Apache Tuscany committersThe people listed below have made significant contributions to Apache Tuscany and have earned committer status. In addition to being commmitters, some of the following people are also members of the Project Management Committee (PMC). Refer to the How the ASF works for details on meritocracy. If you would like to contribute to Apache Tuscany, please check the Getting Involved page to see how you can contribute. Id | Name | PMC Member | Affiliation |
adrianocrestani | Adriano Crestani | Independent | amita | Amita Vadhavkar | | IBM (not paid job) | ajborley | Andrew Borley | IBM (not paid job) | antelder | Ant Elder | | IBM | beckerdo | Dan Becker | | IBM | bjohnson | Brady Johnson | Independent? | dkulp | Dan Kulp | IONA? | dougsleite | Douglas Siqueira Leite | Independent | frankb | Frank Budinsky | | IBM | fuhwei | Fuhwei Lwo | | IBM | giorgio | Giorgio Zoppi | Independent | isilval | Ignacio Silva-Lepe | IBM (not paid job) | jsdelfino | Jean-Sebastien Delfino | | IBM (not paid job) | kelvingoodson | Kelvin Goodson | IBM | kwilliams | Kevin Williams | IBM | lresende | Luciano Resende | IBM | mcombellack | Mark Combellack | | Avaya | myoder | Michael Yoder | | ex-Roguewave | edwardsmj | Mike Edwards | IBM (not paid job) | nash | Simon Nash | | Independent | ramkumar | Ramkumar Ramalingam | | IBM | rsivaram | Rajini Sivaram | IBM (not paid job) | rfeng | Raymond Feng | IBM | robbinspg | Pete Robbins | | IBM (not paid job) | scottkurz | Scott Kurz | IBM | slaws | Simon Laws | IBM | svkrish | Venkata Krishnan | | IBM (not paid job) | vamsic007 | Vamsavardhana Reddy | IBM | wjaniszewski | Wojciech Janiszewski | Independent |