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This article is a copy of the version for SPECjAppServer2004 v1.05 and Geronimo v1.2. It's now being updated for SPECjAppServer2004 v1.08 and Geronimo v2.0.
2, but the updating process is not yet complete.
Running SPECjAppServer2004 benchmark on Geronimo
Issues still exist that prevent SPECjAppServer2004 from running on Geronimo.
This article is not a success story, but a collection of notes on the progress that has been made in this direction.
Current issue that requires your help is: #Running the benchmark
Disclaimer: This article is created to write down the existing experience and to make it reproducible. It is not targeted to be a comprehensive guide on either product or on merging them together. It's not also a replacement to the products' documentation, but just a step-by-step guide on how to make things work in a simple configuration, as it worked for me. Make sure you at least look through the documentation on both products before you proceed.
SPECjAppServer is a trademark of the Standard Performance Evaluation Corp. (SPEC). The official web site for SPECjAppServer2004 is located at http://www.spec.org/jAppServer2004/.
SPECjAppServer2004 version 1.08 introduces a reduced workload called EAStress2004 that relaxes run and reporting rules, enabling informal results to be shared more easily in open-source research and development projects.
The EAStress2004 workload in SPECjAppServer2004 v1.08 can be used as a tool to optimize performance of products under development and to share results in public forums. Unlike SPECjAppServer2004 results, testing results from the EAStress2004 workload do not need to be reviewed by SPEC prior to being made public.
Results from the EAStress2004 workload cannot be used for marketing purposes, and comparisons to other SPECjAppServer2004 results are not permitted.
See full press release on SPECjAppServer2004/EAStress2004 v1.08 here: http://www.spec.org/jAppServer2004/jAppServer2004v108.html.
All logs, stacks and result files in this article are extracted from EAStress2004 v1.08 runs.
This article is written for SPECjAppServer2004 v1.08 and Geronimo v2.0.12. For other versions some stages may be different. Older versions of this article for SPECjAppServer2004 v1.05 and older versions of Geronimo can be found here: v1.0, v1.1, v1.2.
- #General information
- #Obtaining products
- #Conventions and environment
- #Installing products
- #Configuring Geronimo
- #Configuring SPECjAppServer2004
- #Deploying components
- #Deploying the Supplier Emulator
- #Running the benchmark
- #Processing results
Product site: http://geronimo.apache.org
Latest version, 2.0.12: http://geronimo.apache.org/apache-geronimo-v201v202-release.html
Release notes: http://cwiki.apache.org/GMOxDOC20/release-notes-201txt202txt.html
Documentation page: http://geronimo.apache.org/documentation.html
The latest Geronimo version for now is 2.0.12.
General download page: http://geronimo.apache.org/downloads.html
The geronimo.host
and the driver.host
may be the same machine, but you have to adjust the Geronimo configuration, as both Geronimo and the SPECjAppServer2004 Driver create RMI Registry on the default port (1099) and would conflict on that.
Sharing geronimo.host
with emulator.host
or driver.host
is contradicting with the SPECjAppServer2004 documentation and would impact the performance severely and invalidate the benchmark results. However technically this is possible.
This section lists important directories that are further addressed in this article. They can be chosen arbitrary, but should not overlap.
– directory at thedriver.host
where the SPECjAppServer2004 Driver will store its temporal files.
On Windows some components may work incorrectly if working paths are too long or contain spaces. So it's recommended that you avoid long paths and spaces in them.
Installing products
Extract the downloaded archive to a local directory. The geronimo-jetty6-jee5-2.0.12
or geronimo-tomcat6-jee5-2.0.12
directory is created, that is your <GERONIMO>
Installing SPECjAppServer2004
java -jar SPECjAppServer2004-Kit-v1.08.jar
Click Next, read and accept the license agreement, and type in the directory you want the SPECjAppServer2004 to be installed to. This directory will be your <SPEC>
Go to your <GERONIMO>
Start Geronimo by typing:
java -Djava.endorsed.dirs=lib/endorsed -javaagent:bin/jpa.jar -Dopenejb.jndiname.failoncollision=true -Dopenejb.jndiname.format={ejbName} -jar bin/server.jar
Please note the two OpenEJB settings, they're necessary to tune Geronimo to the simple format of EJB JNDI names SPECjAppServer2004 uses.
See details at http://cwiki.apache.org/GMOxDEV/client-jndi-names.html and http://cwiki.apache.org/OPENEJB/service-locator.html.
