Wiki Markup [StringUtils].ordinalIndexOf() 2. [StringBuffer] replacement 5. \[ 29294\] \[lang\]\[PATCH\] Fix the Fraction class - *Patch being reviewed.* 5. 15082 \[lang\] elapsed time formatting utility method - *DurationFormatUtils. Needs finishing.* 5. 18962 \[lang\] New Method: getSubstitutedValues( String, Map ) - *Patch supplied. Need to resurrect Interpolator from Util, merge with this patch and decide if it makes sense.* 5. 19331 \[lang\] General case: infinite loop: [ToStringBuilder].reflectionToString - *Need to confirm whether this is a bug* 5. 20015 \[lang\] Make Entities public and unit test - *Entities. Needs finishing.* 5. 21333 Add [TimeoutController] - *Class in [HttpClient]. Needs evaluating.* 5. 21663 \[lang\] Add support in [ToStringStyle] for [DateFormat]. 5. 22172 \[lang\] [DateUtils].parseCVS behavior parsing "h:mm z" 5. 22692 [StringUtils].split ignores empty items 5. 22717 \[lang\] [MutableNumbers] - *MattInitial Hawthorneoffering andcommitted Geronimo have CVS* 5. 23749 \[lang\] \[PATCH\] [NumberRange] - adds inclusive and exclusive end points 5. 24910 new [StringUtils].split methods that split on the whole separator string 5. 25560 [DateUtils].truncate() is off by one hour when using a date in DST switch 'zone' 5. 26056 \[lang\] Add methods to [ArrayUtils]: add at end and insert-like ops 5. 26659 \[lang\] add method to [DateUtils] to get the distance between 2 dates 5. 26922 \[lang\] public static boolean [DateUtils].equals(Date dt1, Date dt2) ? 5. 27640 \[lang\]\[patch\] [ClassUtils].primitivesToWrappers method 5. 27643 \[lang\]\[patch\] [ClassUtils].newInstance method 5. 27876 \[lang\] [ReflectionToStringBuilder].toString(null) throws exception by design 5. 29149 \[lang\] [StringEscapeUtils].unescapeHtml() doesn't handle an empty entity - *Empty entity is in fact illegal HTML, so need to decide if we should ignore* 5. 29163 Make [StopWatch] validate state transitions - *Coding needed* \\ 5. 26297 \[lang\] [BitSetUtils] class, toIndexArray and fromIndexArray - *DONE - Gary to confirm, looks like primitive overloads are still needed* 5. 27877 \[lang\]\[patch\] Make [ClassUtils] methods null-safe and not throw an IAE. - *DONE? - Gary to confirm* \\