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Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.3.6


  • WICKET-693|] - What to do with the wicket dtd?
  • WICKET-1403 - Reinjection fails after Server restart
  • WICKET-1483 - Unusual ClassCastException
    (SimpleAttributeModifier to IBehaviorListener) processing onError.
  • WICKET-1504 - AutoCompleteTextField - javascript error "type
    mismatch" in line 227 in IE
  • WICKET-1567 - AutoLinkResolver does not work with <a
    href="#internal">Internal link</a>
  • WICKET-1605 - onclick is null or not an object in IE6, IE7;
  • WICKET-1619 - PagingNavigator.setEnabled(false) doesn't work
  • WICKET-1689 - style resources not looked up correctly in
    markup inheritance
  • WICKET-1781 - ParentResourceEscapePathTest fails on OS X using
    cmd line maven
  • WICKET-1855 - Using an AjaxSubmitLink outside of a Form does
    not set the form property
  • WICKET-1864 - MockHttpServletRequest does not support absolute
    redirection URLs.
  • WICKET-1868 - i18n package resource resolving depends too much
    on available locale
  • WICKET-1871 -
  • WICKET-1886 - WicketTester Cookie handling
  • WICKET-1890 - Palette.onBeforeRender() throws
    IllegalArgumentException in cases when Palette is invisible.
  • WICKET-1901 - Spelling error in fonts list in CaptchaImageResource
  • WICKET-1903 - RadioChoice disable certain choice bug
  • WICKET-1904 - CheckBox incorrectly converts its model value
    when a custom Boolean converter is installed - again
  • WICKET-1906 - AutocompleteTextField throws javascript error
    Object Required
  • WICKET-1909 - Wrong translation for StringValidator.range in
  • WICKET-1914 - Form.appendDefaultButtonField produces invalid
    JavaScript if Ajax is disabled
  • WICKET-1915 - wicket:message sometimes broken
  • WICKET-1930 - FileUpload.writeToTempFile uses field Id as
    filename - Windows doesn't support some characters
  • WICKET-1943 - Wicket is changing the HTML within an input tag,
    autocomplete attribute from off to false
  • WICKET-1955 - Error about misplaced <wicket:head> very
    uninformative and incorrect
  • WICKET-1959 - PropertyResolver causes memory leaks with proxies
  • WICKET-1970 - package goal does not work ,
    com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.enums.EnumMapConverter issue
  • WICKET-1998 - setResponsePage redirects to wrong url
  • WICKET-2006 - The page set by setReponsePage does not process
    its own response.
  • WICKET-2037 - Should adding AJAX behaviour to a page make it stateful?
  • WICKET-2038 - Missing redirects in AjaxPagingNavigationLink
    and AjaxPagingNavigationIncrementLink
  • WICKET-2048 - HtmlProblemFinder documentation bug
  • WICKET-2077 - SerializationChecker issue
  • WICKET-2079 - Component Use Check always fails for visible
    components inside an invisible border body
  • WICKET-2087 - typo in
  • WICKET-2091 - Error feedback is hidden by lower level messages
  • WICKET-2095 - error in modal.js wrong use of typeof
  • WICKET-2096 - MultiFileUploadField.js can't find file input
    when serving pages as XHTML
  • WICKET-2100 - DynamicImageResouce blocks loading of AjaxLazyLoadPanel
  • WICKET-2109 - IResourceStream.close is not called by
  • WICKET-2130 - Pages stored in Session.touchedPages aren't
    detached when part of ModalWindow
  • WICKET-2131 - RequestCycle.urlFor does not escape & properly
  • WICKET-2140 - FormComponentPanel should not add a name attribute
  • WICKET-2142 - Getting live sessions from RequestLogger results in NPE
  • WICKET-2151 - WicketSessionFilter doesn't takes into account
  • WICKET-2154 - ServletWebRequest#getURL does not return relative URLs
  • WICKET-2156 - StringResourceModel's Localizer cannot be overwritten
  • WICKET-2191 - WebApplication is not thread-safe
  • WICKET-2234 - typo in pom.xml
  • WICKET-2236 - Palette problem in IE7 Problem
  • WICKET-2243 - WicketSessionFilter assumes that the
    WicketFilter has already been inited


  • WICKET-1895 - AjaxButton should have a constructor to set the label
  • WICKET-1921 - Add an extension of AutoCompleteTextField which
    includes default css
  • WICKET-1965 - Remove final from MarkupCache#clear()
  • WICKET-1984 - MarkupContainer's add(final Component child)
    does not initially check for a child null reference
  • WICKET-1986 - MarkupContainer's addOrReplace(final Component
    child) does not initially check for a child null reference
  • WICKET-2072 - Allow for maps in the widgetProperties
  • WICKET-2090 - Need reliable hook for storing/restoring data
    to/from page metadata that is tes compatbile
  • WICKET-2160 - is outdated

New Feature

  • WICKET-1900 - Implement isEscapeLabalMarkup for RadioChoice
