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When users want to query results from IQ, they need to know the start time of the window to get results. For most users it will be windowSize+the time they're looking at, since windows are defined backwards in SlidingWindows. For example, if there's an incident at 9:15am and they have a window size of 10 minutes, they're looking for a window with the start time of 10:15. If they don't have the exact time, they can use a range query and traverse through the results to get the one they're looking for.

Code Block
// Define the processing topology (here: WordCount)
KGroupedStream<String, String> groupedByWord = textLines
  .flatMapValues(value -> Arrays.asList(value.toLowerCase().split("\\W+")))
  .groupBy((key, word) -> word, Grouped.with(stringSerde, stringSerde));

// Create a window state store named "CountsWindowStore" that contains the word counts for every minute, grace period of 2 minutes
  .count(Materialized.<String, Long, WindowStore<Bytes, byte[]>as("CountsWindowStore"));

// Get the window store named "CountsWindowStore"
ReadOnlyWindowStore<String, Long> windowStore ="CountsWindowStore", QueryableStoreTypes.windowStore());

// Fetch values for the key "world" for all of the windows available in this application instance.
// To get the latest window, we can pull all existing windows and iterate through to the last one
Instant timeFrom = Instant.ofEpochMilli(0); // beginning of time = oldest available
Instant timeTo =; // now (in processing-time)
WindowStoreIterator<Long> iterator = windowStore.fetch("world", timeFrom, timeTo);
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
  KeyValue<Long, Long> next =;
  long windowTimestamp = next.key;
 System.out.println("Count of 'world' in the last window @ " + windowTimestamp + " is " + next.value);

// close the iterator to release resources

Processing Windows

To process a new record, there are three major steps.
