pagespeed: Automatic WPO plugin powered by Google PageSpeed Optimization
Atsats_speedpagespeed provides automatic web performance optimization, powered by Google PageSpeed.
The plugin was build by We-Amp for its online demonstration service of PageSpeed optimization for Microsoft IIS: IISpeed.
Google PageSpeed Optimization speeds up your website by implementing web performance best practices.
A few of its features:
- Prioritize visible content above the fold
- Minify, rewrite, and combine javascript
- Optimize images (inlining, rescaling/recompression, webp transcoding and more)
- Sprite css images
- HTML minification
- Defer javascript
- Lazyload and inline images
- A complete list of features resides here
Ats_speed is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, and resides on github.
We are able to offer official support and tuning at info@we-amp.com.
Our intent is to donate the port to the ASF and if possible merge with LinkedIn's work on ats_pagespeed
Another improvement would be to migrate it to LinkedIn's C++ API's, as that would improve things
from a maintenance perspective.
Techical details
The current state compiles against mod_pagspeed svn revision 3537.