Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


  • Allow Roller to use blog handles as subomains (e.g. http://handle.baseurl.comImage Removed)
  • Allow one Roller instance to specify different URLs for different weblogs, stored in the database
  • Ensure that each weblog is only accessed by one root URL


  • Is this design flexible enough to meet most of the requests we've seen so far?
  • How to avoid a repeat of "handle" in the pathInfo of the URL (e.g. Removed)
  • Requires adding URL column to weblog table
  • How much refactoring is required to achieve DRY in the URL resolution code?


Code Block
    /** Absolute URL of Roller, e.g. http://localhost:8080/roller */
    public String getAbsoluteSite() {
  //      return WebloggerRuntimeConfig.getAbsoluteContextURL();
    	URLStrategy urlStrategy = WebloggerFactory.getWeblogger().getUrlStrategy();
    	return urlStrategy.getWeblogURL(weblog, null, true);

Changes to WeblogRequestMapper

WeblogRequestMapper assumes the weblog handle is at the beginning of the pathInfo string in the request. We'll either need to subclass WeblogRequestMapper or inject (or lookup (sad)) a strategy object that can do this. A strategy object would be better than a subclass. Do we create a new strategy object for decoding a URL or do we add methods to the existing URLStrategy objects?

New SubdomainURLStrategy object

Note: For now this still uses properties to override the default subdomain URL. In "phase II" we'll look at moving this property into the Weblog object/table itself.

Code Block

import org.apache.roller.weblogger.config.WebloggerConfig;
import org.apache.roller.weblogger.config.WebloggerRuntimeConfig;
import org.apache.roller.weblogger.pojos.Weblog;

/** Multi-domain URL strategy. */
public class SubdomainURLStrategy extends MultiWeblogURLStrategy {

    /** Get root url for a given weblog.  Optionally for a certain locale. */
    public String getWeblogURL(Weblog weblog, String locale, boolean absolute) {        
        if(weblog == null) return null;
        StringBuffer url = new StringBuffer();        
        if(absolute) {
            String weblogAbsoluteURL = 
                WebloggerConfig.getProperty("weblog.absoluteurl." + weblog.getHandle());            
            if (weblogAbsoluteURL != null) {
            } else {
            	String subDomainURL = replaceSubdomain(WebloggerRuntimeConfig.getAbsoluteContextURL(), weblog.getHandle());
        } else {
        // TODO: Remove this, the handle shouldn't be in the hostname and in the path
        if(locale != null) {
        return url.toString();
    private String replaceSubdomain(String url, String newSub) {
    	String			baseURL;							// Base URL for subdomains
    	StringBuffer	newURL = new StringBuffer(newSub);	// URL for this subdomain
    	// For backward compatibility we leave site.absoluteurl property as the full URL of
    	// the main blog, e.g., so we'll have to remove the subdomain and re-add it
    	int firstDot = url.indexOf('.');
    	if ((firstDot == -1) || (firstDot + 2 > url.length())) {
    		// URL without a dot (!?) or dot  is last character - Use the full URL
    		// Maybe we should throw an exception here?
        	baseURL = url;  		
    	else {
    		// Take everthing after the first dot
        	baseURL = url.substring(firstDot + 1);  		   		
    	return newURL.toString();

