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Welcome to Struts Action Framework 2

Struts Action Framework 2 is a web-based MVC framework that emphasizes simplicity and interoperability. Features of the framework include reusable UI template and themes, internationalization, dynamic form parameter mapping to JavaBeans, robust client and server side validation, and much more.

titleWork in progress!

Struts Action Framework 2 is at a pre-release, pre-Alpha stage. If you are just getting started with Action2/WebWork2, we recommend WebWork 2.2 as an entry point. WW2 is stable and production ready. When SAF2 is released, migration paths for WW2 and SAF1 developers will be available.

See the SAF2 release plan for details and status.

The online documentation is grouped into five sections.


The framework is designed to minimize coding so that developers can spend less time fussing with HTTP and HTML plumbing (leaving more time to work on the interesting parts of an application).


Several tutorials are available to help you get started with the framework, from all-purpose "soup to nuts" tutorials to specialty tutorials on portlets and database access.

Third Party Extensions

Third party extensions and other tools help integrate the framework into your development environment.

View Developers Guide

The framework offers a flexible view layer that supports multiple view technologies, including JSP, FreeMaker, and Velocity.

Core Developers Guide

In processing a request, the framework utilizes three key class types: Actions, Interceptors, and Results, which are configured using one or more XML documents (or Java 5 annotations).


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Extensions, Plugins, and Tools

Include Page
WW:Third Party Extensions
WW:Third Party Extensions

View Developers Guide

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WW: View Developers Guide
WW: View Developers Guide

Core Developers Guide

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WW: Core Developers Guide
WW: Core Developers Guide

Help with WebWork2