<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="2a0fa50a67c3e5b3-36eaf0fc-4eeb492d-bb628067-6c991804fa9dff9a32a4c276"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[ | http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/images/logo.png | This is the [wiki:ApacheGeneral/FrontPage Apache Wiki] for the [http://jakarta.apache.org/commons Jakarta Commons] project and is maintained by the [wiki:Jakarta/FrontPage Jakarta] community. To edit pages, visit [UserPreferences] at the top-right of any page to create a user profile or to login. Notifications of all changes you make will be sent to the commons-dev@jakarta mailing list, so we will be aware of your changes and we will happily correct any small mistakes that you might make. | ]]></ac:plain-text-body></ac:structured-macro> |
- MovingFromSandboxToProper
- CreatingStandardWebPresence
Wiki Markup [GettingInvolved] - General Documentation for all Apache Commiters and [ReleaseManager] concerning various subjects (like [SigningReleases], [MavenRepository], and \[:Mirroring\]) \\
- ComponentTemplate - Use this template when creating the main wiki page for a component.
No Format |
*Q:* Little request: Can we PLEASE have a single javadoc tree for all commons components? I am getting tired of switching between dbcp, loggin, and pool. Especially when I am following one line of calls or inheritance. Thanks, Angus *A:* Sure, it should be relatively easy, why not take some initiative and do it yourself? |