Versions Compared


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  1. For every consumer: before sending the join-group request, do NOT revoke any partitions; instead just encode the current assigned partitions as part of the Subscription.
  2. For every consumer: after received the sync-group request, do the following:
    1. Check that the newly assigned-partitions is a superset of Minus(assigned-partitions, revoked-partitions). This is because under cooperative rebalance, no partitions should be migrated directly before being revoked first.
    2. Check the error code as well, and depending on it move forward to c) below, or trigger a rebalance immediately (for incompatible members, see below), or fail immediately if it is fatal.
    3. Update the newly assigned-partitions, and for those newly added  partitions, call the rebalance-listener — this is the same as the current logic.
    4. If revoked partitions is not empty, remove those partitions by calling the rebalance-listener. And then immediately send another join group request with the updated assigned partitions.
  3. For the leader: after getting the received subscription topics, as well as the assigned-partitions, do the following:
    1. Call the registered assignor of the selected protocol to generate the assignment; let's call it newly-assigned-partitions.
    2. Segment the total-partitions set of partitions inferred from the newly-assigned-partitions into two exclusive sub-sets: Intersection(total-partitions, assigned-partitions), and Minus(total-partitions, assigned-partitions).
      Note that the latter is possibly non-empty because a partition maybe revoked in previous rebalance and hence not in any assigned partitions, or it is a newly created partition due to add-partitions. Let's call the former prev-assigned-partitions and the latter not-assigned-partitions.
    3. For not-assigned-partitions, we can encode the owner from the newly-assigned-partitions directly since we know no one owns it before, either due to revocation or due to newly created partitions.
    4. For prev-assigned-partitions, check if the owner has changed, if yes, encode it to the old owner in revoked-partitions but NOT encode to the assigned-partitions to the new owner.


The client, upon receiving the assignment associated with the error-code, would record it in a new


the above metric, and backoff and re-send join-group request.

As for the upgrade path, we would require users to do two rolling bounces, where:


Note that this proposal depends on user's correct behavior that everyone should be on the same "rebalance protocol" eventually, otherwise the we would fall into the case 3.b) forever where some partitions would not be assigned to anyone. In addition, this approach assumes that the leader would be V1-aware whenever some V1 subscription is received: again, if users follow the upgrade path above, it should be the case, but if users did not follow the guidance then it may cause consumers to crash badly due to deserialization failures. There's a few edge cases worth mentioning here:

Downgrading and Old-


Versioned New Member

If a consumer is downgraded after the above upgrade path is complete, it is treated as first leaving the group, and then rejoining the group as an new member with old V0. This situation can also be reflected when a new member with old version V0 is joining a team (probably mistakenly) that has been completely upgraded to V2. At this moment everyone else will still get their existing assigned-partitions and the new comer would not get anything. However if another member left the group as well, then its partitions would not be assigned to anyone due to the logic 3) above. We will add a consumer side metric after getting propagated back about this situation rely on the above consumer-side metric so that users would be notified in time.

Old-Versioned Member Become Leader

Since group coordinator would select new leaders within the existing member, even if the new leader has failed after the group has successfully upgraded the new leader should still be V1-aware, and new members of V0 joining within the same generation should not be selected at all. So this should not be an issue.

NOTE: We will add a consumer metadata length field for subscription / assignment in this version so that in the future, old versioned consumer byte code can still successfully deserialize new versioned protocols. However for this upgrade path, we do not have the luxury.

