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Table of Contents

Top-Level Goal

The top-level goal is a single API for managing cluster configuration.

The beneficiaries of this work are those who want to change the configuration of the cluster (create/destroy regions, indices or gateway receivers/senders etc), and have these changes replicated on all the applicable servers and persisted in the cluster configuration service. In addition to developers building Geode-based applications, the target user group includes developers working on different parts of the Geode code such as Spring Data for Apache, queries for Lucene index, or storage for the JDBC connector.

Problem Statement

In the current implementation:

  • Most cluster configuration tasks are possible, but only by coordinating XML file-based configuration files, properties files, and gfsh commands. 
  • Many of the desired outcomes are achievable through multiple paths.
  • Establishing a consistent configuration and persisting it across the cluster is difficult, sometimes impossible.

Product Goals 

The developer should be able to:

  • Create regions/indices on the fly.

  • Persist the configuration and apply it to the cluster (when a new node joins, it has the config; when the server restarts, it has the config)

  • Obtain a consistent view of the current configuration

  • Apply the same change to the cluster in the same way

  • Be able to change the configuration in one place

  • Obtain this configuration without being on the cluster

Proposed Solution

The proposed solution includes:

  • Address the multiple path issue by presenting a single public API for configuring the cluster, including such tasks as creating a region  destroying an index, or update an async event queue.
  • Provide a means to persist the change in the cluster configuration.
  • Save a configuration to the Cluster Management Service without having to restart the servers
  • Obtain the cluster management service from a cache when calling from a client or a server
  • Pass a config object to the cluster management service
  • Use CRUD operations to manage config objects

This solution should meet the following requirements:

  • The user needs to be authenticated and authorized for each API call based on the resource he/she is trying to access.

  • User can call the API from either the client side or the server side.

  • The outcome (behavior) is the same on both client and server:

    •  affects cluster wide

    •  idempotent

What We Have Now

Our admin rest API "sort of" already serves this purpose, but it has these shortcomings:

  1. It's not a public API
  2. The API is restricted to the operations implemented as gfsh commands, as the argument to the API is a gfsh command string.
  3. Each command does similar things, yet commands may not be consistent with each other.

Below is a diagram of the current state of things:

Gliffy Diagram

From the current state of commands, It's not easy to extract a common interface for all the commands. And developers do not want to use gfsh command strings as a "makeshift" API to call into the command. We are in need of a unified interface and a unified workflow for all the commands.


We propose a new Cluster Management Service (CMS) which has two responsibilities:

  • Update runtime configuration of servers (if any running)
  • Persist configuration (has to be enabled to use CMS)

Note that in order to use this API, Cluster Configuration needs to be enabled.

Gliffy Diagram

The CMS API is exposed as a new endpoint as part of "Admin REST APIs", accepting configuration objects (JSON) that need to be applied to the cluster. CMS adheres to the standard REST semantics, so users can use POST, PATCH, DELETE and GET to create, update, delete or read, respectively. The API returns a JSON body that contains a message describing the result along with standard HTTP status codes.

Management REST API

Detailed REST API endpoints with sample requests and responses are available here:

Management REST API

Let's look at some code to see how users can use this service. The below example shows how to create a region using CMS.

Curl (any standard REST client)

Code Block
curl [-v] [-u user[:password]] -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://<>:7070/geode-management/v2/regions -XPOST -d '
  "name": "Foo",
  "type": "PARTITION",
  "group": "optional-group-name"

Sample to copy/paste:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:7070/geode-management/v2/regions -XPOST -d '{"name": "Foo","type": "PARTITION"}'

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:7070/geode-management/v2/regions -XPOST -d '{"name": "Foo","type": "PARTITION", "groups": ["g1"]}'

Java Client

To ease the interaction with the rest end point, we provided a java client version of Cluster Management Service. Here is an example to get an instance of this service and use it in any java client code. You will need to have geode-management.jar in your classpath.