You may also use <GERONIMO>/
You may also use <GERONIMO>/bin/geronimo.sh
or <GERONIMO>/bin/geronimo.bat
scripts instead, after appropriate adjustments.
Geronimo v2.0.2 needs access to Internet for SPECjAppServer2004 application to be deployed – it tries to fetch XML schemas from http://java.sun.com site.
So if you're behind a firewall, add the appropriate -Dhttp.proxyHost=
and -Dhttp.proxyPort=
options to the Geronimo startup line.
This problem is caused by OPENEJB-700 bug which is already fixed and
the fix should make it to the next version of Geronimo.
If your installation of Geronimo has no access to Internet at all, or your proxy requires authentication, you may use the following workarounds (thanks to Konstantin Malynkin for describing them). You may download the necessary DTDs to your local drive and specify the local path to them in your deployment descriptors (see <SPEC>/src/deploy/geronimo
directory). For example, you could use <!DOCTYPE ejb-jar SYSTEM "C:/DTD/ejb-jar_2_0.dtd">
instead of <!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0//EN' 'http://java.sun.com/dtd/ejb-jar_2_0.dtd'>
. Another way is to omit verification at all by deleting or commenting out the references to DTDs in the deployment descriptors. Note that in both cases you would have to rebuild and redeploy the SPECjAppServer2004 application for the changes to take effect.
It will take some time to start. After that, you will see:
No Format
If you get another result, particularly, if network errors show up, then something has gone wrong.
Sometimes, the startup fails because some local network addresses are inaccessible. This could happen, for example, if you have used a VPN interface that is disconnected now. By default, Geronimo uses the first local address it comes across to access its components, and may try to use a stale address, causing startup errors.
You may try disabling and then re-enabling the unused network interfaces to resolve such issues.
Go to the <SPEC>/src/deploy
directory and copy the reference
subdirectory with its contents with the name geronimo
Edit the deployment plans in <SPEC>/src/geronimo
remove all message-driven-destination
tags from mfg.xml
, orders.xml
and supplier.xml
– Geronimo v2.0.2 doesn't handle those tags correctly.
Instead of removing those tags, you also can replace them with <message-destination-type>javax.jms.Queue</message-destination-type>
This problem is caused by OPENEJB-701 bug and should disappear after that bug is fixed.
Go to the <SPEC>/config
Use forward slashes ( / ) as directory separators!
Clean-up your installation:
ant/bin/ant clean
Build the application and configure it for Geronimo:
ant/bin/ant -Dappserver=geronimo
You will get the BUILD SUCCESSFUL diagnostic.
Make sure the files SPECjAppServer.ear
and Emulatoremulator.war
are created in the <SPEC>/jars
Go to the <SPEC>/config
directory. Replace the content of each of the *db.properties
files you find there with the contents of the attached db.properties template file. Make sure the pipeDir
variable there points to a valid temporary directory, adjust if necessary.
Loading the tables
ant/bin/ant -Dappserver=geronimo loaddb
After some time, you will get the BUILD SUCCESSFUL diagnostic.
At this stage you need to deploy the configured components to Geronimo.
Note that if your geronimo.host
and your driver.host
are the same machine, and you changed the port number of the Geronimo RMI Registry, you should specify that port number in all deployer commands, like this:
java -jar bin/deployer.jar -
port 1199 ...
Logging in
To avoid specifying login credentials on any call to deployer, you can login first:
java -jar bin/deployer.jar -u system -p manager login
Deploying database connector
To deploy a connector to the Derby SPECDB database you created earlier, go to the <GERONIMO>
directory and run:
java -jar bin/deployer
.jar deploy repository/org/tranql/tranql-connector-derby-embed-xa/1.
4.rar <KIT>/sjas-db.xml
You will get the Deployed SPECSPECjAppServer2004/SPECjAppServerDBDB/1.08/carrar diagnostic.
Deploying JMS connector
To deploy an ActiveMQ JMS connector for SPECjAppServer2004, go to the <GERONIMO>
directory and run:
java -jar bin/deployer.jar
deploy repository/org/apache/geronimo/modules/
2.rar <KIT>/sjas-jms.xml
You will get the Deployed SPECSPECjAppServer2004/SPECjAppServerJMSJMS/1.08/carrar diagnostic.
Deploying the main application
To deploy SPECjAppServer2004 on Geronimo, this configuration uses the deployment plan that was originally found in Geronimo sources at http://svn.apache.org, modified and updated for Geronimo version 2.0.12.
