version by copying the tag for the final release candidate, as follows

Code Block
export RC_NUM=none

Mark the version as released in JIRA

In JIRA, inside version management, hover over the current release and a settings menu will appear. Click Release, and select today’s date.

Update and properly integrate the connector documentation in the Flink documentation

  1. Make sure that in the correct Flink release branch (e.g. release-1.19, release-1.18 etc) in there's a line that shows:

    Code Block
    integrate_connector_docs yourConnectorRepoName yourReleasedConnectorBranch

    When the documentation is being build, it will also download the documentation from the connector repository from the specified branch, so that it will be integrated into the Flink documentation

  2. Make sure that the file in docs/data/yourConnector.yml is been updated properly (correct connector version, correct compatibility with Flink major.minor version, potential SQL variants). See as an example. This file is being used to determine if the Flink documentation is requested for a released Flink version, if it should display the download link for your connector (because it was released/available) or not (e.g. it's not available yet for that Flink version)

Update the nightly builds

Update .github/workflows/weekly.yml in the main  branch for the connector repository to make sure that:

  1. Any potentially newly created branch is also tested in the weekly test and mapped to the Flink versions that it should be tested against
  2. Remove any no longer supported connector branches and/or Flink versions

Checklist to proceed to the next step