About the definition of Region type , can refer to the following class:

Code Block
titleJava client
public static void main(String[] args) {
  String regionName = args[0];

  ClusterManagementService cms = ClusterManagementServiceBuilder.buildWithHostAddress().setHost("localhost", 7070).build();

  BasicRegionConfig config = new BasicRegionConfig();

  ClusterManagementResult result = cms.create(config);

  if (!result.isSuccessful()) {
    throw new RuntimeException(
        "Failure creating region: " + result.getStatusMessage());

The above example is for interacting with the Cluster Management Service's REST end point which has no ssl nor security turned on. To manage a cluster that has security and SSL enabled, you will need to provide a SSLContext and credentials when getting the service:

Code Block
titleJava Client with security
public static void main(String[] args) {
  String regionName = args[0];
  SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getDefault();
  HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier = new NoopHostnameVerifier();
  ClusterManagementService cms = ClusterManagementServiceBuilder.buildWithHostAddress().setHost("localhost", 7070).setSslContext(sslContext).setHostnameVerifier(hostnameVerifiler).setCredentials("username", "password").build();

Note: In the context of Geode client, an instance of the ClusterManagementService can be retrieved be calling ClusterManagementServiceBuilder.buildWithCache(clientCache).build(), This will attempt to use any existing security or SSL configuration to determine the CMS REST endpoint.

You can use this java client when authoring server side code as well. Here is how one can use CMS on a server, 

Code Block
titleServer Side
public class MyFunction implements Function<String> {
  public void execute(FunctionContext context) {
    //1. Get the service instance. You don't need to provide url or port or ssl information since all that information is deduced by the server automatically.
    // but you will need to provide a username/password if the cluster is secured.
    ClusterManagementService cms = ClusterManagementServiceBuilder.buildWithCache(context.getCache()).build();
    //2. Create the config object, these are just JAXB generated POJOs
    BasicRegionConfig regionConfig = new BasicRegionConfig(); //These are JAXB generated configuration objects
    //3. Invoke create, update, delete or get depending on what you want to do.
    ClusterManagementResult result = cms.create(regionConfig); 

ClusterManagementService Interface

The primary ClusterManagementService interface is as follows:

Code Block
public interface ClusterManagementService {  
  <T extends CacheElement> ClusterManagementResult<?, ?> create(T config);
  <T extends CacheElement> ClusterManagementResult<?, ?> delete(T config);
  <T extends CacheElement> ClusterManagementResult<?, ?> update(T config);
  <T extends CacheElement & CorrespondWith<R>, R extends RuntimeInfo> ClusterManagementResult<T, R> list(T config);
  <T extends CacheElement & CorrespondWith<R>, R extends RuntimeInfo> ClusterManagementResult<T, R> get(T config);

The methods on this interface all interact with simple Java classes that map directly to elements in the Geode cache.xml file. For example, region actions will use the RegionConfig class. When creating Geode components, these classes are used as input to the API. When querying Geode, these classes (or subclasses) are returned as the response to those queries. See ClusterManagementResult below. 


ClusterManagementResult is the result object you get when you invoke a method using cluster management service. Here is an instance of this object in json format:

Code Block
  "memberStatuses" : {
    "server-1" : {
      "success" : true,
      "message" : "success"
  "statusCode" : "OK",
  "statusMessage" : "successfully persisted config for cluster",
  "successful" : true

Here is an explanation of each of the fields in the result object:

"successful": a boolean value indicating the overall success/failure status of the service call. it will be true if and only if the "statusCode" value is "OK".

"statusCode": a enum field indicating the result status. Here is a list of possible values in this field:


How does it work

"StatusMessage": a detailed message about the result of the operation

"memberStatus": information about the operation status on each server.

Behind the scenes

On the locator side, the configuration service framework will just handle the workflow. It's up to each individual ClusterConfigElement to implement how it needs to be persisted and applied. 

Gliffy Diagram

This is what happens inside the LocatorClusterManagementService for a create operation: 