Go to the <GERONIMO>
directory and run:
java -jar bin/deployer.jar
deploy <SPEC>/jars/SPECjAppServer.ear <KIT>
You will get the Deployed SPECSPECjAppServer2004/SPECjAppServerApplication/1.08/ear diagnostic.
Verifying the deployment
At this stage you may check that the deployment has been done correctly and that SPECjAppServer2004 is operational.
Atomicity tests
Open the deployed SPECjAppServer2004 page: http://geronimo.host:8080/SPECjAppServer/
In the left-hand menu, click the Atomicity Tests link.
You will see the results of three atomicity tests' runs. If all three of them are marked as PASSED, your deployment is correctcheck that the deployment has been done correctly and that SPECjAppServer2004 is operational.
Manual transactions
Open the deployed SPECjAppServer2004 page: http://geronimo.host:8080/SPECjAppServer/
Log in with the default credentials (1
) by clicking Log in.
You should see the program interface and be able to perform transactionsthe program interface and be able to perform transactions.
Atomicity tests
Open the deployed SPECjAppServer2004 page: http://geronimo.host:8080/SPECjAppServer/
In the left-hand menu, click the Atomicity Tests link.
You will see the results of three atomicity tests' runs. If all three of them are marked as PASSED, your deployment is correct.
Deploying the Supplier Emulator
Note that SPECjAppServer2004 documentation requires that the Supplier Emulator servlet container should have the keep-alive
option turned off. You can ignore this requirement, but that would impact the performance severely.
Go to the <GERONIMO>
directory and run:
java -jar bin/deployer.jar
deploy <SPEC>/jars/Emulator.war <KIT>/sjas-emulator.xml
You will get the Deployed SPECSPECjAppServer2004/Emulator/1.08/war @ http:/ /geronimo.host:8080/Emulator diagnostic.
Using a stand-alone servlet container
Do not bother editing <SPEC>/config/tomcat.env
file or running ant/bin/ant -f tomcat.xml
Both files are obsolete, they generate the Emulator.war
file, which has already been created at #Building the application phase.
Go to the <TOMCAT>
directory on the emulator.host
and start Tomcat:
bin/catalina run
Veryfying the deployment
Go to the page http://emulator.host:8080/Emulator/
. It should load normally and contain a single directory, dtd
, with two files inside, delivery.dtd
and po.dtd
Go to the page http://emulator.host:8080/Emulator/EmulatorServlet
. You should see a page with text like this:
Emulator Servlet seems to work OK
JAS_HOST : emulator.host
JAS_PORT : 8080
Servlet URL : Supplier/DeliveryServlet
Number of Transactions : 0
Servlet invoked without command specified
Running the benchmark
Go to the <DRIVER>
directory on the driver.host
and run:
This configures the environment to run the Driver.
If you wish to run a distributed load with multiple Drivers, then after the Driver is started on the first host (the master.host
), start the Driver on other driver hosts like this:
bin/driver.bat master.host
After starting the Driver, you should see the output like this:
No Format
This means the Driver started normally.
Note the times for Rampup, SteadyState, Rampdown and Finish to figure out the time needed for the benchmark to complete.
You can interrupt the run at any
time with Ctrl-C
Sometimes binding exceptions or other problems may occur at the Driver startup. In such a case, interrupt the test run with Ctrl-C
and rerun it again. Sometimes it helps.
It's recommended to reload the database tables before each run, particularly if previous run was not finished correctly. Otherwise, errors like this may occur:
During the run, the following diagnostics may appear in the Driver window:noformat
and in the same time, various TransactionRolledback
and other exceptions of the same kind are being printed in the Geronimo shell.
These diagnostics are probably caused by the fact that TranQL version 1.3 is used in Geronimo
2 does not provide the necessary transaction isolation level. Hopefully, this problem will be fixed in TranQL version 1.3.1.
After the run has completed successfuly, you will see the output like this:noformat
The number of JOPS is a final benchmark metric.
For now these values for Geronimo are terribly low, and don't depend on the hardware being used. Probably this is due to some configuration issues that still exist or due to the TranQL issue mentioned above.
java -cp reporter.jar reporter Your_Submission.txt
Run the following command to generate a text-only benchmark report, it would be named Your_Submission.report.txt
java -cp reporter.jar reporter -a Your_Submission.txt
For the details on how yo submit your results, see SPECjAppServer2004 User's Guide :: Section 5.3 – Submitting the Results